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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. J


    way to find a way to blow a 14 pt lead with 3 minutes left. :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:
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    texas tech/virginia in game.......

    9-7 on a safety... sewell most innacurate qb i've seen all year, yikes :scared :scared Throws everything 80 mph :mj07: :mj07:
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    Clemens to go on 60 minutes

    Interviewed by Wallace to talk steroids....... jan 6th airing
  4. J

    The Giants!!!

    Officallly the worst run/coached/quarterbacked team in the NFL i've seen in yeaars. They cant score on first and goal at the 1 with 4 cracks, then they call a timeout on 3rd and 1 to start the 4th quarter and they fumble the snap. Brutal team!:0corn :0corn
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    What a joke they can't pass or run vs Navy Defense? :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
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    Starts off the game 1-16 :0corn :0corn :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
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    Ricky Davis

    What a bumb...... how many shots can u miss to put the game out of reach/or win it out right... not to mention letting joe johnson torch him on the other end....... this guy belongs on the Timberwolves or something :shrug: :shrug:
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    Southern Illinois??

    what a joke down 18 in the first half, looking at a 11 pt half. This team is such trash:mj07: :mj07:
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    Bryant Gumbell

    Did NFL network finally pull the plug on him?? :00hour :00hour
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    USC is unwatchable

    Oj Mayo this and that, tim floyd runs an offense that makes baby jesus cry :wall: :wall:
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    Tom Coughlin

    win or lose this game he's a moron, shoulda taken 3 knee's there and kicked the fg to win it, instead scores and no time goes off the clock giving bears a chance here
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    The worst player in the nfl is.............

    ........... David Carr no doubt! A congressional hearing should be held on why and how this clown keeps getting contracts:s2: :s2:
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    Is absoustely re-god-damn-dicilous. All 5 starters back from last year and these guys just don't miss. Pete Campbell has made about 30 3's in this tourament alone :scared :scared :scared
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    Gonna choke away a 21 pt 2h lead?? :shrug: :shrug:
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    Charlie Weis!!

    has perfected the single back, fullback dive up the middle for a defensive td :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
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    Charlie Weis

    What is that fat bastard thinking? Tie game 30 seconds left 4th and 4 from the navy 25 or so and he goes for it? :mj07: :mj07:
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    South Florida from......

    #2 ranking to out of the top 25 in 3 games. what a collapse, grothe should shave that mohawk, pole smoker.:scared :scared
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    AROD to opt out

    DENVER -- Alex Rodriguez notified the Yankees on Sunday that he's opting out of his record $252 million contract, has learned. Rodriguez's decision means he will become a free agent and be able to negotiate with all clubs. Rodriguez's bombshell move will shake up the entire winter for...
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    Alex Smith.....

    Either leave the game or quit grabbing at your shoulder after every incomplete pass you pansy....
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    Steve Kragthrope...

    Takes over all of Petrinos players and turns the program into a mess. Lose to Syracuse, Lose to Utah, Lose to Uconn, Lose to Kentucky. And barely trying to hang on for dear life at home to Pitt. Coulnd't of picked a worse replacement.