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  1. T

    Goodbye Gang no hard feelings

    Now go take a bath you filthy animals.:thefinger
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    What Do you guys look Like?

    I saw an old thread but most of the pics are gone so I thought a new one would be fun. Here I am.
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    ATTN TURFgrass and Shamrock

    Here is the story about the airline options prior to 9/11. It is a true story. Claim: In the days just prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, unusually large quantities of stock in United and American Airlines were shorted. Status: True. Origins: On 11 September 2001, four...
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    While we are busy freeing Iraq....

    Alqaeda has been getting stronger. It makes me sick. LONDON - Far from being crippled by the U.S.-led war on terror, al-Qaida has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world and the war in Iraq (news - web sites) is swelling its ranks, a report said Tuesday. AFP/File...
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    John Kerry Campaign Is a JOKE

    This could be the worst campaign Strategery I have ever witnessed. Bush approval rating is in the toilet, Iraq is chaos, Bin laden is playing Golf somewhere, the Stock market has been in the shitter for a month, the so called Economic boom is not really taking place and John Kerry can not...
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    Caption Contest. Non political I sware

    Wilson hightailing it to Cooters after getting the heads up they were coming to get the Lincoln.
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    President Speech Drinking Game... To unite both sides.

    We're Never gonna agree so we might as well get fawked up during the speech and enjoy ourselves. The rules are simple. Take your beverage of choice for me tonight it will Mich Ultras and Chilled Kettle One shots with Lime. You can play with friends or yourself. Everytime the President says 1)...
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    I need help posting pics. Moderator or expert.

    It appears that img is disabled for me. I need to know how to enable it. Thank you.
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    Bush to offer clear Strategery on IRAQ

    Facing political discord over the war in Iraq, President Bush is seeking to reassure voters that hundreds of Americans have not died in vain, and tell the world that he has a blueprint to create a democratic nation. Five months before the election and just five weeks before the June 30 hand-off...
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    Are you a NeoCon? Take the Quiz
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    Apology to RicknJax

    You entered my thread and gave me some buisness. I found an interesting quote from you and used it as my signature. It was your words of hatred. Apparently you didn't want them all over the forum and contacted the admin who removed it. It was all in good fun. Lighten up. I think the whole thread...
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    Ashcroft censors Weird Al Yankovic!!!

    Weird Al Yankovick the latest celeb to draw Ashcrofts wrath. Last night on Westward One Weird Al Yankovic unveiled his newest Song Parody. The Right side of the audience was not amused. The "song" was a spoof On Bon Jovis 1988 hit Wanted Dead or Alive sung as Osama Bin laden. Here are the...
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    Who Says the French are stupid??

    'Fahrenheit 9/11' Wins Cannes' Top Prize 30 minutes ago CANNES, France - American filmmaker Michael Moore (news)'s "Fahrenheit 9/11," a scathing indictment of White House actions after the Sept. 11 attacks, won the top prize Saturday at the Cannes Film Festival (news - web sites)...
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    OSAMA BIN LADEN. THIS sums up pure and simple why this administration and the STRATEGERY on the war on terror has been a failure. Please don't MISUNDERESTIMATE the colossal mistake of taking the 700 million dollars congress appropriated for Afghanistan to plan for this fiasco. We had Osama...
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    To the Dumpster I Go

    That one didn't last too long. I guess I should get used to it.
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    Which are you?

    Just choose the one that most applies to you. Don't make any comments or give away your anonymity.
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    Interesting poll numbers

    65% of voting age Americans think Bush got more votes than Gore. 65% of Americans surveyed think Iraq was behind 9/11 No wonder I'm met with such resistance!!!!
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    Say a prayer for the victims and the poor guys who made this mistake.

    If it is true that is. I feel terrible for the poor guys who have to live with this. Terrible tragedy.
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    The word of the Day

    19 may 2004 Everyday I will post a word of the day. Use it as much as possible. Try to get all your friends using it. Have your kids say it school to their teachers. Tell them if it is good enough for our President is certainly good enough for us. The word of the day is STRATEGERY I'll...
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    Can someone help my conservative pals get this avatar here? I'm lobbying for a few votes in Highrollers thread.