$500 for 1,000,000th post at madjacksports.com


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)

Is it that you've sworn off sex or........you can't have sex. Afterall, you lost two testicles on Sunday :142lmao: j/k ks. I really look forward to your plays (don't want to get banned when I'm THIS CLOSE to 5 bills)

Speaking of losing..... guess you guys didn't take page #13 seriously. I repeat - you are inelligible if there are more than 5 of your posts in this thread!! (but thanks again for getting me closer)

And now Scotty ---

This is the first of my four strategic posts after my initial attempt at trying to put a halt on the over the limit post warning. You know I can't share inside information so stop will ya. For someone who has all of your techno chit going on you shouldn't be bugging me and BahamaMama for our proven formula (she just thinks hers has a chance)
Next strategic post will be here sooner than you anticipate (no need to start shaking yet though. I'll let you in on just a little inside stuff but you can't tell any others. OK???)

Over the limit posters will be put in the dumpster --making the legit 1,000,000 post actually closer to 1,000,400. Of course I can't give you the exact number. You will have to do some research on your own :)

And the waiver on the thread was for the avatar, not the number of posts. That's still a disqualification. How ya like the Illini #1

Trembling yet???
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

OK I will take it from here.

This could happen all of a sudden. I slept 20 hours today, I feel strong.

The lure of the 500 pulls strong
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