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    Jack, please check with bookmaker. Customer service will not correct this wager with the score change on the UCLA vs TX A&M. Tom 2nd half TX A&M +7 graded as a push, called or live chated 3 times. They will not correct the incorrect bet grading Great GUYS
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    Bookmaker down

    Pinnacle was down last night any seconardy sites or servers for bookmaker thanks in advance
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    betjam down secondary site

    any one got a secondary site
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    2 strong plays

    Bradley-4 and Buff +8 good luck
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    721 Niagara (1st 10 min)

    721 Niagara (1st 10 min) ML -300 wish me luck big class difference here
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    CBB Totals Limit Lowered by my Main Out

    Last Saturday I had a $50 limit placed on basketball totals by one of the books on Jacks preferred list, I can bet a side again after the line changes or the limit is reset. I not really a big player, just had some luck and had been playing line moves and a service that is strong in totals. I...
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    longhorn feast

    Arz +2 and over 62 both strong plays
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    Under Heat

    total at 193.5 up from open this am at 191 going under gl turk
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    Stanford 2nd Half

    Wager type : Straight Bet Sport : NCAA Basketball Selection : Stanford 12/22/2007 4:30:01 PM - (EST) Money Line -230 for 2nd Half
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    Like These 4

    Me posting is the kiss of death, but here go Alt +13 Tenn -3-120 Det+10-130 GB under 46 gl turk
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    It'a Early for a late night bail out

    ILL-4 gl turk
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    okla state drop tp -3

    going to the radio
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    John Rohde second quessing Oklha States's Gundy

    Looks like John been in the parking lot of The Daily Oklahoman eating some chicken also. WAD (what a dxck)
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    Tenn now -6

    up from -4, 2 hours ago Anyone got a handle on this game played at little at -4, may press it up with a tease to arz or houst thanks in advance for any comments turk
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    Let get it started

    San Ant over 190 GS pk-117 gl all turk
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    COLO +2.5 -170 OVER 8.5-115 OVER 6.5-240 ALL ONE UNIT good luck turk
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    whats up with this game, 17-3 b4 half time
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    OSU Texas Tech off the board

    Any one know why, OSU center is out and RB is ?. That's all I know. turk
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    OU Tulsa this Friday Night

    Fri 9/21 303 Oklahoma -20 -109 Tulsa +20-104 This Tulsa put on a show last night vs BYU. Oklahoma on next, any guess's on the total , who do you like? Tuilsa has a lot of heart, OU has the horses turk
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    Miami Flor vs OU

    No Jimmy or Barry this time Very wet in Norman: Raining Cats and Dogs Under 21.5 for the 1st half Wager type : Straight Bet Sport : NCAA Football Selection : Miami Florida (College Football)/Oklahoma (College Football) 9/8/2007 12:00:01 PM - (EST) Total Points...
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