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  1. C

    MLB Friday...

    0-4 on last 4 posted plays be careful ..LOL was going to take some time off..but went 3-0 yesterday with some small plays...didnt post but gave me some resaon to keep chugging along... 1.) Clev ..minus 60 to win 50..local cooz
  2. C

    MLB weds..

    0-1 last night on cinci over ..wash leaves 30 men on base..LoL... 1.) Oak...$50 to win $55.. 2.) Mets ..$50 to win $60..rookie on three days rest..ill bite.. cooz
  3. C

    MLB Tuesday...

    sides look so easy cautious... $1375.. 1.) Wash/Cinci over 8.5...$50 cooz
  4. C

    MLB SAT...

    getting ready to head out with the boys...wasnt able to post earlier.... $1325 1.) Tigers..minus $65 to win $50 good luck everyone.. cooz
  5. C

    MLB weds ...

    2-0 last night ... 29-12 $1260 1.) Zona ..$50 to win $65..pinnacle... good luck cooz
  6. C

    MLB tuesday...

    27-12 $1105.... 1.) RED SOX...minus $120 to win $100 cooz
  7. C

    MLB Monday..

    0-1 yesterday..minus 50 on mets.. 1.) Chisox over 9...$50 cooz
  8. C

    MLB Sunday...

    2-1 last $45 27-11 $1105 looking back cooz
  9. C

    MLB Sat...

    25-10 $1060 1.) Minny $55 to win $50... 2.) PiTT...$55 to $50 cooz
  10. C

    a ? for oakland fans..

    just a serious question and not being wise ass.... but at some point with the offensive woes your team has dont you have to start changing your philosophy on offense at some point?...i know the higher up's dont agree with the bunting guys over philosophy...but seriously at some point you have...
  11. C

    MLB Tuesday ...

    24-9 $1060.. 1.) Oakland...$50 to win $100...local.. this is a tough bet to make...considering that oaklands offensive is offensive..but i think they may have a shot at this one...Arroyo has been a real good pitcher for the sox thus far..with the injuries to Wells and Schilling he...
  12. C

    MLB Sat...

    really liked chi sox over....Pissa... start with 1.) Cards/Padres under 9..$100 cooz
  13. C

    MLB weds...

    23-9 $1010 1.) METS ..pick..$50 to $50 cooz
  14. C

    MLB Tuesday...

    21-9 plus $890 YTD.. 1.) Marlins...50 to win 60...local... Hampton has really rejuvenated his career with the doubt ...and Florida's pen is shaky at times especially with no clear cut closer...but ill play em as a dog.. cooz
  15. C

    MLB Sat...

    2-0 yesterday.. 20-9 $790 1.) Oakland...minus win 100 cooz
  16. C

    MLB Friday...

    1.) brewers ...$50 to win $55 2.) Cards ..$50 to win $50 cooz
  17. C

    Has anyone read the BIBLE CODE II?

    Interesting read....just wanted to see what other people thought... cooz
  18. C

    MLB weds...

    2-0 last $140... 18-9 $685 ..YTD... be back.. cooz
  19. C

    MLB Tuesday..

    16-9 TYD $545 1.) Tigers $50 to win $70..local cooz
  20. C

    MLB Friday

    just walked in house.. 0-2 last night ..two tough losses in Baltimore and Toronto..had plenty of chances to go 2-0 ..Clemente pitched a hell of aq game.. 1.) Tampa ..$50 to win $75 cooz