Search results

  1. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 40

    yest: 1-1 + 1 unit season: 73-73-2 + 2.32 units Every time I'm falling down All alone I fall to pieces I keep a journal of memories I'm feeling lonely, I can't breathe I fall to pieces, I'm falling Fell to pieces and I'm still falling chitty card today: suns/heat under 216 -108 x 2 magic...
  2. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 39

    yest: 2-2 -.08 units season: 72-72-2 + 1.32 units nj $ line + 138 x 2 gs/lal over 225 -105 x 3 gl
  3. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 38

    yest: 2-3 -1.82 units season: 70-70-2 +1.4 units Oh I had alot to say Was thinking on my time away I missed you and things weren't the same 'Cause everything inside it never comes out right And when I see you cry it makes me wanna die. I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry you're blue I'm sorry about...
  4. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 37

    yest: 1-2 -3.06 units season: 68-67-2 +3.22 units being the holiday season, i would like to give thanks and hope everyone can give thanks as well to a special individual. his name is joseph johnson. some of you might have heard of him. he is a true professional in every way. don't worry...
  5. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 36

    yest:1-3-1 -4.14 units season: 67-65-2 +6.28 units If your ass is a Chinese restaurant I'll have the poo-poo platter My friend Jerry Vandergrift kissed me in Home Ec. class Later in the afternoon some jarheads in the locker room kicked my ass I said guys I'm like you I like Monster Trucks...
  6. BleedDodgerBlue

    nba capping 101 fixed game

    heres my xmas gift to all of you that struggle to beat the nba. this doesn't help much, becuase you can't see it pre-game unless you study the line movements......but heres a brief recap of this shady league and take it for what its worth: overnight, celtics open as -8.5 favorites.... sharps...
  7. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 36

    yest: 4-0 +9.99 units season: 66-62-1 +10.42 units The sun will come out, tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow, there?ll be sun Jus? thinkin? about, tomorrow Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow ?til there?s none When i?m stuck with the day that?s gray and lonely I just stick out...
  8. BleedDodgerBlue

    Chip Reese dead

    For those who follow poker or may have watched on tv, the guy who many consider the best all around player and biggest winner ever in cash games has died. He didn't play many tournaments, but he did win the first HORSE 50k buy in tournament last year. Can't say I ever knew him, but word is he...
  9. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 35

    yest: 2-3 -1.43 units season: 62-62-1 +0.45 units nearing the quarter point of the season. so far I've wagered over $25,000 on the nba this season. I have a .500 record of 62-62 and am up a whopping $90. Some say it sure beats losing, but this is parity at its finest. Let's see what the...
  10. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 34

    yest: 60-59-1 +1.92 u I'm diggin' my way I'm diggin' my way to somethin I'm diggin' my way to somethin' better I'm pushin' to stay I'm pushin' to stay with something I'm pushin' to stay with something better I'm sowin' the seeds I'm sowin' the seeds I've taken I'm sowin' the seeds I take for...
  11. BleedDodgerBlue

    New Era In Oaktown

    And so it begins for us silver and black losers. Jamarcus Russel is here to stay.........:mj07:
  12. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 32

    yest: 2-2 +2.87 season: 58-57-1 +1.92 u welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...come inside come inside wiz -2.5 -112 x 2 minny $line + 380 x 2 bucks $line +156 x 2 hou/sac over 193 + 100 x 2 gl
  13. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 31

    56-55-1 -0.95 units 76rs -2 -111 x 2 knickerbockers $ line +112 x 2 heat $ line +132 x 3 supersillysupersonicsuperdupersupersonic $ line +117 x 5. biggest play of my year. they finally get a home win tonight. gl
  14. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 29

    yest: 3-1 +4.73 units season: 54-52-1 +0.41 units Mother weep the years I'm missing All our time can't be given Back Shut my mouth and strike the demons Cursed you and your reasons Out of hand and out of season Out of love and out of feeling So bad When I can, I will Words defy the...
  15. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 28

    yest 2-2 +0.26 units season 51-51-1 -4.32 units R.I.P. DUBROW (QUIET RIOT): Grammar school story: must have been 5th grade...on the school yard. Had a crush on Angela...last name escapes me now. We were about to play kickball and got into a verbal fight over who was better Def Leppard or...
  16. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack monday

    in a hurry jazz/knicks over 194 +100 x 2 blazers + 5 +100 x 2 warriors $line +175 x 2 mavs -12 -108 x 3 gl
  17. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 26

    yest: 2-3 -1.20 uns season: 48-47-1 -2.66 units no lyrics today....not feeling lyrical bulss + 4.5 +100 x 2. i know it started, but play o'night....line stunk....end of long road trip and only catching under 5......betting nba 101..... jazz $line -110 x 2 lal -7 +100 x 2 gl
  18. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 25

    yest: 2-2 +0.90 units season: 46-44-1 -1.46 units Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for long, long years Stole many man's soul and faith And I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate...
  19. BleedDodgerBlue

    Ohio St. or USC

    not asking for anyones opinion of whether or not they think its right. just looking for anyone who follows the polls closer than i do, if under any scenario its possible that either Ohio St. or USC play in the title game. I know Ohio St. has an outside chance, and USC might be really far...
  20. BleedDodgerBlue

    crack day 24

    last post: 4-1 +3.9 units season: 44-42-1 -2.36 units Miami blowing a 10 point lead with 5 to go cost me a 13 unit day Wednesday. Fck the heat. Mother Tell your children not to walk my way Tell your children not to hear my words What they mean What they say Mother Mother Can you keep them...
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