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  1. Trench

    Bring Back the Golden Fleece Awards

    Even though this is an old NY Times article, it's a good read. It's amazing that Proxmire never spent more than $200 on his political campaigns and some of that was on stamps to return campaign contributions from constituents. December 16, 2005 William Proxmire, Maverick Democratic Senator...
  2. Trench

    Move Your Money

    I moved mine about a year ago. No more "too big to fail" banks for me... <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen"...
  3. Trench

    CIA Agent "Outs" Bush/Cheney

    John Kiriakou, who worked for the CIA from 1990-2004, recently wrote a book titled "The Reluctant Spy". Below is a link to an interview he did on C-Span. This guy wasn't just another field agent at the CIA. He's fluent in Greek and Arabic, worked in both Intelligence and Operations, was...
  4. Trench

    Drill Baby Drill!!!

    It's interesting how Sarah Palin and Michael Steele have stopped chanting "Drill Baby Drill!" since April 20th. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...
  5. Trench

    Rush Limbaugh: "Dems jealous 9/11 didn't happen on their watch"

    Rush Limbaugh is Batshit Crazy! :142smilie <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  6. Trench

    We interrupt this broadcast for an important message...

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  7. Trench

    DTB's School of Political Debate

    1. Someone makes a fact based post that doesn't support Wayne's political ideology. 2. Wayne counters by completely disregarding the facts presented by the original poster and presents his own grammar and spelling challenged argument comprised of barely coherent ramblings about "Gumby" or "Da...
  8. Trench

    30 Republicans Who Support Rape

    And here they are... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess"...
  9. Trench

    The Global Economy is One Big Ponzi Scheme

    An excellent read. I highly recommend it. An excerpt: As economic decisionmakers, we all depend on the market for information to guide us, but the market is giving us incomplete information, and as a result we are making bad decisions. One of the best examples of this can be seen in the...
  10. Trench

    Are Insurance Companies Guilty of Infanticide?

    Rocky Mountain Health Plans is denying this 4 month old infant insurance coverage because he's "obese". For fuck's sake, the kid's a breast-fed 4 month old infant! These insurance company execs have no shame and no moral compass. Almost 45,000 uninsured and under-insured people die each year...
  11. Trench

    Remembering George

  12. Trench


  13. Trench


  14. Trench

    I am a Conservative

    I am a conservative. This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of...
  15. Trench

    Finally... A Democrat With Some "Cojones"

    US Congressman Alan Grayson enrages Right with ?Don?t Get Sick? healthcare gibe The American healthcare debate has found its latest TV star in a pugnacious Floridian who went to the floor of the House of Representatives with a sheaf of placards summarizing Republican health reform plans in two...
  16. Trench

    The U.S. Economy is Basically Sound

    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  17. Trench

    Why can't Tea-Baggers spell?

    If some of you righties can't find the spelling and/or grammar errors in these photos, just let me know. I'll be happy to help you out. :142smilie
  18. Trench

    Climate Change

    An excellent presentation by photographer James Balog revealing the results of his Extreme Ice Loss Survey. Very interesting time-lapse photography showing the extreme ice loss that's occuring world-wide. About 7 minutes and 30 seconds into the 19 minute video, he displays a graph revealing...
  19. Trench

    Max Baucus is The Angel of Death

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  20. Trench

    The 9.12 Project - Giving Morons a Voice

    Warning! This Video Contains Graphic Stupidity <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...
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