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  1. StevieD

    Bush to acknowledge mistakes in Iraq I think the important question to ask is when did he realize things were not going so good in Iraq? Why did he lie to the American people, GardenWeasel in particular, to get them to believe that "Stay the Course" was working? And why...
  2. StevieD


    Keep an eye on this one. Has been on a run lately and usually flies this time of year. They are the people behind Flash video. It's a penny stock so be careful. ONT closed 12/27 @ $1.09.
  3. StevieD

    Now That Bush.....

    agrees with most of us and the "liberal" blogs that this situation in Iraq is not going too well. Do guys like Gardenweasel think he is unpatriotic and should be called Comrade Bush?
  4. StevieD

    Rumsfeld bids farewell to Pentagon

    Rumsfeld bids farewell to Pentagon By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer 12 minutes ago In an emotional farewell, Donald H. Rumsfeld said Friday the single worst day of his nearly six years as secretary of defense occurred when he learned of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse in Iraq. Speaking to...
  5. StevieD

    Panel: Start withdrawing from Iraq By ANNE PLUMMER FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago A commission on the war in Iraq recommended new and enhanced diplomacy Wednesday so the United States can "begin to move its combat forces" out of the country...
  6. StevieD

    OLd School Video Game Duck Hunt

    Check out this site. These guys have a video dedicated to Duck Hunt. :142smilie :142smilie
  7. StevieD

    Carlyle Group White House

    The Carlyle White House By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Columnist Tuesday 14 November 2006 It was bad enough when the Carlyle Group bought Dunkin' Donuts last year, forcing millions of conscientious caffeine addicts to look elsewhere for their daily fix. Now...
  8. StevieD

    Bush Must Resign Now!!

    "Secretary Rumsfeld and I agreed that sometimes it's necessary to have a fresh perspective," Bush said in the abrupt announcement during a post election news conference After 5 years of telling us things are going good in Iraq. That he has a plan and his plan is working. It is obvious now that...
  9. StevieD

    America Has Spoken

    Now, lets keep that creep and his Neocon friends under wraps. I dunno what to do about Iraq but it is better dealt with outside of the hands of these incompetent freaks. Ya gotta love it
  10. StevieD

    Insulting Our Troops

    Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence, by Thomas L. Friedman New York Times, November 3, 2006 George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do. They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by John Kerry -- a man who is not even running...
  11. StevieD

    Fox News ratings Its audience is down 24 percent from a year ago By Kevin Downey Nov 2, 2006 October was the 10th anniversary of Fox News, and in that 10 years it has risen to the No. 1 cable news network, riding on the tagline "Fair and...
  12. StevieD

    Camp Falcon Any thoughts on this. It was brought to my attention by a co-worker. I don't know what to make of it. :shrug:
  13. StevieD

    It Ain't Kentucky But....

    Mass. economy growing at twice the rate of US The Massachusetts economy, boosted by demand for technology products, expanded in the third quarter at twice the rate of the US, the University of Massachusetts reported. The state's economy grew at an estimated 3.4 percent annual rate in the...
  14. StevieD

    Stay the Course

    During an interview today on ABC?s This Week, President Bush tried to distance himself from what has been his core strategy in Iraq for the last three years. George Stephanopoulos asked about James Baker?s plan to develop a strategy for Iraq that is ?between ?stay the course? and ?cut and...
  15. StevieD

    Why Did Oil Go Down?

    Did the Chinese suddenly stop buying it? Do they know winter is coming and we will need oil to heat our homes? Is it close to an election?:shrug:
  16. StevieD

    Katherine Harris says failure to elect Christians will `legislate sin'

    Another Republican Idiot Opens her Mouth The Orlando Sentinel Aug. 25, 2006 Katherine Harris says failure to elect Christians will `legislate sin' By Jim Stratton ORLANDO, Fla. - Rep. Katherine Harris said this week that God did not intend for the United States to be a "nation of...
  17. StevieD

    Bush, Iraq Civil War

    Bush voices concern over talk of an Iraq civil war By Sue Pleming Mon Aug 21, 3:17 PM ET President George W. Bush voiced concern on Monday over talk in the United States of a civil war in Iraq, prompting speculation he may be coming around to the idea and considering a future exit strategy...
  18. StevieD

    This is Genius

    George Bush does Sunday Bloody Sunday.
  19. StevieD

    The World's Greatest Rock Band

    These guys are great! :142smilie :142smilie
  20. StevieD

    Iraq Civil War

    US Gen. Abizaid says civil war possible in Iraq Reuters Thursday, August 3, 2006; 10:34 AM WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Central Command on Thursday said sectarian violence in Baghdad was as bad as he has ever seen and could lead to a civil war. "Sectarian violence probably is...
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