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  1. C

    New Orleans

    Am in the preliminary stages of planning a trip to the big easy in August. Anybody have anything nice to say about Harrahs? I'm told there is a Hilton that's close, or across the street. My wife wants to go antiqueing in the French Quarter. Is it a long walk from the Hilton to the quarter...
  2. C

    Need Help

    One of my young partner's has fallen in love with some 16 year old russian tennis player named Maria Sharapova. Anybody have any pictures of young phenom?
  3. C

    was Detroit burning this morning?

    Didn't see anything on the news this morning about any riots, vandalism, looting, people getting arrested. What's the problem? People of Detroit just don't care about an NBA championship. Or perhaps they've got a some class that comes with winning. Never been there but must have some fairly...
  4. C

    Well, it didn't take long

    Anybody ever heard of this idiot Ted Rall. Cartoonist for the Washington Times. He stated that Reagon ought to be crispy brown by now. Was certain he was going to hell. Also had some choice words for Pat Tillman. What bothers me so much about this is where is the respect? To not admire the...
  5. C

    Once again, Im trying to quit smoking

    Welcome to my personal hell on earth. This is a war I've fought for many years. Oh, I've won a few skirmishes. Quit once a few years ago for over a year and a half. Friend of mine has a baby, gives out cigars. I take one, shouldn't be a problem right? Stupid cigar led to buying a pack of...
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    I just ran the AdAware program. It located 34 files that it wanted me to delete(all were in cookies). Can someone tell me in simple terms what the program found and why it is necessary to get rid of them? Thanks in advance Chain Saw
  7. C

    Dumb Blonde Joke

    Stop me if you've heard this one A blind man accidentally stumbles into a gay bar filled with lesbians. He sits down on a stool, orders a drink, and says bartender I got a dumb blond joke for you. The bushhog (300 hundred pound lesbian) sitting to his right says to him, listen Mr since your...
  8. C

    This explains it all

    In the early 80s, the US militaty undertook highly covert research into ways of conducting cyber warfare though a project called "Anus Cloning Program" (ACP). Allegedly, they removed several anuses from subhuman swamp-dwelling residents of the Louisiana area and genetically engineered them to...
  9. C

    I'm back from the dead!!

    For the last 3 months I've had to work like a normal person. I'm a CPA and for some reason this tax season has been worse than those before. It's good to be back to my favorite site with time to post. Leave tomorrow for Gulf Shores, AL for a little R&R and some fresh seafood. My wife wants...
  10. C

    Have we pissed off the Martians?

    Looks like the Martians have found our little explorer on their soil and disabled it. Kinda surprised that the last picture sent didn't have one of them waving his finger at us saying no more. And now what are we doing but landing another one today. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  11. C


    I don't hear that expression used any more. Has that practice gone by the wayside since so many couples are both working now? I know I wish I had practiced it more. Good for the heart, relieves stress. Oh well.
  12. C

    M L King Holiday

    As part of our local ML King Jr celebration, a local branch of the ncaacp will have a workshop on restoring ex-felons' right to vote. Two questions come to mind. 1. What the hell exactly is an "ex-felon"? 2. Does anybody else think besides me that whether you are a felon or...
  13. C

    Anybody see the Sports Illustrated

    article about the guys who make the odds in Vegas. Didn't know it was left up to a couple of guys with apparently pretty big egos.
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    Line is Bama +8. Seems too low to me. Bama can't stop the run. They've got 5'8" d/backs against Auburn's 6'2" receivers. I think Carnell Williams will have a great game for the first time in this series. I'm a Bama fan. I'll probably pass on this game. I've never bet against them, don't...
  15. C

    Any thoughts on marshall/cent fla

    Know very little about these two teams. Didn't C/F fire the head coach? Any help would be appreciated.
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    Show some love for Massachusetts

    Are they all goober smoochers and bush hogs in that state. The rest of them must be democrats.
  17. C

    A Salute to Board Veterans

    I'd like to take a moment of your time for those that read this post and salute my fellow veterans. Was drafted in 1967 and stayed in to 1970 (during the Viet Nam War). To you who have served in the armed forces, I commend you and I thank you for the sacrifices both you and your families have...
  18. C

    Nursing Home/Medicade HELP!!!!!

    Both my wife's parents have been in a N/H for about two years. The only thing they have left is their home. I've got an offer to sell the house. Should clear about 1 large. I'm being told that medicade will get it all. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? It's so sad. I know they...
  19. C

    Picking Winners

    I noticed that of the 14 NFL games played on Sun and Mon, only two(Den/Pitt and Seattle/SanFran) needed the point spread to determine who won the money. Am I right about this? If you could just pick who was going to win the game and forget about the lines you stand a chance of winning more the...
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    Line Movement

    I saw on a line service that the Tenn/Georgia game has gone from Tenn -1 to Georgia -2. Although certainly not the largest swing I've seen, it still got me thinking about line moves. How much money does it take to move the line a half point? That's probably a dumb question for a lot of you...