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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. Jinxbreaker

    1Vice Baseball pool

    Guys people are missing the boat on a great HR pool with 1Vice. $200 prize every 2 weeks and money was already sent its that easy. Thanks Griffin as always with a great site and this was just an added bonus for doing nothing different.
  2. Jinxbreaker


    Any one watching??? That girl was a WOW!!!!the whole night has been great but talking about first singer
  3. Jinxbreaker

    Wheel of Fortune

    WOW....How did that guy get into INDIANA U??? OMG I hope someone else just saw this....AN AbSOLUTE Classic on You Tube I am sure
  4. Jinxbreaker

    Grand Canyon Tours from Vegas

  5. Jinxbreaker

    Call a Foul on CREIGHTON

    My God Batts gets tackled twice.....Total BS....LETS get this FRAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been 20 Years
  6. Jinxbreaker

    Grand Canyon

    Going out to Vegas for my 50th in May with some buddies and really thinking of going to Grand Canyon for the first time and wanted to see if anyone has done any of the tours. Leaning towards the one the Flys,copter and boat ride and takes 7.5 hours( gambling is important as we are only there for...
  7. Jinxbreaker

    WTF Jinx's 3 Balls

    After following some very good cappers on here for years and just getting it Handed to me in the A** the last week or so I figured its time to give it a shot so Fade Pick or use it as Toilet paper but will pick 3 games a day and sometimes I will do it in 5 mins as a first gut pick and see What...
  8. Jinxbreaker

    Fucking Clinic

    Sid keep crying u pussy!!!
  9. Jinxbreaker


  10. Jinxbreaker


    Went to check on what a parlay payout would be with a local and guess they went out of business
  11. Jinxbreaker


    The guy in the wheelchair from marathon that had both legs taken away(with the guy in the cowboy hat) is one of the hero's!!!He was drawing pictures after losing 2 legs and could not even talk yet he was so drugged up...He worked for Costco I believe in NH/Peabody area and company has been VERY...
  12. Jinxbreaker

    Bruins/Jets Game

    Guys just a heads up to bet against both these teams in their next game...This is like a Stanley Cup finals game intensity wise...they are both gonna be spent in 2 Days!!!!
  13. Jinxbreaker


    The amount of time that Brady as a starter has made it to the AFC Championship Game....Keep bashing and I guess Bill was cheating every year:0074 :0074
  14. Jinxbreaker

    Inside Scoop NFL

    The Fucking Chargers can't stop a Fucking 4th and 29....The Chargers Suck that's my scoop...sorry to jump in your thread and good luck with your plays tonight:0074 :0074
  15. Jinxbreaker


    He's Fucking Nuts!!!!!!AGT for those that know what I'm talking about
  16. Jinxbreaker

    America's Got Talent

    WOW....that last act was AMAZING!!!!!!Who is gonna beat these guys?Nobody in my eyes
  17. Jinxbreaker

    Kick serve

    Do you know what the odds were for the Kings to win Cup before the playoffs started? I'm guessing around 50-1? If anyone knows its probably you. Thanks man
  18. Jinxbreaker

    Okl 2nd Half

    Time to try and buy some of my Iowa bet back...Boy does this offense look lost!!
  19. Jinxbreaker

    Reputured Disc Surgery

    What a year this has been so far!!! My father passed away last month and now have to get surgery on my L5. Anyone have any luck with just the shot?? Had a bulging disc last summer and the first shot helped for a few months but now it's reputured. A little nervous about back surgery but don't...
  20. Jinxbreaker

    Home Security Systems

    trying to decide between a hard wire w/a cellular box(no phone line) and a system over the internet...anyone ever have Nextalarm for their security?? Any other companies besides ADP and CPI that u have used. Thanks