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  1. B

    A Great Role For The Un??

    I have a great idea for the UN, if they want to be a part of the Freedom mission now that most of the fighting is over. In Vietnam the people that really had the most dangerous jobs were the poor MP that stood in waste high sandbagged bunkers on any access road or street to control foot and auto...
  2. B

    Please explain!!!

    Often I find situations like today. Book "A" has team "X" at -118 and "Y" at +110. Book "B" has team "X" at -135 and "Y" at +120. It seem to me that if I bet 590 on team "X" to win 500 at book "A" and then bet 500 on team "Y" to win 600, the worst I could do is win 10. I know it is not a huge...
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    Detroit vs. Chicago ???

    This is a heated rivalry and the Bulls would love to smack the Pistons. With Wallace out and Detroit really needing a win to hold #2 playoff position or maybe even move up, will the game be more up tempo or a slower pace? With a 186 total which is more likely? Thanks, Bill
  4. B

    Best Money Lines?????

    for baseball, which book consistently offers the best ML for Dogs and which books has the best for FAVs. Thanks, Bill
  5. B

    Game Day Rip-off

    Somewhere in the Game Day's fine print is that your have to request a bonus from Game Day within 48 hours. It was certainly my fault in that I did not read the fine print but it does show that they try to figure out ways to screw ypu. Why wouldn't they simply add the bonus to the deposit? Even...
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    Ncaa Props

    I have not checked for sure but I think a #1 seed has won the title about 80% of the time. At Pinnacle you can arrange your wagers on all four #1 seeds and win regardless of which team wins IF one of the #1 seeds wins.:D GLTA Bill
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    Pinnacle & NIT

    Do not see any lines at Pinnacle for NIT. Does anyone know if they are just late or just not going to set the lines for these games? Thanks, Bill
  8. B

    Who moves/makes the line?

    This is a 2 or 3 part question. It is my understanding that when a line is made it is made with the idea of attracting equal $$ on both sides of the line. With this in mind is the line set with the fan in mind who bets on "his" team or is the line set with the handicapper in mind: someone who...
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    Longest ATS streak in NBA

    Any one know the longest ATS streak in the NBA. I know it is an old system but it seem if you double you bet for the next game following each loss, it would be possible to win. I ran the numbers for this year and found that if you did not start playing until a team had either won or lost 3 ATS...
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    Best books for favorites

    I understand that CRIS is the best book for dogs. Where is the best book for favorites? Thanks, Bill
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    Need a Favs Book

    Have CRIS for Dogs. Any great books for Favs? Thanks, Bill