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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. P

    Uh guys

    Geez everyone I played tonight blew a lead except tb
  2. P

    Jaw playa not coming out to play?

  3. P

    Uh anyone

    Hitting marq....? -5.5
  4. P

    F utah

  5. P

    Can't find thread!

    Thanks thunder!
  6. P


    Wake those St. Peter's bitches up
  7. P

    Gents anything late?

  8. P

    I see ppl talking bout fired up

    Fucking USC was fired up rt?! SEC! Damn it ! Lsu
  9. P


    This whole forum is full of piss and viniger. Everybody angry. Tough day agreed! But dang guys this is entertainment for me. Not a job, shit! Anybody screwing with this ht?
  10. P

    Did that seriously just happen?

    Gosh, I'm toast:sadwave: Duke.......:facepalm:
  11. P

    Where Vk?

    Vegas killer went off last yr! No sign of him....?
  12. P

    My total down to

    59. Is there a specific reason?
  13. P

    Call timeout to travel!!!!?!?!

    PROFESSIONAL basketball..... Ha
  14. P

    Bo don't know

    I feel compelled to tell this... As I watch Bo 30/30... I was standing next to Bo Friday night, as his hs McAdory played for the 5a state championship. A kid asked him for his autograph, he said how much $ u got? Kid laughed Bo said I'm serious. Kid didnt get autograph. Humble? I think not
  15. P

    Bo didnt

    I feel compelled to tell this... As I watch Bo 30/30... I was standing next to Bo Friday night, as his hs McAdory played for the 5a state championship. A kid asked him for his autograph, he said how much $ u got? Kid laughed Bo said I'm serious. Kid didnt get autograph. Humble? I think not
  16. P

    Do what u want I'll hammer Ua

    2nd half.... Guys they'll run it down their throats 2nd half.
  17. P

    How quickly an under bet can go

    From good to shit!
  18. P

    Spurs line climbing

  19. P

    I coach

    Clem was cheated!
  20. P


    Wake ur ass up!