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  1. Jinxbreaker

    Hotel in NY CITY

    Hey guys, I looking to stay somewhere in the city in Sept for the Sox/Yankees series. Going to Jets/Pats game the next day. Want something in the city for the night life, but don't know where to stay. Looking for a 2-3 star hotel to just pass out in. Thanks P.S. How hard is it to get to...
  2. Jinxbreaker

    24 Help Tonight!!

    I DVR'ed 24 and because of the F'ing President I missed the last 20 Min's. Saw up until Henderson entering the House. Any help would be great.
  3. Jinxbreaker

    Getting Married in 14 hours!!!

    Either shoot me or wish me Luck!!!!!!Well I'm a betting man since I'm on this board and intend to lower that D word to under 50%. IT'S SHOW TIME. Since it's rained every day since Feb 17 in Hawaii(92 inches in March) I'm taking the SUN WITH THE POINTS!!!!
  4. Jinxbreaker

    Where's the Dicky V cartoon?

    Sorry, I went to forward it to someone and can't find it. It's a funny video. Thanks
  5. Jinxbreaker


    Here's a Link. White will probably not play. W/8 Players I Like SDst + the points.
  6. Jinxbreaker


    Anyone just witness this. Here I am going to blast Sherman for being the worst coach and this happens There might be a betting GOD out there after all.
  7. Jinxbreaker

    CELTICS 0-7

    For bettors out there who haven't followed this (or been on the wrong side the last 3 games) they have not covered since the HOU game and 1-9 overall in last 10. What is the longest streak anyone has been on w/out a team covering. I'm thinking of starting to double down Wed night until they...
  8. Jinxbreaker

    PC LINE?

    Why no line on the Vt/PC gane tonight? Anyone seen it anywhere. Thanks
  9. Jinxbreaker

    #41 Texas Tech

    Anyone watching this game. In one series he has 2 15yd PF's and a missed sack of 17 yards. Take his JERSEY from him.