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  1. B

    bjfinste>>> LOST ALERT!! ....

    supposed to be a new one.
  2. B

    Chanman >>>

    did you not get my e-mail? did you delete it as spam? or are you just plain ignoring me? ;)
  3. B

    4th grade homework help question....LOL

    it's a *thinking* project.... need to have 6 differences between lizards and snakes, and 6 similarities between them. legs/no legs slithers/walks are the only 2 he has so far, and mom is NOT a lizard or snake expert :) he said he can only have a *couple* physical descriptions, so there must...
  4. B

    Airport Question >>>

    anyone know right off hand if airports have lockers again? (particularly LAS)
  5. B

    Jack....Aladdin ??? >>>

    is this party at the same place that fletch mentioned early on at the Aladdin?? (although he said *night club* and you say *sports bar*, need to be sure!! what i'm wondering about is dress code, since the clothes on my back will be the only thing i have along, and would like a comfy plane...
  6. B

    I want to be a bear!!

  7. B

    Packers VS Moss ....LMAO
  8. B

    Clem D>>>>

    in answer to your moved question... i'd sit up and scream WOOOOOO HOOOOO, i am the SUPERIOR sex ;) :mj07:
  9. B

    bjfinste >>>>>

    my apologies if you were expecting a LOST reminder :( forgot there were episodes that you had missed, so you may have been interested in repeats.
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    Punt, Pass, Kick Competition

    anyone know if they use NFL regulation size footballs for the younger age groups, or do they use child sized footballs?
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    Mooning VS Pull Pants UP TD celebrations >>>

    any chance Mitchell was fined the same as moss for his pulling his pants up TD celebration in the MN/PHILLY game?? (keep in mind i'm NOT defending the majority of Moss' stunts here, just can't seem to understand the moon fine) my 2 cents on both *stunts*... MOSS - *pretends* to pull his pants...
  12. B

    I'm SUCH a flippin' Wuss!!!

    geez, we are FINALLY getting a snowfall of over an inch this season, and of all nights, i'm out of soda. :( rather than go dig out the car and fight with the traffic it seemed easier to order pizza and get the pop delivered....LOL when was the last time anyone was stupid enough to pay $50.00...
  13. B

    okay, who approved his parole???

    the subject says/asks it all...... no names are probably necessary ;)
  14. B

    bjfinste>>> don't forget to watch LOST!!

    this is the end of this public service announcement!
  15. B

    *sigh* my cats are pissing me OFF!!!!

    they just drug in a bear :( (okay PARTS from a bear)!!!! my neighbor is an avid hunter and always has carcasses (sp?) lying around in his yard.....usually it is deer, but right now he has a bear out there. guess he is trying to test the coyotes strength. they have the deer drug off within...
  16. B

    North/South AllStar Game ....anyone watching??

    if so, during the halftime show.....interviewing (chatting with) players.... punchline to one thing was *they're not white, they're yellow* anyone know the question that lead up to that answer??
  17. B

    Jack or IE ??? >>>>>>

    are pics from all the previous SB parties still hosted somewhere on the site?? if so, could you post the URL's please :D
  18. B's alzheimers...i know it please :) >>>

    somewhere during the past week i say a winning *weird warning lable* on a product...don't remember if it was at CNN, MSNBC, comcast, or even at a local news station or newspaper site.... if anyone else saw this, could you please tell me which lable the winning award went to so that i can...
  19. B

    guessing game :)

    who does this profile belong to? how many errors (or how much BS) can you find in it? Birthday: August 7, 1981 Biography: I am an avid Barry Sanders fan, even though he is retired, I still believe he is the best Running Back of our time. Location: San Diego, CA Interests: Sports...
  20. B

    for Eddies eyes only ;) post # 20 conains a link.
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