As a former player (who sucked) it makes me glad to see that some fans can see how bad women's tennis is.
I could beat any of the girls on tour and I absolutely sucked, try playing pro tourneys for 2 dollars and seeing a women's Grand Slam paying out equal prize money. The women's game is way better now then it ever was but it is still awful. For fucks sake the Williams sisters wouldn't even make the NCAA DI Top 100 in doubles, and I ain't kidding. Fuck if I ever lost to the Williams sisters in doubles I'd shoot myself. And I say again, I sucked.
Bottom line a girl can crack Top 300 in the world in singles if she is mentally tough, she needs very little skill, very little. The women's game is filled with females that are mentally weak. That is why Bouchard will win Grand Slams, she's mentally tough, most of the women in Top 300 are not.
Oh and by the way even now (long after I am done playing) if I couldn't return Errani's serve I'd shoot myself.
By the way you should hear the guys ranked in Top 1000 talk about women's tennis, some hilarious comments trust me on that:mj07:
And I say again, women's tennis is at it's best now.