8 Myths About Canadian Healthcare

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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
From the Denver Post - 6/7/09:

- Myth: Taxes in Canada are high due to the cost of national healthcare.
- Myth: Canada's healthcare system is a cumbersome bureaucracy.
- Myth: The Canadian healthcare system is much more expensive than the U.S. system.
- Myth: Canada's government decides who gets healthcare and when they get it.
- Myth: There are long waits for care, which compromise access to care.
- Myth: Canadians are paying out of pocket to come to the U.S. for medical care.
- Myth: Canada is a socialized healthcare system in which the government runs hospitals and where doctors work for the government.
- Myth: There aren't enough doctors in Canada.

The article explains why these Republican talking points are myths...



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
My dermatologist moved from Candada, I don't think he shares those same views FT. Then again I'm sure the guys at the Denver Post know more than him.
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The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
From the Denver Post - 6/7/09:

- Myth: Taxes in Canada are high due to the cost of national healthcare.
- Myth: Canada's healthcare system is a cumbersome bureaucracy.
- Myth: The Canadian healthcare system is much more expensive than the U.S. system.
- Myth: Canada's government decides who gets healthcare and when they get it.
- Myth: There are long waits for care, which compromise access to care.
- Myth: Canadians are paying out of pocket to come to the U.S. for medical care.
- Myth: Canada is a socialized healthcare system in which the government runs hospitals and where doctors work for the government.
- Myth: There aren't enough doctors in Canada.

The article explains why these Republican talking points are myths...


Go do a wiki on this hack Weasel the Anti American brought up.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Why don't we have the Canadians themself post on this topic? :shrug: It would really be nice to hear their side.
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The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Spongey... Too bad Gratzer's Canadian. The Republicans could use someone with his skill for mis-representing statistics. ;)

i did a wiki on ur girl first and all i saw was she was some reporter. I didn't go crazy but when i went to his source sure enuf just another neo-con blowhard.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Go do a wiki on this hack Weasel the Anti American brought up.

""David Gratzer, a physician, is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. His research interests include consumer-driven health care, Medicare and Medicaid, drug reimportation, and FDA reform. The late Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate in Economics, wrote that Dr. Gratzer is "a natural-born economist." David Gratzer's most recent book, with Foreword by Milton Friedman, is The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care (Encounter Books, October 2006).

Previously, Dr. Gratzer authored the book Code Blue: Reviving Canada's Health Care System (ECW Press, 1999), which was awarded the $25,000 Donner Prize for best Canadian public policy book in 2000 and which is now in its fifth printing. Dr. Gratzer is also the editor of Better Medicine (ECW Press, 2002), a collection of essays from leading health care thinkers in Canada, the United States, and Europe.

He is often quoted on health matters across North America. His writing has graced the pages of more than a dozen newspapers and magazines, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and The Weekly Standard. For his essays, Dr. Gratzer won the 2000 Felix A. Morley Journalism Competition, sponsored by George Mason University?s Institute for the Humane Studies. Past winners include James Taranto (The Wall Street Journal) and Jonathan Karl (ABC).

Dr. Gratzer has recently been cited in the New England Journal of Medicine, Health Affairs, as well as by major media outlets across the United States and Canada. He has been interviewed by dozens of the nation's top media hosts and he has delivered keynote addresses at several major industry conferences, including the World Health Congress and the Consumer Driven Health Care Conference. He debated Congressman Gil Gutknecht on drug reimportation at the American Enterprise Institute, testified before Congress on the Health Care Choice Act, and keynoted the Long Island Health Care Summit after Senator Hillary Clinton cancelled because of a scheduling conflict.

Dr. Gratzer is a peer reviewer for numerous publications and organizations: the Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the American Journal of Medicine, the Max Bell Foundation, the Pacific Research Institute, and the National Center for Policy Analysis. ""

i know his resume isn`t nearly as impressive as yours,spongy.....but,who`s is?....

/spongy`s a result of the progressive public education system...it`s not his fault...still,i do yearn for the good old days when "flunk/flunkie" was a negative term...
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Incredible u missed the very first paragraph.

David George Gratzer (born September 5, 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba) is a Canadian psychiatrist, conservative columnist, author, and critic of the Canadian health care system. He is a practicing psychiatrist in Toronto and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute[1], and as advisor to Rudy Giuliani in his 2008 presidential campaign he was the source for a disputed statistic that led to much criticism of Giuliani by foreign politicians, and the media in the U.S. and Europe.

Their is much more but about this hack i especially like this line "In his youth Gratzer said that he was unapologetically conservative [4] and that minimum wage earners are not underpaid but underproductive.

All those college kids who are trying to make a few bucks to make college more tolerable will appreciate that nonsense. Im sure all those Walmart employees who were dealt a bad deal in life (being born with a disability) feel they are somehow under productive.

You keep up the good fight Weasel, fighting for these billionaire rights while most families live on the brink knowing at any moment they could be bankrupt from a health issue. You truly are a cancer to the working people in this country and i would be willing to bet u are nothing but a handjob that lives off of Gov't assistance.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Incredible u missed the very first paragraph.

David George Gratzer (born September 5, 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba) is a Canadian psychiatrist, conservative columnist, author, and critic of the Canadian health care system. He is a practicing psychiatrist in Toronto and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute[1], and as advisor to Rudy Giuliani in his 2008 presidential campaign he was the source for a disputed statistic that led to much criticism of Giuliani by foreign politicians, and the media in the U.S. and Europe.

Their is much more but about this hack i especially like this line "In his youth Gratzer said that he was unapologetically conservative [4] and that minimum wage earners are not underpaid but underproductive.

All those college kids who are trying to make a few bucks to make college more tolerable will appreciate that nonsense. Im sure all those Walmart employees who were dealt a bad deal in life (being born with a disability) feel they are somehow under productive.

You keep up the good fight Weasel, fighting for these billionaire rights while most families live on the brink knowing at any moment they could be bankrupt from a health issue. You truly are a cancer to the working people in this country and i would be willing to bet u are nothing but a handjob that lives off of Gov't assistance.

you highlight words like conservative as though they`re epithets...that`s why it`s such a bad thing for this country to have a socialist president AND a democrat congress.....

as you prove time and again,those on the dole will never really think critically on issues...they just vote for those that give them the most stuff...pick other`s pockets and redistribute the fruits of everyone else`s labors...

but,i`m not heartless... i understand that you`re in a tough situation,spongy.....skills in microwaving frozen burritos probably aren`t in high demand...

/:chew:..nom nom nom.....
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002

you highlight words like conservative as though they`re epithets...that`s why it`s such a bad thing for this country to have a socialist president AND a democrat congress.....

as you prove time and again,those on the dole will never really think critically on issues...they just vote for those that give them the most stuff...pick other`s pockets and redistribute the fruits of everyone else`s labors...

but,i`m not heartless... i understand that you`re in a tough situation,spongy.....skills in microwaving frozen burritos probably aren`t in high demand...

/:chew:..nom nom nom.....

A lot like the last Admin isn't it?

When are you guys going to learn they ARE ALL CROOKS and they are stealing America right in front of us while we argue about whether we should pay for health care out of our pocket or out of our taxes. It doesn't matter! The crooks wil still get our money in the end.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
"When are you guys going to learn they ARE ALL CROOKS and they are stealing America right in front of us while we argue about whether we should pay for health care out of our pocket or out of our taxes. It doesn't matter! The crooks wil still get our money in the end."

I agree totally. I am also seeing the further (nothing new) deterioration of reward for individual
accomplishment. This has been going on for a long time but it looks like Obama, in his rush to change the world before 2010, has taken it to a new level.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
"When are you guys going to learn they ARE ALL CROOKS and they are stealing America right in front of us while we argue about whether we should pay for health care out of our pocket or out of our taxes. It doesn't matter! The crooks wil still get our money in the end."

I agree totally. I am also seeing the further (nothing new) deterioration of reward for individual
accomplishment. This has been going on for a long time but it looks like Obama, in his rush to change the world before 2010, has taken it to a new level.

Between fees and taxes and everything else it is pretty hard these days. Divide and conqure. These guys ain't stupid.

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005



you highlight words like conservative as though they`re epithets...that`s why it`s such a bad thing for this country to have a socialist president AND a democrat congress.....

as you prove time and again,those on the dole will never really think critically on issues...they just vote for those that give them the most stuff...pick other`s pockets and redistribute the fruits of everyone else`s labors...

but,i`m not heartless... i understand that you`re in a tough situation,spongy.....skills in microwaving frozen burritos probably aren`t in high demand...

/:chew:..nom nom nom.....

Would it be possible to get Weasel a job.
I think that he has over medicated himself on his meds.
Don't think that he could operate a micro-wave.
Maybe he can shine shoes.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Would it be possible to get Weasel a job.
I think that he has over medicated himself on his meds.
Don't think that he could operate a micro-wave.
Maybe he can shine shoes.

Sure why not the neo-cons use Joe the (naive) Plumber like a prop so why not Weasel? He seems to be their number one spoke man. While neo-cons run in their offices with laughter they send out guys like Weasel to push their snake like agendas knowing a guy like Weasel doesn't know any better, and is dumb enuf to spread it.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


Surgery postponed indefinitely for 1,000 Kelowna patients
- Cathryn Atkinson, April 8, 2008 [Globe and Mail]

Majority of Que. dentists quit health-care system
- March 27, 2008 [CTV.ca]

Why Ontario keeps sending patients south
- Lisa Priest, February 22, 2008 [Globe and Mail]

Will Socialized Health Care in the US Kill Canadians?
- Don Surber, March 3, 2008 [Acton Institute]

Wait times for surgery, medical treatments at all-time high: report
- October 15, 2007 [CBC News (Canada)]

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
- David Gratzer, Summer 2007 [City Journal]

Cancer patients question why PET scan not covered
- May 28, 2007 [CBC News]

BC Medical Association: Waiting Too Long for Hip and Knee Surgery Costs $10,000 Per Patient-Maximum Wait Times Should Be No Longer Than 6 Months
- June 28, 2006 [CCN Matthews]

Ont. physician turns away patient for being 55+
- March 17, 2006 [CTV.ca]

Canada inches toward private medicine
- Rebecca Cook Dube, August 8, 2005 [CS Monitor]

Doctor defends private cancer clinic
- Gillian Livingston, July 15, 2005 [Canadian Press]

Dogma trumps truth in health-care issues
- D?Arcy Jenish, July 7, 2005 [Ontario Business News]

Why Canadians Purchase Private Health Insurance
- Walter Williams, June 20, 2005 [Capitalism Magazine]

Doctor welcomes health ruling
- June 9, 2005 [CBC Montreal]

Patients shouldn't wait more than 8 weeks for cardiac defibrillator: experts
- May 24, 2005 [Canadian Press]

Grads fail to slow doctor shortage
- Jennifer O'Brien, May 21, 2005 [London Free Press]

Free Canadian health care comes at cost
- April 10, 2005 [Arkansas Democrat-Gazette]

Canada's drug tab reaches $22 billion, report suggests
- Sheryl Ubelacker, CP, April 6, 2005 [London Free Press]

Canadian health care is free and first-class -- if you can wait
- Beth Duff-Brown, March 19, 2005 [The Associated Press]

Pediatricians, parents warn of shortage of community-based care for children
- Colin Perkel, March 4, 2005 [The Canadian Press]

Access to specialists difficult: study
- February 16, 2005 [CBC Calgary]

Doctor shortages, frustrations vary from region to region, survey shows
- February 15, 2005 [Canada.com]

Montreal leads the country in offering private health care
- Aaron Derfel, February 12, 2005 [Montreal Gazette]

Canada falling short on medical imaging
- February 9, 2005 [Macleans.ca]

Creative incentives required to retain older doctors
- Dr. Charles Shaver, January 20, 2005 [Toronto Star]

MRI gap defies cash fix
- Mark Kennedy, January 14, 2005 [National Post (Canada)]

A boy's plight, a nation's problem
- Lisa Priest, January 13, 2005 [The Globe and Mail]

oh please....socialized health care is horrible.....if you care about your families,you`ll fight this with every fiber of your being...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Surgery backlog tops 5,500 at kids' hospitals;
One-year waits common
by Aaron Derfel
December 4, 2004 The Gazette (Montreal)

"More than 5,500 children - some of whom can't hear or see properly - are on waiting lists as long as one year for corrective surgery in Montreal's two pediatric hospitals, The Gazette has learned.

Such delays are medically unacceptable and have caused children and their families considerable anxiety, doctors concede. The Ste. Justine and Montreal Children's Hospitals place the blame on a province-wide shortage of anesthetists and operating room nurses.

"I think it's terrible," said Dr. Melvin Schloss, an ear, nose and throat surgeon at the Children's, adding that youngsters are being "handicapped" during the lengthy delays.

"There are many parents who come into our hospital who just can't believe that children have to wait months to have elective surgery done. I go to great lengths to explain and ease the anxiety of parents about the waiting lists.

"We do everything we can here at the hospital to shorten that waiting list, but it's almost impossible," Schloss added.
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Weezil... Relax. You'll live longer. And after your insurance company drops you, thanks to our President, you'll have Universal Healthcare to fall back on. ;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
You don't have to go to Canada--

We have a state now that has gov ran health care.

Only 26 percent of likely voters in Massachusetts believe health care reform has been a success and just 21 percent believe reform has made health care more affordable, according to newly released poll results.
The Rasmussen Reports poll of 500 likely Massachusetts voters, taken in April, also found only 10 percent said the quality of health care is getting better under the reform law rules here.
Most of those polled on April 16, 2009 said they weren?t sure whether reform was a success or failure (37 percent), that there?s been no change in health care affordability under reform (44 percent) and that health care quality is about the same (53 percent).
The poll was taken before talks stirred in Washington about a national health care reform push and before a wave of news in Massachusetts about difficulty affording the coverage expansions authorized under the 2006 reform law