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  1. Duff Miver

    The Orange blob

    One lie after another. Whatta' steaming heap of shit.
  2. Duff Miver

    The April Fool :mj07:
  3. Duff Miver

    A new record for tRump?

    Four lies in 30 seconds. A new record?
  4. Duff Miver

    Read this And tell us how YOU would respond. A. I hear you and I will get right on it. B. Times are tough all over. Hell's Bells, I can't even play golf. c. Fuck you. I'm in charge and you are...
  5. Duff Miver

    Donald The Orange Blob

    Will be rubbing shoulders with the unwashed masses when he attends Easter Services. He'll be at his usual place of worship. Mar-A-Lago One question for the Trumpettes: Why do the Jesus-Freaks love this son of Satan? Are they just jealous of all the skank pussy he's eaten?
  6. Duff Miver

    Donald Dickhead, wartime President

    Right up there with Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. :facepalm: So where's John Wilkes Booth when we need him?
  7. Duff Miver

    Trump has put Biden in the White House.

    After all Trump's denials, lies, bullshit and general fucking up on the coronavirus, voters will want a steady hand, not a self-centered, incompetent, stupid, lying piece of dogshit.
  8. Duff Miver

    Ten years from now, people wiill ask...

    Where were you when the market took a Trump Dump? :facepalm:
  9. Duff Miver

    tRump rewrites the record book

    The 13 biggest loss days on the NYSE all belong to tRump. The right-wing hero Donnie Dipshit.
  10. Duff Miver

    Trump has the virus under tremendous control

    Our Hero to the rescue - :toast:
  11. Duff Miver

    Go Donnie....GO!!!

    Keep that stupid shit up. Your ass will hit the street in November. Even the ignorant bigots will gag if you feed them enough shit.
  12. Duff Miver

    tRump is dead meat

    The democrats can run Biden or Sanders, or a rescue from an animal shelter. Any of them will bury tRump. All they've got to do is play this video - Now, this is just my hunch, but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this and it...
  13. Duff Miver

    The corona virus is a Democrat HOAX!!!!

    Thank God for a truth-teller.
  14. Duff Miver

    Listen to this shit

    Black is white, up is down, right is left, bad is good, and shit don't stink. :142smilie
  15. Duff Miver

    So where are the three tRump dipshits?

    What, no more "but Hillary", no more "Sleepy Joe", no more "Mini Mike"? *crickets* Maybe they all came down with the Democrat planted coronavirus. Even they will have to admit the Dems created a really cool virus which attacks only those with IQs below 85. I hear Pence is in intensive care...
  16. Duff Miver

    Where are The Three Stooges?

    Have they finally gagged on the tRump maggot? :shrug:
  17. Duff Miver

    Pooooooor Mike Pence

    tRump put him in charge of the virus response. When it gets worse, as it certainly will, he'll dump Pence from the ticket in September. Trump/Hannity for 2020. :facepalm:
  18. Duff Miver

    tRump gets bitch-slapped

    tRump says we'll have a vaccine in 3-4 months. Head of CDC says: "No,Donny Dipshit, it will take a year or more." l
  19. Duff Miver

    Please dear God,

    Give Donald Trump and Mike Pence a good, solid dose of coronavirus. But don't worry about them. Trump's will go away in April and Pence will pray his away.
  20. Duff Miver


    That tRump will stop lying? At a Thursday press conference at which he announced Pence would head up the U.S. response to the coronavirus, Trump said the number of cases was ?going very substantially down, not up.? Since then, however, the number of reported cases has continued to climb. Yes...
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