Until I get more time to cap and feel better about my picks will stick with a teaser again.
My wife is doing much better.
Gamecockettes -8/LSU ov 125--gl--:0008
Was going to play Ga un but left for golf before I put it in
15-14 blah blah blah lately--gl--:00011:00011:00011--the old eyes closed dart time
UT Miners ov 128'--Terps un 31'-1st 10--Lumberjacks/Highlanders un 61 1st h
These are iffy again asIi have little time and will be gone for most of the rest of the day--gl-:0008
Lip Lady Bison +14'--LC RAmblers -2' & un 136'--looking at NKy +3' but can't pull the trigger yet