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  1. Agent 0659

    1-0 fantasy football team up for highest bidder

    Entry into our league was $150. Packers has not paid and has been removed from the league. He won his 1st game. I will start the bidding at $100. Auction closes Friday at 10am ET. :0corn :0corn :0corn
  2. Agent 0659

    Charlie Sheen interviews Obama on 9/11

    Good shit! Seems there are a LOT more tin foil hats in the world these days, including members of the 9/11 commission.
  3. Agent 0659

    Point guard coming to visit

    Just thought jar head and the like would want to know. He is coming in October to help with my team. He is an amazing coach. We have a D1 prospect he is coming to mentor. Jack, he still swears you banned him and shut him out of forum he cannot even view it. Time to bring him back! Wouldn't...
  4. Agent 0659

    Pet peeve #9,242

    Motorcycle riders: you guys pass each other and do that silly little low wave. :rolleyes: What am I missing here? What if every person in a car did that..... :rolleyes:
  5. Agent 0659

    IPOD car hook ups

    Do they work? I want one and wife says they suck and never work and sound like shit when they do. Who has one?
  6. Agent 0659

    WGT helpful hints

    I am not getting ANY fucking better at this game. :shrug: Even bought some new sticks. Also, I am bored with the same 2 courses, how do you unlock the others? A couple things that have helped me. - NEVER chip, always pitch or flop. I move the dot down low and hit those pitches high and the...
  7. Agent 0659

    "When trouble finds you"

    August 11th, 2009: I woke up to a moth flying violently around the living room. I was able to get it outside without killing it but it was hairy for a minute. At one point I stood on the chair and swiped at it, that was pretty risky. Outside, NOW! I told him... What do you guys do when trouble...
  8. Agent 0659

    ***Official Fantasy Football 2009 thread***

    Here are the players: 1. Agent- CONFIRMED 2. Mags- CONFIRMED 3. Cie Grant- CONFIRMED 4. Ray Lewis 5. Gods Fave Dog- CONFIRMED 6. Marcb (defending champ!)- CONFIRMED 7. Mully- CONFIRMED 8. Dogface- CONFIRMED 9. Golferboy 10. Tball- CONFIRMED 11. PPbart- CONFIRMED 12. Warner- CONFIRMED 13...
  9. Agent 0659

    Any Phish-heads?

    Wife and I are heading down to the show at Red-Rock amphitheater tonight. Maybe the coolest place ever. She did the Phish tour back in the day, dreadlocks and all. I might have to post a pic of her with dreads down to the ground. I can dig the music, but the partying and people watching is...
  10. Agent 0659

    Wake up
  11. Agent 0659

    Cie Grant

    Sent you email but it bounced back - send your name and mailing address to mjsfantasy at yahoo if you want to claim your fantasy golf money for segment 3.
  12. Agent 0659

    Fantasy Football 2009

    It's about that time! Online draft 1 week prior to opening week. $150 entry. We will have our own site on Sportsline. Can't wait! Last years participants: 1. Agent 2. Lewehands 3. Godsfavedog 4. Jpblack 5. Pocket Aces 6. War egg l 7. Volfan 8. Davoso 9. Wannabe Whale 10. Marcb1005 11...
  13. Agent 0659

    Playboy jouranlist tries to endure 15 secinds of waterboarding.

    Interesting video!
  14. Agent 0659


    How w ould you pronounce this child's name: "Le-a" Leah?? No Lee - A?? Nope Lay - a?? Wrong Lei?? Guess again. This child attends a school in Detroit , MI. Her mother is irate because everyone is...
  15. Agent 0659

    An attoreny.....

    An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed. As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, 'Whattime of night...
  16. Agent 0659

    51 inches of powder

    Never seen this much snow in my entire life. :scared I thought it was a lot when we got 26 inches earlier this Spring, LOL. :shrug: Was not too sad about being stranded with my lovely wife until I ran out of beer.:SIB We were without power for 4 days, finally got internet back up and...
  17. Agent 0659

    administrator question

    Reputation points? :0corn
  18. Agent 0659

    Go-Daddy, how?

    How do they have the right to sell domain names? Did they buy all the rights way back when? And if so, from who? Confused:shrug:
  19. Agent 0659

    Georgia on my mind

    Georgia ( /ˈdʒɔrdʒə/ (help?info)) is a state in the United States and was one of the original Thirteen Colonies that revolted against British rule in the American Revolution. It was the last of the Thirteen Colonies to be established, in 1733. It was the fourth state to ratify the United States...
  20. Agent 0659


    That's enough.....see ya! :sadwave: :sadwave: :sadwave: