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  1. hogman14

    Larry Legend speaks out KNIGHTSTOWN, Ind. -- Larry Bird says he wants to see more white superstars in the NBA, but the legendary former Celtic has also revealed that nothing in basketball bothered him more than being guarded by another white player. Bird made the comments during an ESPN special that will air...
  2. hogman14

    Guy walks into a bar...

    A guy walks into a bar and orders 5 shots of Cuervo. He puts them back one after the other as fast as anyone's ever seen. The bartender says "Whoa buddy! You have to slow down or you're gonna kill yourself, drinking like that." The guy replys "You'd be drinking like this too if you had what I...
  3. hogman14


    Was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind giving your best estimate of the % of this country that is illiterate. Even better if you know the actual estimate, and could post that. I really don't think 50% is really pushing it. Any opinions?:shrug:
  4. hogman14

    one prop

    Missed FT's by Indy Over 5.5 (-140) Think they may be a little rusty...who knows. GLTA!
  5. hogman14

    Writing a book

    Anyone have any advice, on where to start, how much it's going to cost, etc? Just an idea I've been floating around Thanks :D
  6. hogman14

    Stomping Grapes pretty funny, needs sound
  7. hogman14

    The United Nations

    KICK THE UN OUT OF NYC Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records: Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time. Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time...
  8. hogman14


    What's up here? Anyone else disappointed?:shrug:
  9. hogman14

    The Golf Ball

    A man staggers into an emergency room with a concussion, multiple bruises, two black eyes and a five iron wrapped tightly around his throat. Naturally, the doctor asks him what happened. "Well, it was like this," said the man, "I was having a quiet round of golf with my wife, when at a...
  10. hogman14

    Quick Joke

    Q. Why did John Kerry cross the road? A. It doesn't matter, he already crossed back over.
  11. hogman14


    Heading to Philly July 9-10 for a game at the new park....any suggestions on where to stay, what to do, etc etc etc? Is the stadium near everything, or away? Thanks!
  12. hogman14

    Is anyone watching this?

    9/11 hearings, Reno on the stand.....this is like a 3 ring circus.. :shrug:
  13. hogman14

    Another game...
  14. hogman14

    "This Just In"

    This has to be one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. It's like Family Guy w/politics. I reccomend! Spike TV, Sun Nites.
  15. hogman14

    Stupid Math Help needed

    Alright, here's the scenario... I will be made a job offer in the next few days. The job is 50 hrs/wk. Anything over 40 is time and a half. Is there a formula that will allow me to break down an hourly rate based on.... x = hourly rate y = over 40 hr rate.... now i had y = 1.5 x therefore...
  16. hogman14

    Marge Schott, controversial Reds owner, dies

    from AP - Mar 2, 4:18 pm EST CINCINNATI (AP) -- Marge Schott, the tough-talking, chain-smoking owner of the Cincinnati Reds who won a World Series but was repeatedly suspended for offensive remarks, died Tuesday, a hospital spokeswoman said. She was 75. Schott was hospitalized...
  17. hogman14

    Hey GM!

    Happy Bday bro! Appreciate all the trend work all year!!!! :toast: :spotting: dance1 dance2 dance2
  18. hogman14

    Watch out Blitz

    Watch out Blitz....More news to follow
  19. hogman14

    What to do in Tampa?

    Hey folks, Heading to Tampa March 8-12. Was looking for some insight as to things to see, good bars, restaurants, etc. If anyone from there could provide me w/some info, it would be much obliged! Ybor City and the Green Iguana was reccomended to me so far. Thanks in advance.
  20. hogman14

    Boston bookies sacked by Pats

    From Boston bookies sacked by Pats By Dave Wedge Friday, January 30, 2004 While Patriots fever has gripped the region, bookies still reeling from the 2001 Super Bowl win and this year's 14-game win streak are praying for a Pats loss Sunday to prevent financial ruin...