Search results

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    25-20 WGB un 74'-1st h-=-Brown tt un 13'-1st 10-CM tt un 13'-1st 10--gl
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    25-19 GT Rambin Wreck un 30'-1st 10--gl--:0074
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    Hayden Fry

    My all time favorite football coach--RIP
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    22-17 Cocks tt un 11' 1st 10 or un 51 tt game-either or both--gl
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    20-15 VCU un 31'-1st 10--gl-:00011
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    Chick Ball-12/21

    14-12 ytd GM Patriots un 135'--gl-:00011
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    18-15 JM un 64'-1st h-gl
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    12-8 GW un 133'-ChSo un 141'-Murray -2 Teasers BC +8/Penn -7---Ill +14'/EKY +21 gl--some more to come--gl--
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    Chick ball -12/19

    11-7 Until I get more time to cap and feel better about my picks will stick with a teaser again. My wife is doing much better. Gamecockettes -8/LSU ov 125--gl--:0008 Was going to play Ga un but left for golf before I put it in
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    15-14 blah blah blah lately--gl--:00011:00011:00011--the old eyes closed dart time UT Miners ov 128'--Terps un 31'-1st 10--Lumberjacks/Highlanders un 61 1st h
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    14-10 SB Seawolves un 19'1st h or un 45' game-take your pick-or both-gl--:00011:00011
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    Chick Ball-12/18

    10-7--struggling the last couple of days--xstop:0corn tease-- Chippewas un 157'/Longhorns un 145'---gl
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    14-9 D Flyers ov 133'--gl--:0008
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    9-5--1st losing day yesterday. let's try and bounce back--gl-:0008 Valpo-5
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    12-9 TT Red Raiders un 61 1st h--gl--:0008
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    Chick Ball-Monday

    8-3 These are iffy again asIi have little time and will be gone for most of the rest of the day--gl-:0008 Lip Lady Bison +14'--LC RAmblers -2' & un 136'--looking at NKy +3' but can't pull the trigger yet
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    Chick Ball-Sunday

    Been a while so need to get in the groove --gl-:0008 6-1 ytd Rh Is -3-NC-5-Chatt un 149'-MoSt -11'--gl-:0008
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    10-8 ytd Neb tt un 13'-1st 10-S Ill tt un11'-1st 10-SC tt un 7'-1st 5--gl--:0008
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    Totals--Part 1---Bowl Games-12/20--12/28

    Part 2 will be 12/30--1/13--will include playoff games as well-gl--:0008 Reg Season--111-83 +34" units
  20. H

    Totlas Saturday

    Been a while so not in betting shape yet CSF tt un 31'-1st h-Ala tt un 16'1st 10-Mem tt un 7'-1st 5--OD un 30'-1st 10--BYU un 68'-1st h--gl--:0008
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