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  1. H


    300-237 ytd:--gl (tourney 27-22) Okies un 12 tt 1st 10--Pres Blue Hose ov 146'-UCF Knights un 33' 1st 10--OhSt Buckeyes un 31 1st 10--UCI Anteaters un 28'-1st 10--gl:00011
  2. H


    Hooisers un 146'--Cocks -3'--OS 5' teasers-AM Aggies +11/Cocks +2--gl
  3. H


    227-163 ytd: gl
  4. H

    SS=Sums Saturday

    296-230--ytd (23-15 Tourney) M Terps un 34'-1st 10--Fla Gators un 28'1st 10--Bay Bears tt u 15'-1st 10-Aub Tigers ov 147--Green Spartans un 74 1st h--gl
  5. H

    TF=Totals Friday

    T Vols ov 148--Ute St ov 134'--gl:0008
  6. H

    TT=Totals Thursday

    281-218 ytd-gl 8-3 Tourney Let's start with 2 overs--Aub Tigers & Woff Woff Terriers both ov 145-:0008
  7. H


    226-160-ytd:--gl Right St Raiders un 132'--gl
  8. H

    WT=Wednesday Totals

    5-1 Tourney 278-216 ytd: Headed to the golf course so won't cap many today-gl NDSt Bison un 15-1st 5--gl
  9. H

    tt=Tuesdys Totals

    273-215-ytd: Treading lightly for a while--gl The Dick team ov 149-Ind ov 147-Tex ov 151--Camels un 67'-1st h-Loy Ramblers un 15'-1st 5--Clem u 62 1st h--gl
  10. H

    St Paddys Totals

    271-211--ytd Cinn un 58'-1st h--gl
  11. H

    St Paddy's Womens

    223-160--ytd: St Francis Red Flash un 133'--OS 5' Teasers--Camp Camels +1`8/MoStBears +14---Lib Flames +24/Am Eagles +13---gl
  12. H


    220-156--ytd: Har Crimson ov 120'-Prin Tigers ov 122'-Buff Bulls un 149'--NoIa Panthers un 130'--gl
  13. H

    Totals 3/16

    264-203 ytd: Valdosta St Blazers un 157'--Queen Royals un 161'--gl--:0008
  14. H


    258-198 ytd: Tem Owls ov 141--gl
  15. H


    214-154 ytd: WKy lady Toppers un 130'--MES lady Hawks un 124'--UCI Anteaters un 132'-Tx Rio V Vaqueros -2'--OS 5'Tease-Rio +3/UNI +1--gl
  16. H


    254-193 ytd:--gl RI Rams un 31 1st 10--gl
  17. H


    213-154--ytd: Early game--OD Lady Monarchs un 143'--gl
  18. H


    210-151 ytd: Not spending much time today and don't like much--gl OS 5' teaser-Charles +17/Char +4--gl
  19. H


    249-190 ytd: Irish tt un 7-1st 5--gl Just leaving have to be gone all morning
  20. H


    249-190 ytd: Running late just got in from around of golf
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