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  1. D

    Strictly by the Book Plays - Fri

    Since the All Star Break 2-1 +0.87 YTD TWO UNITS Ariz
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    Strictly by the Book Plays - Thur

    Considering such and distinguished and august line up of handicappers here at MJ's, I'm a little nervous about posting plays for the first time. Never the less, thought I'd give it a go. I've found a system that seems to be doing pretty had a pretty nice first half this season...
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    Could Fla really have a shot at the NL East title?

    I know there are a few folks here that follow the Marlins pretty well. I realize they are the "hot" team right now, but I'm wondering if they have it in the tank to make a realistic run at the NL East title. Reason I ask is that I found Fla at +1500. I usually never place a futures wager...
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    Money sure flowing in on Atlanta

    Line keeps going up, up, up...
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    Cal Ripken, Jr to Retire...End of an Era

    Said he wanted to go out on his own terms...guess he's gonna get his wish. He's a class act IMHO...enjoyed watching him play.
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    InterLeague Play - Natural Progression of the Game or Marketing Hype - Opinions?

    You know...I'm sure a lot of this forthcoming rant has to do with the fact that interleague play has not been too kind on my bankroll (for yet, another year) and therefore I'm just in a plain ol' foul mood. But then again, maybe some of it speaks from the heart of fan who once revered the major...
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    Don't tell me Fla blows a 7-0 lead to the DRays??

    Was 7-0 going into the ninth, wasn't it? Last score I've seen it's 7-4??? Noooooo!
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    Effect of Coast to Coast Travel on Back to Back Days?

    Noticed we have two teams tonight that played yesterday at home on the East Coast and then had to travel to the West Coast for late games today...Balt/Sea and TB/Oak Liked both the M's and the A's anyway, but this may make it a stronger play in my book. Anyone keep an eye on this kind of angle?