I look forward to reading this every year. Congrats on your accomplishment! :00hour
I have been sober for just over 25 months. I used to be embarrassed by not being able to drink....I saw myself as weak because I couldn't enjoy a nice cold beer. However, I now embrace the fact I am no longer a slave to my demon. Without knowing it, you have provided inspiration to at least one other guy. For that, I can't say THANK YOU enough. :mj05:
experienced the same feeling..but oh how wonderful when we drunks take back control of everything in our lives than can be controlled..
now I will alert you to 2 things
1. as the days,weeks ,months and years transpire fittings reward come in abundance ..
2. you will smile,laugh and be overcome emotionally.
oh #3....just take it all in and put the rewards into the positive storage part of your brain and use these as a reminder of how fantastic and character building abstinence and sobriety make your brand new life.
"Continue One Day at a Time sharky ...it turns into the rest of your life..and oh how awesome that is.
SUPER DUPER ATTA BOY..:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074:0074