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    Finally some Great news from Iraq!!!!
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    Nader Can't Win.. but with his movement to get Bush Impeached it could be fun. No way Bush wants this guy to be allowed in a debate.
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    Republican National Convention

    6pm- Opening Crossburning Ceremony broadcast live from Al Sharptons House. 6:30 pm Token African American Key note address by Colin Powell. 7pm Haliburton check presented to Bush and Cheney. 7:30 pm Conflict of Interest seminar given by George Bush Sr and James Baker. Sponsor: The Carlyle...
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    Abortion Poll

    No need for any debate here. Im just interested in the numbers.
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    Swift Boat Captains For the truth.. FRAUD

    This "Organization" is Led By Merrie Spaeth. Now I don't expect many of you to know who she is, but I will let you know. She was in the Public Relations Department of the Reagan/Bush White House. Her Late Husband Tex Lezar ran for Leutenant Governor on the Same Ticket with George Bush in 1994...
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    The reason Ted Kennedy has a vendetta against W.

    He can't say it until his political career is over but he believes as do a growing number of that George Herbert Walker Bush at worst knows who killed his brother. There are countless reports now on the Web that believe it to be a CIA hit on the President. Bush has been rumored to be apart of...
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    James Baker to the rescue... For The Saudis

    He helped W maintain victory in Florida. Now Look what he's up to. Defending the Saudi's against 9/11 victims families. He is also amember of the Carlisle group With Bush Senior.. It is all an about the oil. And always will be about the Oil.
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    John Kerry Sucks Too

    Just to keep things fair and balanced use this thread to post all of the charasmatic ones faults.
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    They won't Dare print this is Jersey

    New Jersey not exactly know for being an enviornmentally sound state. She got voted out partly because of her enviornmental record. OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Christie Todd Whitman may have had rocky times occasionally as Environmental Protection Agency chief, but she hit the campaign trail Thursday to...
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    Architect of the War in Iraq not sure how many Killed. For someone who created this plan for war in 1997 he of all people should know the impact. I know I know he misspoke. That is a habit with these guys
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    Bush 2004 For or against?

    Please use this thread to state your opinion on whether or not this man and his administration should be reelected and why. If you are against him please support your argument. Lets try to keep this thread cleaner than the Candidates themselves have run their campaigns. Anything goes other than...
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    If the CIA created Bin Laden... How is it possible that they lost track of him?

    Was it flat out ineptitude by the CIA, and Democratic and Republican administrations alike or did they just look the other way? This question will never be answered. This is an interesting read if you have the time. How the CIA created Osama bin Laden BY NORM DIXON ?Throughout the world ...
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    Rumsfield, Chaney, and Wolfowitz decided Bush's course in 1997.

    Now this is not necessarily a bad thing, but what is bad is that they felt they had to lie to the American public to sell Iraq to them for all the wrong reasons ie, WMD a 911 connection, that they were an imminent threat to us etc. They also did it when they new they would get no opposition as...
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    Need advice on my portfolio.

    Im 33 and married with an infant son. I earn about 50 k annually and wife does 70k parttime. We own a townhouse and both have 401k s maxed out each currently with about 60k in them. Just started a 529 plan for are son with 5k and are contributing 300 monthly to it for now. We also both have Roth...
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    Republican and Democratic Strategists don't get it.

    As a 30 something year old voter who considers himself moderate, I am sick to death of this campaign already. It does not matter to me, and most of the people I know what either of these two guys were doing 33 years ago. I think the Republican strategy to question Kerry's service record is...