just came in not long ago on my news flash from msnbc that the sick rag head bunch of lice bearing people who we set here and fight amongest ourselves about the war killed the 2nd american today and the man from britian will be next, bet it does not happen or hope it does not, but this is what most of you are fighting about the rights of scum ragheads like this and if we should be there helping or not. I know you can't nuke a place like i say to but this shit is getting old, they say it is in the name of god and other bs in the statement and call the united states criminal infidels. These muslim people are fuking sick in the head i mean it sorry to say it but they are and like i said yesterday you don't hear any other muslims or very many saying a word about it being wrong, wake up they hate us and I hate them more and more each day.
Lets just pack up and take the losses like you do in gambling and put the money to use in our country and let the rag heads fix their own shit, like power running water and hospitals, i am sick of all of this and wish we either do the same or get out and let them rot and say fuk you all, the 2nd I would prefer. No-One kills people like that for no reason , and the reason they will give you is bs they would find another reason if we were not in iraq if they had the chance to grab a person from the west and kill them.
i hope they all rot in hell and their families suffer 10 fold what they do to civiliens. sick fuked up dirty unwashed rat riddled beard stinking allay cat piss scum is all they are over there, give them their dirt and rubble back as well as a few 1000 pound big ass bombs on the way out.
Lets just pack up and take the losses like you do in gambling and put the money to use in our country and let the rag heads fix their own shit, like power running water and hospitals, i am sick of all of this and wish we either do the same or get out and let them rot and say fuk you all, the 2nd I would prefer. No-One kills people like that for no reason , and the reason they will give you is bs they would find another reason if we were not in iraq if they had the chance to grab a person from the west and kill them.
i hope they all rot in hell and their families suffer 10 fold what they do to civiliens. sick fuked up dirty unwashed rat riddled beard stinking allay cat piss scum is all they are over there, give them their dirt and rubble back as well as a few 1000 pound big ass bombs on the way out.
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