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  1. V

    viva las saturday

    21-13 +31 units OKlahoma _1 (3 units)....k st has a tough matchup at home...haven't played the like sof oklahoma yet....sooner sbeat them down on boards Illinois St. -8 (4 units) Utah St. +1 (5 units) Byu-9 (2 units) Stanfrd +2 ( 3 units): Again not sure why wash st is favored here...
  2. V

    Viva Las Thursday

    YTD 18-11 +25 units Va. Com. -4(5 units): See about a 8-10 victory....VCu has done well on road and drexel is just a dreadful shooting team with an average defense Cal +2 (3units): Cal has been spectacular...faces defensive minded squad but this isn't the same state team from last...
  3. V

    Viva Las Wedsnesday

    16-11, +19 units St. Bonnie-4 (5 units): Huge Boards edge here as long as they limit turnovers they should win this by 8-9 points Temple -8 (1 unit): Woul dbe higher but not sure I trust Temple's shooting on the road. Eastern is a turnover machine and can't shoot 3's POssible more to add...
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    Viva Las Tuesday

    Let's continue the good start.. Rhode Island -10 (5 units).....I know road favorite but The Rockets are just plain awful so far as they adjust to a new system. Played against them last week for the same reason....every loss has been by 8 points or greater this year...home or away Nova -6.5 (4...
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    Viva las Monday

    Rough Saturday at 4-5 but still 11-7 Overall and +19 units Still looking at games but leaning all of the following: burned on Saturday but back home where they have been lights out Wisc. Mil -7.5.....Valpo is just plain awful Wisc. GB -2.5.... Just see them absolutely dominating...
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    viva las saturday

    Full card...might add more later Missouri -6.5 (3 units)....Missouri's first real road test....but against a very weak GA team....would be more units just the road show has me a tad scared here ND -9...bought hook (4 units)....Johnnies just can't matchup with the offensive firepower of...
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    Viva las Friday

    Off to a nice start for the new year.. Dayton -9 (4 units): Toldeo at home but no real reason for the home court advantage...Toledo has lost their last 5 by 8 or more points against the likes of Delaware, Il Chic, Houston, Wright St and Oakland...Dayton huge rebounding edge POrt St. -15 (1...
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    viva la new year

    like 2 today Fairfield: (3 units) +12...just too many points S. Bama: (2 units)-2....line seems fishy but i'll bite...had s bama by 7 best of luck and happy new year
  9. V

    viva la hoops-weds

    First hoops post this year but 2 games I really like ND-7.5 (5 units) .....ND was lethargic last game...brey promises a different attitude....also matchup problems for Depaul NC -18.5 (5 units).....this team even sleep walking covers by 20+ LSU -16 (3 units): LA Laf. just doesn't match up...
  10. V

    Oreg St

    2 td spread this week...without Locker ...I'm not sure how Wash can keep this close. Wash is absolutely terrible on Defense. This ty Willingham team is starting to smell like what he left at ND after his stint there
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    viva la week 5

    7-5 YTD Getting this one in right away cincy -10
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    Viva la Week 4

    5-3 YTD Bama -9 Hous -6.5 Akron -10 E.Mich +21
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    Question for MAC followers

    Really like Western Michigan this week.....any input on any injuries or anything in particular that I should be aware of
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    Viva la Week 2

    YTD 3-1 Just 3 games so far... Kansas-21 Covers easily if their d shows up W. Mich -6 Broncos are just better on both sides of the ball, add in a home game and I think they cover S. Fla -14: Last 4 meetings, SF has beat ucf by an average of 25 reason to think this will be...
  15. V

    Week 1 pics

    For the most part going against the young new qbs Cincy -1.5 Balt off was already in trouble....not sure Flacco can cutr it yet. Lions -3 Ryan's first start.....I think Lions are actually improved on both sides of the ball....not a playoff team but certainly better Jets -3 Way early to...
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    Funding 5 dimes

    looking for any recommendations on the best way to fund/receive money from 5 dimes. In the I don't believe credit card or a neteller service is much of an option
  17. V

    saturday picks

    not much time for write ups...but have UCLA-7 , 3 units Oklahoma-10.5, 2 units northwestern -9.5, 2 units Utah -8. 1 unit ND +17.5, 1 unit good luck to all
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    Am I crazy for liking Wofford at -2 tonight. Both teams are bad but I thinkElon is ona different level of suckiness. Thoughts?
  19. V

    OSU at

    14.5, seems tasty, any thoughts? MSU appears in shamble mode once again. Best QB OSU's defense will face so far but he's somewhat injured and their Oline was beat up by UM last week.
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    sat bases

    Cards and ChiSox ML