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  1. H

    Sums & Pups--Week #8

    Totals-ytd +2 units Dogs-ytd-+5 units Only dog I really liked this week was UAB +1' now they are favored by 2-will keep looking Totals this week will be mostly tt or 2nd half totals--gl--spent some time tweaking my 3 total systems-we'll see. gl
  2. H

    Tua and Bosa?

    What is Tua's status for this week? When is Bosa back for Oh State? TIA
  3. H

    Totals Week #7

    24-23--just making big bucks--:popcorn2 Bucs ov 49'--gl
  4. H


    21-20 Zona un 43' Miami un 42 Oak ov 48' Jack ov 40' Tenn un 41 Pitt un 53' gl
  5. H

    Sums Week #7 & something else

    Since I am just keeping my head above water unit wise with totals this year after a bad week #5-- I am going to be posting some dogs. My personal bets this year have showed me doing the best with dogs of over a fg. So I will post some for 2 weeks and if above .500 will continue to post them...
  6. H


    ytd--17-15 Jax ov 48--Buff un 39--Car un 44'--Oak ov 53'--Balt un 47' gl
  7. H

    Totals -10/4-10/6

    Leaving for Vegas back Friday. Might have some plays up late Friday or early Saturday? gl
  8. H

    Sums Week #4

    ytd: 13-10 Atl ov 51 GB un 45 Det un 43' Az un 38' Oak un 45 NO ov 50 Pitt ov 51 gl
  9. H

    Sums Week #5

    ytd: + 12 units Ark St Red Wolves ov 55--gl
  10. H

    Iowa State-Moo U

    They will be cranked up tomorrow at Jack Trice Stadium. They are dedicating the game to the lady golfer (B12 champ last year) who got killed on the golf course early one morning this week by a homeless punk. Everyone is wearing yellow her favorite color. I am an Iowa fan and we don't get...
  11. H

    Sums--Week #4

    ytd-24-17 The Dawgs--ov 63' Golden Domers un 61 gl
  12. H

    Totals Week #3

    8-5 ytd 43' is my favorite number Cinn ov 43' Donkeys ov 43' Radiers un 43' Pack ov 45' Boys un 41' gl
  13. H

    3 Putt

    What was that good weather site you used last year? Thanks:0008
  14. H


    14-9 1st look thru looks slim? Houston un 72--gl
  15. H

    Totals Week #2

    4-2 AZ un 45' Cle un 49' gl
  16. H


    Waiting for your take on Valor/Pamona game--gl
  17. H

    Totals Week #1

    Will mess with these for a while this year-I don't get it much time like I do the college. gl Buff un 40' Jax un 43' Oak un 49' glK
  18. H


    8-4 Nebraska Cornholers un 63--gl
  19. H


    Started 5-1 Back later--gl
  20. H

    Raymond's Outlaw Picks

    Ray will you be posting your picks for us here for free from your pay site?:0corn
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