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    Bowl Totals & Dogs-Part 3--12/29-12-30-Friday and Saturday

    Record later after tonight's games finish Dogs--Sun Devils+7'-Trojans +8'--Moo U (ISU) +4
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    Totals & Dogs--12/28

    Thinking about giving up on dogs soon-value is gone Dogs--37-35 Totals-19-12 Dogs-Prov +6 gl
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    Hawks Win A bowl Game-Really

    :toast::toast:--200 total yards-but key turnovers--Way to go Hawks. A win is a win!
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    Bowls-Totals & Dogs-Part 2--12/26 (Tues)--12/28 (Thurs)--11 Games

    Dogs--2-2 Totals-7-5 Dogs--Horns +2'-Trees +2' Totals--Tigers ov 60'--Wahoo's ov 55 More later--gl
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    Boo Birds--I mean Redbirds un 30'-1st 10--gl
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    Green +14 Noise +4 gl
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    15-10 ytd Pirates ov 126--gl
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    What's your thoughts on PU tonite?
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    LaVar Ball

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    Idaho Potato Bowl Weather

    Possible rain at ko turning to light snow--34 degrees lite wind
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    Bulls un 64-1st h--gl ytd: 13-8
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    Puppies--Thurs & Fri

    Post for both days here--if I don't win more units than I lose then I am putting dogs on the back burner for a while--gl Thursday- -So Al +10' -Trees +16 gl
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    ytd: 13-7 Bay ov 140'--gl
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    Rabbitts ov 154' Coyotes ov 157' gl--really 2 overs in 1 post from me:facepalm::popcorn2
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    Doggy Style-Tues

    Cocks +7' gl
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    Totals-- Week #16

    44-38 ytd: NE un 47 SF un 42' Seat ov 47' gl
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    Potato State un 72'-2nd h-2--gl
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    Bowl Totals & Dogs Week of 12/19-12/23

    Dogs-2-1 Totals--3-3 Watched very little bowl action yesterday. Hope to catch more games this week so I can maybe post some qtr-1/2-and tt plays--gl
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    George +11'--gl
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    Ruff Ruff Saturday

    32-24 ytd: Hoyas +3 UCLA +3 M Ten St +3' N Mex +15 But +7 Clem +5' gl
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