Search results

  1. Gainsford

    Sunday 🥅

    Previous 2-0 +2 Units YTD 95-71-10 +14.6 Units STL/Preds OVER 6-15 NYI/TOR OVER 6-15 CBJ/ANA OVER 6-10 BOL
  2. Gainsford

    Friday 🥅

    Previous 0-1 -1.15 Units YTD 92-71-10 +11.6 Units Peg/Cats OVER 6.5-33 BOL
  3. Gainsford

    😇Thursday 🥅

    Previous 2-1 +.8 Units YTD 92-70-10 +12.8 Units Wild/Stars OVER 6-15 Good Luck
  4. Gainsford

    Tuesday 🥅

    Previous 1-0 +1 unit YTD 90-69-10 + 12 Units Sharks/Preds UNDER 6-15 Devs/Yotes OVER 6-30 Veg/Van UNDER 6-20 BOL
  5. Gainsford

    Saturday 🥅

    Previous 1-0-1 +1 Unit YTD 89-69-10 +11 Units CBJ/Det OVER 6.5-15 BOL
  6. Gainsford

    Friday 🥅

    Previous 2-0 +2 Units YTD 88-69-9 +10 Units Buf/Fla OVER 7-05 Wild/Blues OVER 6-15 I don?t assume either will come easy, but then again they never do. Glancing back quickly over the games that have had 7?s posted by the books, and they seem to mostly fly over. Minny and STL, two teams where...
  7. Gainsford

    Thursday 🥅

    Previous 0-1 -1.2 Units YTD 86?69-9 +8 Units Leafs/Stars OVER 6.5-15 Nucks/Yotes UNDER 6.5-30 On Stars Over based on the fact Leafs scoring 6 a game on their own pretty much. I Had it come out as a 6.5-7 on my machine, usually a pass there but let?s hope the goals keep coming. Ari Under...
  8. Gainsford

    Wednesday 🥅

    Previous 1-0 +1 Unit YTD 86-68-9 +9.2 Units Wings/Jets OVER 6-20 Jets aren?t scoring much, but hoping they have a little fire after 2 losses, with an opponent coming in after playing last night.... BOL
  9. Gainsford

    Tuesday 🥅

    Previous 1-0-1 +1 Unit YTD 85-68-9 +8.2 Units Wild/Preds OVER 6-10 BOL
  10. Gainsford

    Sunday 🥅

    Previous 3-0 +3 units YTD 83-64-8 + 7.2 Units MIN/Caps OVER 6-15 Veg/Van UNDER 6-20 feels like I may be diving into a flabby armed spanking machine here...
  11. Gainsford

    Saturday 🥅

    Previous 0-1 -1.2 Units YTD 81-68-8 +4.2 Units Just gonna ride the obvious overs today and hope for a little puck luck!! FLA/NJD OVER 7-10 TOR/PHI OVER 6.5-15 CBJ/BOS OVER 6.5-05 BOL
  12. Gainsford

    Wednesday 🥅

    Previous 1-0 +1 Unit YTD 81-67-8 +5.4 Units Sharks/Yotes UNDER 6-20 BOL
  13. Gainsford

    Tuesday 🥅

    Previous 1-0 +1 Unit YTD 80-67-8 +4.4 Units NYI/CBJ OVER 6-05 BOL
  14. Gainsford

    Monday 🥅

    Previous 1-0 +1 Unit YTD 79-67-8 +3.4 Units ARI/EDM OVER 6.5-10 BOL
  15. Gainsford

    Saturday 🥅

    Previous 1-0-1 +1 Unit -14 seconds from a losing night YTD 78-67-8 +2.4 Units circled a bunch of games this morning. 4 of them unders, and 1 (Bos/NYI) that I would have jumped on. But again, look at last night Overs flying like crazy. So looks like one play Devs/Caps OVER 6-20 BOL
  16. Gainsford

    Friday 🥅

    Previous 0-1 -1.05 Units YTD 77-67-7 +1.5 Units Pens/Rangers UNDER 6-20 CBJ/Win OVER 6-30 BOL
  17. Gainsford

    Thursday 🥅

    Previous 0-1 -1.3 Units YTD 77-66-7 +2.5 Units Van/Min OVER 6-05 BOL
  18. Gainsford

    Wednesday 🥅

    Previous 1-0 +1 Unit YTD 77-65-7 +3.8 Units NJD/TML OVER 6.5-30 BOL
  19. Gainsford


    Previous 0-1 -1.1 Units YTD 76-65-7 +2.8 Units Blues/Caps OVER 6-20 looking at Preds/Kings Under 6-20, have to ponder that one BOL
  20. Gainsford

    Monday 🥅

    Previous 1-1 -.1 Units YTD 76-64-7 +3.9 Units Had a couple of Unders circled over the weekend that I was too gutless to pounce on (B?s, Canes) Looked at B?s under again this am but Habs too much of a ? Also peeked at Veg/Min Over, should go but Wild are such a mixed bag For Now, Oil/Avs...
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