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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. S

    Friday Service Picks????

    Anyone get the service picks for tonight??
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    Northcoast Monday Night Play????

    Anyone get the Monday night service play???
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    Northcoast Service Plays

    Anyone get the northcoast service plays for today?
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    Northcoast Service Plays

    Anyone get the Northcoast service plays today???
  5. S

    Northcoast Plays??

    Did anyone get the Northcoast service plays for today??
  6. S

    hammerin Hanks Picks

    New England 16 Washington 27 Kansas City 14 Baltimore 16 Tennessee 20 Pittsburgh 30 Philadelphia 22 Buffalo 19 Atlanta 12 Carolina 13 Wash Balt Pitt Phi Atl
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    Northcoast Plays??

    Anyone get the service plays from Northcoat today??
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    Monday Night Northcoast Play??

    Anyone get the Monday night Northcoast Play?
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    Sunday Night Northcoast Play??

    Anyone get the Sunday Night Northcoast Play???
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    Northcoast Sunday Night Play

    Anyone get the Sunday night play from Northcoast?
  11. S

    Service Plays????

    Anyone get the sevice plays for today?
  12. S

    Northcoast Plays

    Anyone get the Northcoast plays for today????
  13. S

    Hammerin Hanks Picks

    Cleveland 16 Baltimore 14 Indianapolis 24 Tennessee 17 St. Louis 30 San Francisco 17 Kansas City 31 Pittsburgh 21 Denver 26 San Diego 19
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    Northcoast for Monday Night

    Anyony get the Monday night play from Nortcoast?
  15. S

    Northcoast Sunday Night Play

    Did anyone get the Sunday night play from Northcoast?
  16. S

    Hammerin Hanks Picks

    New England 24 Buffalo 17 Carolina 20 Jacksonville 6 Indianapolis 34 Cleveland 24 Minnesota 23 Green Bay 24 New Orleans 44 Seattle 41
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    Northcoast Play

    Anyone get the Northcoast play for today?
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    Hammerin Hanks Pick

    A couple of Props from Hank Oakland Over 7 1/2 Penalties Garner Over 5 1/2 Catches Oakland 27 Tampa Bay 17
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    Northcoast Plays

    Anyone get the Northcoast plays for today?
  20. S

    Hammerin Hanks Picks

    Philadelphia Oakland