Search results

  1. E

    thurs may 22

    cubs@Padres ov7 +111 0.9/1 I think these clubs scored a negative-2 runs yesterday. hmmm... Arrieta careerly always walks too many and I think opponents are hitting .969 against Stults this year (cubs .740 ops vs L as opposed to .649 vs R; they seem to prefer L for several years now). Slight...
  2. E

    tues may 20

    Eye bean preoccupied buy sum preoccupations. 32-33 +5.05 - ml 21-17 +6.06 (woof 13-9 +5.74) (meow 8-8 +0.32) tot 6-6 +0.85 (ov 5-6 -0.15) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-1 0 1st5 2-5 -1.71 (side 2-4 -1.2) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-4 -0.15 --- --error note:for May 3 (last app.) total...
  3. E

    Eovaldi needs a second pitch

    I mean other than that slider, that isn't fooling anyone, and that he threw about 4 times of his 69 pitches in the first...fastball, fastball, fastball. Only 24 but he could be a really good pitcher in a couple years if he can develop something else to go with the heat. Thank Hendrix Stults...
  4. E

    to more runs

    :0068 never count Kentucky fried until Buckethead plays 7 runs through 2 innings at Angels Stadium and if I don't hit this ov8.5 then I'm posting a Just In Biever song. you've been warned (check score before returning) note to not-self: I've never actually heard this guy or girl and maybe...
  5. E

    sat may 3

    32-31 +6.59 - ml 21-16 +7.06 (woof 13-8 +6.74) (meow 8-8 +0.32) tot 6-6 +0.85 (ov 5-6 -0.15) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-1 0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-4 -0.15 --- 1st5 Marlins +108 0.5/0.54 Marlins +110 1/1.1 --- --Marlins 13-4 at home and have won 7...
  6. E

    fri may 2

    31-29 +7.76 - ml 20-16 +6.06 (woof 12-8 +5.74) (meow 8-8 +0.32) tot 6-4 +3.06 (ov 5-4 +2.06) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-1 0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-4 -0.15 --- brewers +114 0.88/1 oak@Bost ov9 -102 1.02/1 balt@Min ov8.5 -119 1.19/1 --- --been...
  7. E

    wed apr 30

    30-29 +6.74 - ml 19-16 +5.04 tot 6-4 +3.06 (ov 5-4 +2.06) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-1 0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-4 -0.15 --- nym@Phil ov7.5 -103 1.03/1 Marlins +102 1/1.02 --- --total is way too low at Citizens Bank with a strong wind blowing out and two...
  8. E

    anybody have a solution for fake Java update nonsense?

    I've virus-scanned, reset my browser settings and done a few searches for solution on the net, but I'm still getting this crap. I go to to a web page and it redirects for another page saying I need a Java update, which is B.S. Going to any web page might bring it up; I even got it from...
  9. E

    no word on any postponements yet?

    Balt, NY, Philly, Cinci, Cws, KC, Min and, a little lesser, Stl all seem like good candidates. That's a lot of unknown forces to have to worry about.
  10. E

    mon apr 28

    29-29 +5.55 - ml 18-16 +3.85 tot 6-4 +3.06 (ov 5-4 +2.06) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-1 0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-4 -0.15 --- rockies +119 1/1.19 --- You Never Know <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//"...
  11. E

    sat apr 26

    27-25 +7.57 - ml 16-15 +3.33 tot 6-3 +4.06 (ov 5-3 +3.06) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-0 +1.0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-3 +0.39 --- pirates +104 0.5/0.52 phillies -128 1.28/1 rockies +113 1/1.13 laa@Nyy ov9 +100 1/1 P2 Mets -130 / Mariners -165 0.54/1 ---...
  12. E

    fri apr 25

    26-23 +7.57 - ml 16-14 +3.83 tot 5-3 +3.02 (ov 4-3 +2.02) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-0 +1.0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-2 +0.93 --- pirates +108 0.5/0.54 phil@Ariz ov9 -107 1.07/1 det@Min ov8.5 +104 1/1.04 P2 1st5 Brewers -172 / 1st5 Blue Jays -125 0.54/1...
  13. E

    holy cow, does the Jays pen ever suck recently

    I have no action--just a fan. They've been decent for a few years, and maybe for a week or two this season, but lately they have been pathetic. Jeez. I was thinkin' about the -120 opener but when it shot to -140'ish I said passola (thank Hendrix). Looked at the opening 1st5 number when it...
  14. E

    thurs apr 24

    24-22 +6.82 - ml 15-13 +4.08 tot 4-3 +2.02 (ov 3-3 +1.02) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-0 +1.0 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-2 +0.93 --- cardinals -125 1.25/1 --- --not such a stunner that the cards lost Wed. as for some reason they suck against lefties (2-3 this...
  15. E

    tues apr 22

    22-21 +4.23 - ml 15-13 +4.08 tot 2-3 -1.12 (ov 1-3 -2.12) (un 1-0 +1.0) team tot 1-0 +1.0 (ov) 1st5 2-4 -1.21 (side 2-3 -0.7) (tot 0-1 -0.51) parl 2-1 +1.48 --- tex@Oak ov8 +106 2/2.12 laa@Wash ov8 +102 1/1.02 P2 cardinals -150 / Brewers -144 0.55/1 --- I haven't been so hot at...
  16. E

    mon apr 21

    20-19 +3.45 - ml 15-13 +4.08 tot 2-3 -1.12 (ov 1-3 -2.12) (un 1-0 +1.0) 1st5 1-2 -0.99 parl 2-1 +1.48 --- 1st5 padres@Brewers un4 -102 0.51/0.5 1st5 Rockies -125 1/0.8 phillies ov3.5 +111 0.9/1 1st5 rangers -105 1.05/1 1st5 angels -102 0.51/0.5 --- Some notes to follow, barring...
  17. E

    sat apr 19

    17-18 +0.41 - ml 13-12 +2.04 tot 1-3 -2.12 1st5 1-2 -0.99 parl 2-1 +1.48 --- brewers -110 2.2/2 blue jays +104 1/1.04 orioles +126 1/1.26 hou@Oak ov7 -116 1.16/1 cws@Tex un9.5 -107 1.07/1 --- Me lame Fade fun Hulk Smash <iframe width="420" height="315"...
  18. E

    fri apr 18

    17-17 +1.51 - ml 13-11 +3.14 tot 1-3 -2.12 1st5 1-2 -0.99 parl 2-1 +1.48 --- Tigers -110 1.1/1 --- --Weaver has been grim against 3 poor hitting teams (seat,@HOU,nym) and his skills really seem to be declining overall; Smyly has good skills and has looked great in long relief; angels...
  19. E

    wed apr 16

    17-15 +3.03 - ml 13-11 +3.14 tot 1-2 -1.12 1st5 1-2 -0.99 parl 2-0 +2.0 --- lad@SF ov8 +100 1/1 P2 Marlins -142 / Padres -140 0.52/1 --- --Maholm was crap in his only start this season and it was against these same Giants...he was crap in his only meeting with them last season as well...
  20. E

    mon apr 14

    16-13 +4.13 - ml 13-10 +4.25 tot 1-2 -1.12 1st5 0-1 -1.0 parl 2-0 +2.0 --- pit@Cin ov7 -134 1.34/1 1st5 Brewers -110 1.1/1 Brewers -111 1.11/1 1st5 mets +111 1/1.11 --- --Strange choice, maybe, on going down to 7 on that total--I would've considered playing ov8.5 here, then it opened...
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