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  1. G

    Sun Lg Units play

    8-24-02::1-1::Mil/Pitt o9::W 17-10 Nyy/Tex o11'::L 3-2 Lg unit Plays Bos/Anh::Ov8'::Calloway though impressive AAA #s ;Fenway is a whole new Ballgame:: KC::+150:: In a little slump but KC can hit period, a little unlucky last few losses think luck turns to their favor...
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    Sat lg unit plays

    Liitle time 1:Over 9 mil/Pitt::Cabrera, watch the the melons get launched tonight 2:Over 11 Tex/NYY HUUUUUUGe:D
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    Thurs Lg Unit Play

    KC tops at home and Minn will hit Hernandez::: Kc/Minn:{o9:+105}:eek:
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    Wed LG Unit Play

    Mil Sheets is just had hard luck in most of his outings especially at home where he has excelled , Mil due for 1 of its Home streaks and the 82' Champ team rememberance leftovers will put Mil on top::Mil record much better w Roof closed FWIW it's closed Mil:{-1':+170} 8-19-02:1-0 Be back w record
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    Wis vs Fresno

    A Fri NIGHT Gm at Camp Randall, it will be a zoo and if you don't think Wis has REVENGE written all over this JUST SIT BACK and WATCH>> Wis will pound Fresno with the Huge O line and all american to be RB Davis..Lst Yr Wis tried the Spread Offense, 1st time in 25yrs and look where that got...
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    LG Unit A.L. Play

    at least for me :: Here's Why: Pettite:3-0 L41-0 vs Anh 4h 8inncareer 9-5 vs Anh 3.46era4-1 HM 2.57era4-2 night 2.86 era 10gms Sele:0-1 L4ND vs NY 4h 1r 7inncareer 5-8 vs NY 4.04eraRd 3-6 5.61 era 10gms NY 6-3 L9 vs OAK, SEA, KC::SEA-KC on road Anh 7-2 L9 vs Tor, Det, Clev::Clev-Det at Hm...
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    Thanks Spock + home Dog

    For talking me into 5u on tex over yesterday and just 1u on tor.. Quick Synapse:: Clev[+180]:Hudson{vs clev0-2 10.08era,road 5-5 3.84era} :Baez{vs oak 1-0 4.50, 4-6 4.9era home} :Clev{2-1 vs Oak, 6-3 L9} just think 3s warrant a shot at + 180 knowing Oak does...
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    Tor not favored

    What am I missing:: Loaiza:L3 1-0 2.75era:vs Tex 2-0 3.86era:the Bad road 2-4 5.4 era but look at what he is up against>>>> MYETTE:L3 1-2 10.22era:vs Tor 1-1 9.31era:home 0-2 11.30era:Myette is a 1 man catastrophy Hell you would think he would pert near win the over by himself tonight , I...
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    This Pick will Win

    Even though TB Sturtze has had one hell of a crappola year this will be a game he wins, WHY, well SUPPAN is KCs achilles ,they just seem to find a way to lose when he tosses,also TB is a team he has yet to win against (0-3)..With 2 Gas cans like Sturtze and Suppan it's a matter of which one...
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    2 early Trophy Plays

    Phil [+125]even though Simontachhi won last out , as suggested he needed 10 runs to win for him , Coggin in a + , I'm in Arz[+110] Cubs unloaded last out, twice in a row , not happening MLB ytd :36-33-4: +3.6u
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    1 of these 2 hurlers will get HAMMERED::: Atl/SF:o8'{-115}
  12. G

    # early

    Little Time Mon{-1'}+160:Happy as Hell to be Home where it is Nice & Quiet SD{+160}Trachsel:o Mil{+180}Rusch has the tools just needs to get them out of the garage more often Record Later :D
  13. G

    Big OL Doggy

    Pitt{+140}Nothing better than a Dog at home with a Hair up their A$$ after the Mgrs went Melon to Melon exchanging baseball etiquette tips:: McClendon will have no need to infuse the will tonight and Pitt playing decent ball though record does not reflect it, Simontachhi sucks, and Meadows is...
  14. G

    My 3 Top Plays

    Still a little miffed about the Mil/Mon ov 22hits:No Over:rolleyes: Alrighty then, A little Sunday MOJO*[*Pat Pend]:D NyY/Oak{u9}Mussina has to turn it around sometime and Oak notorious for low scoring close gms.. Sea/ChW{o10'}Sea will score and Baldwins always good for 4 or 5 runs...
  15. G

    Ya must be Joking

    1 gift yesterday with the Q at o/u 8 , well it's poking me in the nose again:D HUGE PLAY The Qs clone is mounting the hump tonight and its only 8':: say LONGBALL::: Mon/Mil{o8'}::Cabrera -the Q same outcome*** Happy Trails;) MLB YTD::31-27-3{+11.16u} Trophy plays::6-6-1 Huge Plays:1-0
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    Mr. Marquis

    " I have FLU Like Symptoms":cry: WOOOOOOSY NHL: I Have to find my HEAD:D I"M Back GAME ON!!!!!!!!!
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    Top play of Baseball

    Season will go for me tonight>>> THE Q IS TOSSING Mon/Mil{ov8}{-105}[[ALOT]]
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    for the mediocrity to END by me::: Schilling LIVES for these BIG GAMES and you will see purely his best TONIGHT:: TOP TROPHY Play::: Arz:-1'r <+130>He wiill never admit it but you know he wants a shot at 30 wins and to get there Schilling knows it has to start Tonight::
  19. G

    # Trophy Plays

    Tex{ev -1'r}[ they hammer K-Balls} TBay{+135}[ Cmon Its Nagy] Oak/Bos{o 8'}{-120}[Both hurlers due to take it on the CHIN] GL ;)
  20. G

    It's Q Time>>>

    I think you all know when the Q is Tossing it's time to go LARGE.. Did not get a chance to post yeterday but look for a Mirror Image of yesterdays FL/Mil gm...Q and Cabrera very similiar tossers as they always get rattled which gets the pitches up and say Goodnight..Q will probably be OK 1st...