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  1. S


    was going to add these earnings to the oil thread but will also be doing some updates of some other companies... so will update CNQ,ECA, TLM, and Tek (which just trades on Toronto). looks like oil is going back up, thought it would fall to $45..(hard to ever guess the least for...
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    baseball may

    since the last two totals worked out will try my luck today. tampa bay white sox under 9 +105 two decent starting pitchers, so will try the under. thanks selkirk
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    oil....Alberta oil sands

    Recently I have received three reports from US brokerages that rated the top 20 countries in oil/gas production. Canada did not make the top 20, also heard a story that an enery conference only 3-14 US firms (US based financial companies) ever heard of the Alberta oil sands. It is interesting...
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    mr gic

    just an update from the last few trades. Atp.un hit a low of $11.07 Friday so I got the 400 shares. The option on CNR is now listed, and the sale of MPT.un and buying of ATP.un is now updated. MPT.un div of $39.58 and BNS dividend (december div) $75.58 are added to costs. which now stands...
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    Investing made simple

    ran into a chart that listed these companies dividends and compared them to 5 years ago. you would also notice these companies have grown their dividends over 5 years, many times before. DIVIDEND DIVIDENDS 5 YRs. AGO BMO $1.76 $.94 BNS $1.28...
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    under first half

    do not bet much college, however had a small wager on Auburn under 1st half and will do the same in this game. under 27 1st half both of these teams have good defenses, also the best teams have a top ranked defenses. Ok. USC, Auburn, VT. thanks selkirk
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    2004 predictions review and 2005

    Predictions 2004 Well another year of hits and misses, just like to thank everyone for the responses, the predictions have been online since 1998. 1. The economy should continue to do well, in the US economy will grow by more than 4% on average for the year, in Canada it will grow by at least...
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    steel stocks update

    would just like to update a few steel stocks for the year end. have metioned ipsco (thread question kirk) 11-09 it was then $37.80 cdn. 31.74us now sits at $54.82 cdn. and is up 45% (pays small div also). have put stops in place at $50 50% and $45 50%. the company is only trading at 8 pe...
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    Mr. GIC update

    Portfolio MR. GIC this is an update from sept to Dec. Saxon Small cap year end div is not included, next update. Saxon world growth div was reinvested to buy more units. BNS dividend fund divs of $7.16, $9.202 were added to costs along with missing clc.un div from last update. the costs...
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    value stocks. Benjamin Graham

    There was a recent artilce in the Cdn. Moneysaver by Norman Rothery. He overall liked the revised edition of The inteligent Investor, in which Zweig provides some footnotes to the orginal. He has every year given out a few selections based on a value basis, in the same model of Benjamin...
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    NFL prop and total

    a prop I like so it must be in trouble More passing yards Joey Harringiton +33.5 yards +115 Vinny -33.5 -145 like Joey in this prop +33.5 yards at +115. Dallas is not had a good passing game, of coarse not a very good running game either. still will take the plus yards. smaller play 1st...
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    Mr. GIC over $79,000

    the divdends are updated for July-Sept. total $917.61 and has been added to cash. BTE.un $180, BFI $70.14, Rei.un $150, D.un $219.60, Iur.un $117.87, BCE $60, CM $120. also wrote April $50 put .75/.85 for credit of $150 took the worse price for record purposes. money added to cash TLM sept...
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    Always check your statement

    have several accounts, and have one with etrade Canada. have positions in several income trusts and noticed that did not seem to get the monthly dividends on one income trust. should have noticed this sooner. the amount of the missing dividends was just under $500 for the missed dividends...
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    Mr. GIC $75,000 and counting

    updated to the end of June 30,2004, dividends = $642.19 from April to June. the number is slightly lower since income trusts .un were already calculated for April. dividends SMu.un $51, mfc $63,bte.un $120, BFC.un $42.50,rei.un $100,d.un $146.4, cm $120. wrote TEK.b $22 nov put took the...
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    Cdn.Superior, Nortel, Stelco moneyletter,CLL,KVL,...

    here is a round up of some stocks talked about previously in this forum. Cdn. Superior was briefly discussed in this forum. one time a friend had some extra money (spends it like water) and wanted to invest in stocks. He got a stock tip who plays some penny stocks about Cdn. Superior. then...
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    CNR earnings, CP, BCE annual report, Organic food club..ect

    just a few thoughts... CNR (CNI) came in with earnings this week for the quarter of EPS .73 cents compared to .85 cents last year. the number were better than expected and the stock went up slightly. a CAW strike where there was an agreement and then voted down cost the company 8 cents a...
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    Royal Bank RBC

    Royal Bank RBC (RY-NYSE-TSX) is one of the big five banks in Canada. the others being BNS, CM, TD, BMO. As a group they have outperformed TSX over the long term and have had a good run the last few years. it should be noted that the none of the big five would not be big on a global scale...
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    book on Afganistan

    here is a book review from the globe and mail, might be worth picking up, (still reading a book on Scurvey). thanks selkirk Ghost Wars:The Secret History of the CIA,Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion toSeptember 10, 2001By Steve CollPenguin Press, 695 pages $45 For 10 long...
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    earnings TD, CIBC CM, Encana ECA, ect.

    Plan to post some recent earnings of some stocks that I own or have been discussed on this board. hopefully these will be recent earnings but in some cases they may be 30 days old before I get them posted, these are all within the past week. TD, CIBC CM, Encana trade in Cdn. US. most figures...
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    2003 recap and 2004 predictions

    time to look back at the predictions of last year before the foolish predictions of 2004 are posted. The predictions have been an ongoing concern since 1998. my comments are in brackets, overall a good year for most of them..... 2003 predictions 1. inflation stays below 3%. should be...
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