60% Winners NFL ??


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Im sure this happen last year and I missed it. But if there are two,three or four that seem to do well each year. We should get them posted here. At least something to consider.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Culver not only won the Hilton contest that year but also made bookoo bucks in the Sunset Station and Barlays as well as either the Stardust or Stratosphere Contests
think his total was around 330,000
Last year he bit the bullet picking about 85% dogs If I remember correctly.

Guess I was wrong about my buddy Wade Alan
he took 8th PLACE-tie: $6,088.00
not too shabby for a first timer

Professor Maurice works in the Racebook at the TI here in Vegas. His son is Andy Iskoe who is also a handicapper (well known) does TV and radio and also is a writer for Gaming Today.

Notice at the Hilton site that you have groups pf people who split the 1500.00 entry fee and put thier heads together for the contest : 3 Blind Mice---# Js----the BIG 5 and so on not a bad idea. Instead of 1 person being out 15 bills (if they fail to rank) your only down a few hundred.

[This message has been edited by Senor Capper (edited 07-15-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Thks guys. I new of the contest but did not pay to much attention. But with info you folks have. I see there is away to look at it for a possiable advantage.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 4, 2001
sioux city iowa
Let me give you a little information on Ruth, and the sports monitor, I am semi-retired, and own a janitor cleaning service, I am being monitored for just shits and giggles, in the baseball contest, I am under the name of Mr. Baseball, I won the first half of the contest in money won..$38,000, believe me, as far as I know everything is on the up and up as far as the record keeping, I have found that Ruth runs a very professional contest and is honest as the day is long, all I can give you is my honest opinion
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