He's posting Political in General and he's pushing it on purpose.
I don't know that is political bro. I think it's more about making light of our society's lack of profundity as it relates to "national scares".
If it wasn't so disappointing it would almost be comical the way the puppet strings are pulled on the majority of our nation.
I mean think about it, everyone's so worried they're going to get Ebola, they forgot that we were all supposed to die from SARS, or mad cow disease years ago. Last week it was ISIS terrorists were crossing the border from Mexico and were already selling pecan logs at the Stuckeys trying to infiltrate our culture. It was the death panels that were going to be deciding who to kill based on their insurance.
The point I think my very good friend is trying to make is that we are a very gullible nation that likes to live in a panic. I can't say I disagree with him.
Random children shooting up schools have killed fifty times more citizens than Ebola has, what's the latest news on that fix? There isn't any, the bandage was applied, forehead kissed, on to the next one.
Anyway skul, stay loose my friend. Hope all is well with you brother.