Search results

  1. Riems


    Iowa st -3 1100/1000 Kansas -3.5 600/500 Umass -3 550/500 Tenn pk 1100/1000 Gl people :toast:
  2. Riems


    -7 600/500
  3. Riems

    Baffled but F it

    Rec 17-3 1-1 LN Got some info from a syndicate in Vegas who are on the clips.. I don't like it Going to keep the trend going.. And I just don't like the clips. Denver -4 550/500 :popcorn2
  4. Riems

    Wednesday night drinking club

    16-2 Miami -15 550/500 Should be an easy W. :0074
  5. Riems

    Case of the Mondays

    Rec: 15-2 since 1/30 Over 195.5 Orlando 600/500
  6. Riems


    Miss St Louis New Mex Tenn All nickels, GL :toast:
  7. Riems

    Fryday happy hour

    Rec: 14-2 since 1/30 Boston -3.5 600/500 $2 dolla draft.... Sure :toast:
  8. Riems


    Rec: 14-1 Over Chicago 178.5 550/500
  9. Riems

    Teaser 7:1

    4 point tease NBA Indy Miami Chic Clip NCAA Indy Af 300/2100 :0corn
  10. Riems

    Tuesday and updated record

    So I've been getting killed in college hoops, may say F it and stick with NBA. Record since 1/30/13 is: 13-1!!!!:0074 Didn't post Boston or nets on 2/1/13 but nonetheless hit both. So could say 11-1 Either way you look at it only lost 1 game in about a month. Going with Indy tonight -8...
  11. Riems


    -5 550/500
  12. Riems

    Saturday on bourbon

    Bout to go sloshing around on bourbon st... Should cause for a show just short of shit. Anyways Cavs -5 600/500
  13. Riems

    Wednesday night drinking club

    Miami -5 550/500 Too big for Atl to handle 8-12 pt win :0008
  14. Riems

    Presidents' Day?

    ND +10.5 550/500
  15. Riems

    W mich

    -13 600/500 Soley based on the fact that they destroyed NI @ NI and some retard from Vegas just called me and said take NI. Gl:toast:
  16. Riems

    Thirsty thurs

    Wku -2 600/500
  17. Riems


    Unlv nickel
  18. Riems

    Post mardi GRAS hangover

    Atl Brook Indy All nickels :SIB
  19. Riems

    Thirsty Thursday

    Oregon -6 600/500 Yeah I've only got 100+ posts.. 4-0 last 4 posts up $3000. Didn't post Super Bowl. But had Balt. I'm just sayin:SIB
  20. Riems

    Wednesday night drinking club

    New mex -11 1200/1000
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