a quick poll--need some input


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
so rusty, and the rest of you geniuses, maybe you can help here ...

during a TV interview with david frost bhutto said OBL was murdered, then it gets edited out ... strangely usa has been hunting OBL for what a decade and had multi million price on his head, yet the american media doesnt even mention the startling fact that bhutto said he was murdered, nor does frost even react or ask a follow up question ... isnt that a bit weird?

oh yeah, soon after bhutto was assassinated ... you can watch it on my thread if you can find amongst IO's angst


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Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges

UGA you are as bad as anyone, least scott at times asks questions ... you have never once answered or commented on anything ... so i have to believe you are a moron cubed

:nono: :nono: :nono: Pg 3

Come on pt1gard, for a man that uses as big of words as you do I would think you would have some common sense. How could a man that has been deemed "stupid" by you and all your fellow Dems pull the wool over everyones eyes for the last 6 years. We are talking about a man who's colonoscapy made front page news, and yet we are to believe he and his associates conspired to do this all in the span of his 9 months in office and yet not one once of PROOF can be found. I am sure your author friend has plenty of questions that cant be answered, and for those that want to believe it is great fodder but it proves zero. Being his book is public record you would think one of those Dems that Hates Bush so bad would buy a copy, hold congressional hearings, and read the book cover to cover. This would surely get Bush impeached and imprisoned:shrug: . So either the Democrates are to stupid to read or your book friend is making a lot of money off you and your ilk by feeding you what you crave.

You ever figure out how this hillbilly idiot president snuck this by the superior Dems. I mean surely at least one Dem. has contacted you to get all this information for the congressional hearings that are coming up right:shrug: Oh Thats right they are all in on it or idiots as well. Bush mispronounces a word and it is world news, but he can bring down the WTC and not a peep. :142smilie :142smilie :142smilie


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
scott i have posted it in here many times, go look ... i dont repeat things for every single person that comes in here ... google it, watch a video on it and learn a little instead of expecting me to lead you by hand ...


See thats the problem I have with this thread.

I want your words not some video or googles. What do you believe from watching all of it ? You have formed your opinion .

Tell me why you think that a goverment did the London bombings. Its at the heart of every conspiracy way of thinking.

I am pretty sure you will not answer again.

Thats what makes me go off and trash this thread.

waiting .......


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
scott i have said what i think, find it ... you seem like you have all sorts of time ... :mj07:

and god sent the passports tumbling down, that was your best line ever


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Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.

See thats the problem I have with this thread.

I want your words not some video or googles. What do you believe from watching all of it ? You have formed your opinion .

Tell me why you think that a goverment did the London bombings. Its at the heart of every conspiracy way of thinking.

I am pretty sure you will not answer again.

Thats what makes me go off and trash this thread.

waiting .......

My Moms from London,WW11 era.,stiull alive.
And Ill tell you one thing they learned.
Hitler tried,but failed to bomb England into submission.Why would they do same to themselves!!:shrug: :142smilie :nono:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
scott i have said what i think, find it ... you seem like you have all sorts of time ... :mj07:

and god sent the passports tumbling down, that was your best line ever

find it, thats your answer.

You know its bullshit. They traced the bombers to the one mosque that purports to blow shit up and wage war on freedom.

The goverment had nothing to do with these crazy bastids. The goverment prevents this kind of thing, they dont bomb their own people.

your really out of touch.

Oh well I knew it would come to this.

back to Jesus posting


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.

find it, thats your answer.

You know its bullshit. They traced the bombers to the one mosque that purports to blow shit up and wage war on freedom.

The goverment had nothing to do with these crazy bastids. The goverment prevents this kind of thing, they dont bomb their own people.

your really out of touch.

Oh well I knew it would come to this.

back to Jesus posting
Hes gone Scott,lost cause!!


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

Read about the life of Jesus Christ in our God's Story presentation. - Go Meaning: Salvation, or ?the Lord is salvation,? ?the Lord Saves.?

?Jesus? is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua which was originally Hoshea (Oshea) (Num. 13:8, 16 - the King James Version of the Bible spells it ?Oshea?), but changed by Moses into Jehoshua (Num. 13:16; 1 Chr. 7:27), or Joshua. After the Exile it assumed the form Jeshua, from which came the Greek form Jesus. It was given to our Lord to denote the object of his mission, to save. An angel told Joseph (his foster-father), ?You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins? (Matt. 1:21).

JESUS CHRIST - Je'sus, the proper, as Christ is the official, name of our Lord. To distinguish him from others with the same name, he is spoken of as ?Jesus of Nazareth? (John 18:7), and ?Jesus the son of Joseph? (John 6:42).

The life of Jesus on earth may be divided into two great periods, (1) his private life, till he was about thirty years of age; and (2) his public life, which lasted about three years.

Read about the life of Jesus Christ in our God's Story presentation. - Go

In the ?fulness of time? he was born at Bethlehem, in the reign of the emperor Augustus, of Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter (Matt. 1:1; Luke 3:23; compare John 7:42). His birth was announced to shepherds (Luke 2:8-20). Wise men from the east came to Bethlehem to see him who was born ?King of the Jews,? bringing gifts with them (Matt. 2:1-12). Herod's cruel jealousy led to Joseph's flight into Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus, where they waited till the death of this king (Matt. 2:13-23), when they returned and settled in Nazareth, in Lower Galilee (2:23; compare Luke 4:16; John 1:46, etc.). At the age of twelve years he went up to Jerusalem to the Passover with his parents. There, in the temple, ?in the midst of the doctors,? all that heard him were ?astonished at his understanding and answers? (Luke 2:41, etc.).

Eighteen years pass during which we have no record, except that he returned to Nazareth and ?increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man? (Luke 2:52). [Some have claimed that during this period, Jesus went to India and learned from Hindu Gurus? Is this true?]

He entered his public ministry when he was about thirty years of age. It is generally believed to have lasted about three years. Each of these years had particular features of its own.

Visit our special home page devoted to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and learn much more! Go? (Discover answers to many questions about Jesus Christ)
Also, read the story of Jesus Christ in our beautifully illustrated God's Story section - GO?

The first year may be called the year of obscurity, both because the records of it which we possess are very scanty, and because he seems during it to have been only slowly emerging into public notice. It was spent for the most part in Judea.

The second year was the year of public favor, during which the country had become thoroughly aware of him; his activity was constant, and his reputation was known through the length and breadth of the land. It was almost wholly passed in Galilee.

The third was the year of opposition, when the public favor ebbed away. His enemies multiplied and assailed him with more and more persistence, and at last he fell victim to their hatred. The first six months of this final year were passed in Galilee, and the last six in other parts of the land (Stalker's Life of Jesus Christ, p. 45).

The Gospels are eyewitnesses accounts of the words and work of Jesus Christ in many different aspects. (See CHRIST.)

Jesus was also the name of four other men in the Bible?

Joshua, the son of Nun (the King James Version says ?Jesus? in Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8; all new translations avoid confusion by using the name ?Joshua?)

A Jewish Christian surnamed Justus (Col. 4:11)

Jesus Barabbas (sometimes just called Barabbas) - prisoner released by Pontius Pilate (Matt. 27:16-17)

An ancestor of Christ (Luke 3:29). Translated as Jose in the King James Version and NJKV, Joshua in the NIV and NASB.

Author: Matthew G. Easton and Paul S. Taylor.

What does ?Christ? mean?
What does ?Messiah? mean?
How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah?
List of Messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ

Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God? Answer
If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? Answer
What are the different meanings of ?son of god??
Isn't the virgin birth of Jesus Christ mythological and scientifically impossible?
Has science disproved the miracles associated with Jesus Christ?
How do we know that Jesus Christ really rose from the dead?


How did Jesus die?
Did Jesus really sweat drops of blood?
How Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours
His death and resurrection
God's story, from Creation to eternity
Isn't the virgin birth of Jesus Christ mythological and scientifically impossible?
Discover some popular misconceptions about Jesus Christ's birth

Is THE DA VINCI CODE ?the most serious assault against Christianity?? Answer


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pt1qard needs Jesus

as buddy would say . that is the answer


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
go post on jesus, scott, do you know how many people dont believe in god in the usa? do you believe we went to moon too ... check out the van allen radiation belt, or astronauts gone wild, or the original interview with the apollo 13 crew, or nasa site where you can see wires on tons of shorts films attached to the nauts backs, or shadows that go east and north with 2 people standing within 5' of one another ... see, you guys cant see past whats been driven down your throat ...

yeah, laugh, but again anyone whos actually studied the moon knows thats a joke too ... why wont armstrong ever talk about it, never has since the original interview, but you knew that ... why do diff astronauts contradict themselves about whether the engines made a sound taking off from the moon, why do they disagree whether or not they could see stars from the moon ... see scott, you are a dupe and swallow things that never happened bc people jammed them down your throat and you are little more than a food pellet gulping gerbil...

besides all that are you really so stupid to think the uss liberty incident did not happen--the gov. and lbj admitted it ... the gov. protects us? what a laugh ... check out the panama deception when you get the nascar vertigo to stop buzzing your brain
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
How to Know God Personally
What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? Become a better person so that God will accept you?

You may be surprised that none of those things will work. But God has made it very clear in the Bible how we can know Him.

The following principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now...


Principle 1:
God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life.


God's Love
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." 1

God's Plan
[Christ speaking] "I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly" [that it might be full and meaningful]. 2

Why is it that most people are not experiencing the abundant life? Because...


Principle 2:
All of us sin and our sin has separated us from God.


We Are Sinful
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 3

We were created to have fellowship with God; but, because of our stubborn self-will, we chose to go our own independent way, and fellowship with God was broken. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference, is evidence of what the Bible calls sin.

We Are Separated
"The wages of sin is death" [spiritual separation from God]. 4

This diagram illustrates that God is holy and people are sinful. A great gulf separates us. The arrows illustrate that we are continually trying to reach God and the abundant life through our own efforts, such as a good life, philosophy, or religion -- but we inevitably fail.

The third law explains the only way to bridge this gulf...


Principle 3:
Jesus Christ is God's only provision for our sin. Through Him we can know and experience God's love and plan for our life.


He Died in Our Place
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 5

He Rose From the Dead
"Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures...He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred..." 6

He Is the Only Way to God
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.'" 7

This diagram illustrates that God has bridged the gulf which separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins.

It is not enough just to know these three principles...


Principle 4:
We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God's love and plan for our lives.


We Must Receive Christ
"As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." 8

We Receive Christ Through Faith
"By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast." 9

When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth

We Receive Christ by Personal Invitation
[Christ speaking] "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him." 10

Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and to make us what He wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for your sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience. You receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of the will.

These two circles represent two kinds of lives:

Which circle best describes your life?

Which circle would you like to have represent your life?

The following explains how you can receive Christ:
You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer
Prayer is talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. The following is a suggested prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be."

Does this prayer express the desire of your heart? If it does, you can pray this prayer right now and Christ will come into your life, as He promised.

Yes, I just asked Jesus into my life
I may want to ask Jesus into my life,
but I have a question I would like answered first


(1) John 3:16 (NIV); (2) John 10:10; (3) Romans 3:23; (4) Romans 6:23; (5) Romans 5:8; (6) 1 Corinthians 15:3-6; (7) John 14:6; (8) John 1:12; (9) Ephesians 2:8,9; (10) Revelation 3:20

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
are you and IO afraid to learn the truth about christianity, that they stole all their dogma two thousand years earlier from the egyptians ... how many messiah sun gods were born on dec. 25th, were born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, were crucified and ressurected 3 days later? almost all, ostrich if you want, but least know your history when you back fiction ....

watch the zeitgeist doc, it explains it all and you'll get a clammy shirt sticking to your back feeling when you see all the "coincidences" in different religions ... anyhow, you are drunk on others people propaganda; its ok tho, most left brainers are
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Baptism and Temptation
Main articles: Baptism of Jesus, Temptation of Jesus, and John the Baptist

Temptation of Christ, Ary Scheffer, 19th c.All three synoptic Gospels describe the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, an event which Biblical scholars describe as the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. According to these accounts, Jesus came to the Jordan River where John the Baptist had been preaching and baptizing people in the crowd. Matthew describes John as initially hesitant to comply with Jesus' request for John to baptize him, stating that it was Jesus who should baptize him. Jesus persisted, "It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3:15). After Jesus was baptized and rose from the water, Mark states Jesus "saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. Then a voice came from heaven saying: 'You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased'" (Mark 1:10?11). The Gospel of John does not describe the baptism, but it does attest that Jesus is the very one about whom John the Baptist had been preaching ? the Son of God.

Following his baptism, Jesus was led into the desert by God where he fasted for forty days and forty nights (Matthew 4:1?2). During this time, the devil appeared to him and tempted Jesus three times. Each time, Jesus refused temptation with a quotation of scripture from the Book of Deuteronomy. The devil departed and angels came and brought nourishment to Jesus (Matthew 4:1?11, Mark 1:12?13, Luke 4:1?13).

Main articles: Ministry of Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, Sermon on the Plain, Twelve Apostles, and Transfiguration of Jesus

Sermon on the Mount, Carl Heinrich Bloch, 19th c.The Gospels state that Jesus, as Messiah, came to "give his life as a ransom for many" and "preach the good news of the Kingdom of God."[20] Over the course of his ministry, Jesus is said to have performed various miracles, including healings, exorcisms, walking on water, turning water into wine, and raising several people, such as Lazarus, from the dead (John 11:1?44, Matthew 9:25, and Luke 7:15).

Jud?a and Galilee at the time of JesusThe Gospel of John describes three different passover feasts over the course of Jesus' ministry. This implies that Jesus preached for a period of at least "two years plus a month or two",[21] although some interpretations of the Synoptic Gospels suggest a span of only one year.[22] The focus of his ministry was toward his closest adherents, the Twelve Apostles, though many of his followers were considered disciples. The Twelve Apostles and others closest to Jesus were all Jews as shown by Jesus? statements that his mission is directed only to those of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24, Matthew 10:1-6) and by the fact that only after the death of Jesus did the apostles agree with Paul that the teaching of the gospel could be extended to uncircumcised Gentiles (Acts 15:1?31, Galatians 2:7-9, Acts 10:1?11:18). Jesus led an apocalyptic following. He preached that the end of the current world would come unexpectedly, and that he would return to judge the world, especially according to how they treated the vulnerable; for this reason, he called on his followers to be ever alert and faithful. Jesus also taught that repentance was necessary to escape hell, and promised to give those who believe in him eternal life (John 3:16?18).

At the height of his ministry, Jesus attracted huge crowds numbering in the thousands, primarily in the areas of Galilee and Perea (in modern-day Israel and Jordan respectively).[23] Some of Jesus' most famous teachings come from the Sermon on the Mount, which contained the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer. Jesus often employed parables, such as the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the Parable of the Sower. His teachings encouraged unconditional self-sacrificing God-like love for God and for all people. During his sermons, he preached about service and humility, the forgiveness of sin, faith, turning the other cheek, love for one's enemies as well as friends, and the need to follow the spirit of the law in addition to the letter.[24]

Jesus often met with society's outcasts, such as the publicani (Imperial tax collectors who were despised for extorting money), including the apostle Matthew; when the Pharisees objected to Jesus' meeting with sinners rather than the righteous, Jesus replied that it was the sick who need a physician, not the healthy (Matthew 9:9?13). According to Luke and John, Jesus also made efforts to extend his ministry to the Samaritans, who followed a different form of the Israelite religion. This is reflected in his preaching to the Samaritans of Sychar, resulting in their conversion (John 4:1?42).

According to the synoptic gospels, Jesus led three of his apostles ? Peter, John, and James ? to the top of a mountain to pray. While there, he was transfigured before them, his face shining like the sun and his clothes brilliant white; Elijah and Moses appeared adjacent to him. A bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the sky said, "This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased."[25] The gospels also state that toward the end of his ministry, Jesus began to warn his disciples of his future death and resurrection (Matthew 16:21?28).

Arrest, trial, and death
Main articles: Jesus and the Money Changers, Last Supper, Arrest of Jesus, Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus, and Death of Jesus

Ecce Homo (Behold the Man!), Antonio Ciseri, 19th c.: Pontius Pilate presents a scourged Jesus of Nazareth to onlookers: a very popular motif in Christian art.In the account given by the synoptic gospels, Jesus came with his followers to Jerusalem during the Passover festival where a large crowd came to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!"[26] Following his triumphal entry,[27] Jesus created a disturbance at Herod's Temple by overturning the tables of the moneychangers who set up shop there, and claiming that they had made the Temple a "den of robbers." (Mark 11:17). Later that week, Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples ? an event subsequently known as the Last Supper ? in which he prophesied that he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, and would then be executed. In this ritual he took bread and wine in hand, saying: "this is my body which is given for you" and "this cup which is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my blood," and instructed them to "do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:7?20). Following the supper, Jesus and his disciples went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.

While in the Garden, Jesus was arrested by temple guards on the orders of the Sanhedrin and the high priest, Caiaphas (Luke 22:47?52, Matthew 26:47?56). The arrest took place clandestinely at night to avoid a riot, as Jesus was popular with the people at large (Mark 14:2). Judas Iscariot, one of his apostles, betrayed Jesus by identifying him to the guards with a kiss. Simon Peter, another one of Jesus' apostles, used a sword to attack one of Jesus' captors, cutting off his ear, which, according to Luke, Jesus immediately healed miraculously.[28] Jesus rebuked the apostle, stating "all they that take the sword shall perish by the sword" (Matthew 26:52). After his arrest, Jesus' apostles went into hiding.

Crucifixion, Diego Vel?zquez, 17th c.During the Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus, the high priests and elders asked Jesus, "Are you the Son of God?" When he replied, "You are right in saying I am," they condemned Jesus for blasphemy (Luke 22:70?71). The high priests then turned him over to the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, based on an accusation of sedition for forbidding the payment of taxes Luke 23:1-2 and claiming to be King of the Jews.[29] When Jesus came before Pilate, Pilate asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" to which he replied, "It is as you say." According to the Gospels, Pilate personally felt that Jesus was not guilty of any crime against the Romans, and since there was a custom at Passover for the Roman governor to free a prisoner (a custom not recorded outside the Gospels), Pilate offered the crowd a choice between Jesus of Nazareth and an insurrectionist named Barabbas. The crowd chose to have Barabbas freed and Jesus crucified. Pilate washed his hands to indicate that he was innocent of the injustice of the decision (Matthew 27:11?26).

According to all four Gospels, Jesus died before late afternoon at Calvary, which was also called Golgotha. The wealthy Judean Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin according to Mark and Luke, received Pilate's permission to take possession of Jesus' body, placing it in a tomb.[30] According to John, Joseph was aided by Nicodemus, who joined him to help bury Jesus, and who appears in other parts of John's gospel (John 19:38?42). The three Synoptic Gospels tell of the darkening of the sky from twelve until three that afternoon; Matthew also mentions an earthquake (Matthew 27:51).

Resurrection and Ascension
Main articles: Harrowing of Hell, Resurrection of Jesus, Resurrection appearances of Jesus, Great Commission, Ascension of Jesus Christ, and Second Coming

Christ en majest?, Matthias Gr?newald, 16th c.: Resurrection of JesusAccording to the Gospels, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion.[31] The Gospel of Matthew states that an angel appeared near the tomb of Jesus and announced his resurrection to Mary Magdelene and "another Mary" who had arrived to anoint the body (Matthew 28:1?10). According to Luke there were two angels (Luke 24:4), and according to Mark there was a youth dressed in white (Mark 16:5). The "longer ending" to Mark states that on the morning of his resurrection, Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9). John states that when Mary looked into the tomb, two angels asked her why she was crying; and as she turned round she initially failed to recognize Jesus until he spoke her name (John 20:11?18).

The Acts of the Apostles state that Jesus appeared to various people in various places over the next forty days. Hours after his resurrection, he appeared to two travelers on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13?35). To his assembled disciples he showed himself on the evening after his resurrection (John 20:19). Although his own ministry had been specifically to Jews, Jesus is said to have sent his apostles to the Gentiles with the Great Commission and ascended to heaven while a cloud concealed him from their sight. According to Acts, Paul of Tarsus had a vision of Jesus during his Road to Damascus experience. Jesus promised to come again to fulfill the remainder of Messianic prophecy.[32]

Fulfillment of prophecy
Main article: Messianic prophecy in Christianity
The Gospels present Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection as fulfillments of prophecies found in the Hebrew Bible. See, for example, the virgin birth, the flight into Egypt, Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14), and the suffering servant.[33]

Historical Jesus
Main articles: Historical Jesus and Quest for the historical Jesus
Scholars have used the historical method to develop probable reconstructions of Jesus' life. Over the past two hundred years, the image of Jesus among historical scholars has come to be very different than the common image of Jesus that was based on the gospels.[34] Some scholars draw a distinction between Jesus as reconstructed through historical methods and Jesus as understood through a theological point of view, while other scholars hold that a theological Jesus represents a historical figure.[35] The main sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the gospels, especially the synoptic gospels: Mark, Matthew, and Luke. Biblical scholars and most historians accept the historical existence of Jesus and regard claims against his existence as "effectively refuted".[36]

The Quest of the Historical Jesus
The English title of Albert Schweitzer's 1906 book, "The Quest of the Historical Jesus," is a label for the post-Enlightenment effort to describe Jesus using modern historical methods.[37] Since the end of the 18th century, scholars have examined the gospels and tried to formulate historical biographies of Jesus. Contemporary efforts benefit from a better understanding of 1st-century Judaism, renewed Roman Catholic biblical scholarship, broad acceptance of critical historical methods, sociological insights, and literary analysis of Jesus' sayings.[37]

Constructing a historical Jesus

Hypothetical reconstruction of appearance of a man of Jesus' time and place (not Jesus himself) produced for a BBC television program aired on 1 April 2001[38]Main articles: Historical Jesus and Cultural and historical background of Jesus
Historians analyze the gospels to try to discern the historical man on whom these stories are based. They compare what the gospels say to historical events relevant to the times and places where the gospels were written. They try to answer historical questions about Jesus, such as why he was crucified.

Most scholars agree the Gospel of Mark was written about the time of the destruction of the Jewish Temple by the Romans under Titus in the year 70, and that the other gospels were written between 70?100.[39] The historical outlook on Jesus relies on critical analysis of the Bible, especially the gospels. Many scholars have sought to reconstruct Jesus' life in terms of contemporaneous political, cultural, and religious currents in Israel, including differences between Galilee and Judea, and between different sects such the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and Zealots,[40][41] and in terms of conflicts among Jews in the context of Roman occupation.

Peter Kirby's Historical Jesus Theories gives an overview of the conflicting answers that recent writers have given to these questions. The variety and contradictory character of these answers indicate that what follows here is not to be taken as representing a consensus among scholars.

Descriptions of historical Jesus
Historians generally describe Jesus as an itinerant preacher and leader of a religious movement within Judaism.[42] The historical Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, taught in parables and aphorisms, challenged pious traditions, legalism and social hierarchy, and was crucified by the Romans. Historians are divided over whether Jesus followed a career of healing and exorcism,[citation needed] preached the end of the world was imminent, and saw his crucifixion as inevitable.

John the Baptist led a large apocalyptic movement. He demanded repentance and baptism. Jesus was baptized and later began his ministry. After John was executed, some of his followers apparently took Jesus as their new leader.

Historians are nearly unanimous in accepting Jesus' baptism as a historical event.

Historical Jesus taught in pithy parables and with striking images.[43] He likened the Kingdom of Heaven to small and lowly things, such as yeast or a mustard seed,[43] that have great effects. Historians often see Jesus' theological pronouncements in the gospels as coming from the Christian tradition but not from Jesus' himself.

Jesus placed a special emphasis on God as one's heavenly father.[43]

Jesus preached to Jews. Historians suspect that the gospel references to preaching to non-Jews reflect the authors' views.

Kingdom of God
Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God, the most important symbol by which he expressed his religious meaning.[37] Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was near, and emphasized the good things this meant for the poor and suffering.[37]

Since the 18th century, scholars have occasionally taken Jesus' proclamations as indicating he was a political national messiah, but the evidence for this interpretation is negligible.[37]

The gospels portray Jesus as leading an apocalyptic movement, proclaiming the Kingdom of God. Scholars have traditionally credited these account, though since the 1970s some scholars have taken to arguing that Jesus' Kingdom of God was already present.[43] Scholars such as Robert W. Funk regard the apocalyptic elements in the gospels as reflecting early Christian beliefs, not Jesus' own words.[43] Others, such as Karen Armstrong, regard Jesus as continuous with a history of Jewish apocalyptic holy men.

Main article: Death and resurrection of Jesus
Jesus seems to have been executed for political rather than religious reasons.[37] Jerusalem at Passover was a highly charged time, and Jesus' disruptive confrontation at the Temple may have precipitated his arrest and execution.[43]

Scholars are nearly unanimous in accepting the crucifixion as historical.[citation needed]

Names and titles
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Main article: Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament
The name Jesus is an anglicization of the Hebrew name that would have more closely been pronounced as spelled Yeshua.[citation needed]

Jesus probably lived in Galilee for most of his life and he probably spoke Aramaic and Hebrew.[44] The name "Jesus" is an English transliteration of the Latin (Iēsus) which in turn comes from the Greek name Iesous (Ιησους). The name has also been translated into English as "Joshua".[45] Further examination of the Septuagint finds that the Greek, in turn, is a transliteration of the Hebrew/Aramaic Yeshua (ישוע) (Yeshua ? he will save) a contraction of Hebrew name Yehoshua (יהושוע Yeho ? Yahweh [is] shua` ? deliverance/rescue, usually Romanized as Joshua). Scholars believe that one of these was likely the name that Jesus was known by during his lifetime by his peers.[46]

Christ (which is a title and not a part of his name) is an Anglicization of the Greek term for Messiah (χριστός, from the verb χρίω "to anoint"), and literally means "anointed one." Historians have debated what this title might have meant at the time Jesus lived; some historians have suggested that other titles applied to Jesus in the New Testament had meanings in the first century quite different from those meanings ascribed today.[47]

The titles "Divine", "Son of God", "God", "God from God", "Lord", "Redeemer", "Liberator", and "Saviour of the World" were each applied to the Roman emperors. John Dominic Crossan considers that the application of them to Jesus by the early Christians would have been regarded as denying them to the emperor(s). "They were taking the identity of the Roman emperor and giving it to a Jewish peasant. Either that was a peculiar joke and a very low lampoon, or it was what the Romans called majestas and we call high treason."[48]

The title Son of God has often been taken as a claim to divinity. Likewise, Jesus claimed the title "I AM" in John 8:58 which designates God in the Hebrew Bible, especially in Exodus 3:14.[49] Some New Testament scholars, however, argue that Jesus himself made no claims to being God.[50][51][52][53][54][55][56] Most Christians identified Jesus as divine from a very early period, although holding a variety of views as to what exactly this implied.[57]

Religious groups
Scholars refer to the religious background of the early 1st-century to better reconstruct Jesus' life. Some scholars identify him with one or another group.

Pharisees were a powerful force in 1st-century Judaism. After the fall of the Temple, the Pharisee outlook was established in Rabbinic Judaism.

Some scholars speculate that Jesus was himself a Pharisee.[58] In Jesus' day, the two main schools of thought among the Pharisees were the House of Hillel, which had been founded by the eminent Tanna, Hillel the Elder, and the House of Shammai. Jesus' assertion of hypocrisy may have been directed against the stricter members of the House of Shammai, although he also agreed with their teachings on divorce (Mark 10:1?12).[59] Jesus also commented on the House of Hillel's teachings (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a) concerning the greatest commandment (Mark 12:28?34) and the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12).

The Sadducee sect was particularly powerful in Jerusalem and opposed to the Pharisees.[60] They accepted the written Law only, rejecting the oral law, retribution in the afterlife, the resurrection, angels, and spirits.[60] They opposed Jesus' ministry, perhaps because they feared trouble from the Roman occupiers.[60] They may have been the ones who turned Jesus over to the Romans for execution.[37] With the fall of Jerusalem, they disappeared from history.[60]

Essenes were apocalyptic ascetics, one of the three (or four) major Jewish schools of the time, though they were not mentioned in the New Testament.[61]

Some scholars theorize that Jesus was an Essene, or close to them. Among these scholars is Pope Benedict XVI, who supposes in his book on Jesus that "it appears that not only John the Baptist, but possibly Jesus and his family as well, were close to the Qumran community."[62]

Apocalyptic movements
Still other scholars hypothesize that Jesus led a new apocalyptic sect, possibly related to John the Baptist,[63] who became early Christian after the Great Commission spread his teachings to the Gentiles.[64] This is distinct from an earlier commission Jesus gave to the twelve Apostles, limited to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and specifically excluding the Gentiles or Samaritans (Matthew 10).

The Gospels record that Jesus was a Nazarene, a term commonly taken to refer to his place of birth, but sometimes as a religious affiliation.[41]

The revolutionary Zealot party opposed Roman rule.[65] Luke identifies Simon, a disciple, as a "zealot," which might mean a member of the Zealot party or a zealous person.[65] The notion that Jesus himself was a Zealot doesn't do justice to the earliest Synoptic material describing him.[66]

Gospels as historical texts
Main article: Higher criticism
The New Testament, especially the synoptic gospels, were written soon after Jesus' life, making them relevant to historical analysis.[67] Modern scholars use various methods for sorting out the historical Jesus who inspired the gospels from the Jesus of faith that the gospel authors wrote about.

After the original oral stories were written down in Greek, they were transcribed, and later translated into other languages. This is not unique to the Bible ? other documents of antiquity have been scrutinized for gaps between the date of an event and the date it was written. Having been written, the New Testament sources encountered insignificant changes, according to scholars such as the late Sir Frederic Kenyon (1863 - 1952).[68]

Contemporary textual critic Bart D. Ehrman cites numerous places where the gospels, and other New Testament books, were apparently altered by Christian scribes.[69] The scribes, largely amateurs, worked to make the gospels more similar and to remove verses that could be taken to support unorthodox beliefs common in early Christianity.[69] For example, Luke portrays Jesus as implacable in the face of his crucifixion, contrary to Mark, which portrays him in agony. Ehrman considers that verses in Luke in which Jesus sweats blood to be a later interpolation, made to include agony in Luke's account.[69] The views of intellectuals who entirely reject Jesus' historicity are summarized in the chapter on Jesus in Will Durant's Caesar and Christ. It is based on a scarcity of eyewitness accounts, a lack of direct archaeological evidence, the failure of specific ancient works to mention Jesus, and similarities between early Christianity and contemporary mythology.[70]

One method used to estimate the factual accuracy of stories in the gospels is known as the "criterion of embarrassment," which holds that stories about events with embarrassing aspects (such as the denial of Jesus by Peter, or the fleeing of Jesus' followers after his arrest) would likely not have been included if those accounts were fictional.[71] Biblical scholars hold that the works describing Jesus were initially communicated by oral tradition, and were not committed to writing until several decades after Jesus' crucifixion. The earliest extant texts which refer to Jesus are Paul's letters, which are usually dated from the mid-1st century. Paul wrote that he only saw Jesus in visions, but that they were divine revelations and hence authoritative (Galatians 1:11?12). The earliest extant texts describing Jesus in any detail were the four Gospels.

Jesus as myth
Main article: Jesus myth hypothesis
Further information: Jesus Christ and comparative mythology
A few scholars have questioned the existence of Jesus as an actual historical figure. Among the proponents of non-historicity have been Bruno Bauer in the 19th century. Non-historicity was somewhat influential in biblical studies during the early 20th century. (The views of scholars who entirely rejected Jesus' historicity then were summarized in the chapter on Jesus in Will Durant's Caesar and Christ (in 1944); they were based on a suggested lack of eyewitness, a lack of direct archaeological evidence, the failure of certain ancient works to mention Jesus, and similarities early Christianity shares with then-contemporary religion and mythology.[72])

Michael Grant stated (in 1977) that the view is derived from a lack of application of historical methods:

?if we apply to the New Testament, as we should, the same sort of criteria as we should apply to other ancient writings containing historical material, we can no more reject Jesus' existence than we can reject the existence of a mass of pagan personages whose reality as historical figures is never questioned. ... To sum up, modern critical methods fail to support the Christ myth theory. It has 'again and again been answered and annihilated by first rank scholars.' In recent years, 'no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non historicity of Jesus' or at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary.[73]

More recently, arguments for non-historicity have been advanced by George Albert Wells in The Jesus Legend and The Jesus Myth, by Earl Doherty (The Jesus Puzzle), and by notable biblical scholar Robert M. Price in Deconstructing Jesus and The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man: How Reliable is the Gospel Tradition?. Non-historicity has recently been put forward also in popular literature by number of authors, e.g. by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy in their books The Jesus Mysteries and Jesus and the Lost Goddess. Nevertheless, non-historicity is still regarded as effectively refuted by almost all Biblical scholars and historians.[74][75][76]

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Christian views

Jesus Carrying the Cross, El Greco, 1580.Main articles: Christian views of Jesus and Christology
Though Christian views of Jesus vary, it is possible to describe a general majority Christian view by examining the similarities between specific Western Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and many Protestant doctrines found in their catechetical or confessional texts.[77] This view, given below as the Principal view, does not encompass all groups which describe themselves as Christian, with other views immediately following.

Majority view
Christians profess that Jesus is the Messiah (Greek: Christos; English: Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament,[78] who, through his life, death, and resurrection, restored humanity's communion with God in the blood of the New Covenant. His death on a cross is understood as the redemptive sacrifice: the source of humanity's salvation and the atonement for sin[79] which had entered human history through the sin of Adam.[80]

They profess Jesus to be the only Son of God, the Lord,[81] and the eternal Word (which is a translation of the Greek Logos),[82] who became man in the incarnation,[83] so that those who believe in him might have eternal life.[84] They further hold that he was born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit in an event described as the miraculous virgin birth or Incarnation.[85] In his life Jesus proclaimed the "good news" (Middle English: gospel; Greek: euangelion) that the coming Kingdom of Heaven was at hand,[86] and established the Christian Church, which is the seed of the kingdom, into which Jesus calls the poor in spirit.[87] Jesus' actions at the Last Supper, where he instituted the Eucharist, are understood as central to communion with God and remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice.[88]

The satisfaction view of atonement for sin, first articulated by Anselm of Canterbury, is that humanity owes God a debt of honor. This debt creates essentially an imbalance in the moral universe; it could not be satisfied by God's simply ignoring it. In this view, the only possible way of repaying the debt was for a being of infinite greatness, acting as a man on behalf of men, to repay the debt of honor owed to God. Therefore, when Jesus died, he paid a debt to God, his father. Thomas Aquinas consider atonement and articulated that rather than seeing the debt as one of honor, he sees the debt as a moral injustice to be righted. Aquinas concludes that punishment is a morally good response to sin, "Christ bore a satisfactory punishment, not for His, but for our sins," and substitution for another's sin is entirely possible.[citation needed]

Christians also profess that Jesus suffered death by crucifixion,[89] and rose bodily from the dead in the definitive miracle that foreshadows the resurrection of humanity at the end of time,[90] when Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead,[91] resulting in either entrance into heaven or damnation.[92] The resurrection is perhaps the most controversial aspect of the life of Jesus. Christianity hinges on this point of Christology, both as a response to a particular history and as a confessional response.[93] Christians believe that Jesus? resurrection brings reconciliation with God (II Corinthians 5:18), the destruction of death (I Corinthians 15:26), and forgiveness of sins for followers of Jesus.[citation needed]

Comparison of Christological positionsIn the beginning of the second century, the Roman official and writer, Pliny the Younger (63 - ca. 113), stated that Christians were "singing responsively a hymn to Christ as to god" (carmenque Christo quasi deo dicere secum invicem).[94] Between 325 and 681, Christians theologically articulated and refined their view of the nature of Jesus by a series of seven ecumenical councils (see Christology). These councils described Jesus as one of the three divine hypostases or persons of the Holy Trinity: the Son is defined as constituting, together with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, the single substance of the One God (see Communicatio idiomatum).[95] Furthermore, Jesus is defined to be one person with a fully human and a fully divine nature, a doctrine known as the Hypostatic union.[96] However, the Oriental Orthodoxy, the Assyrian Church of the East and the Church of the East & Abroad do not accept the hypostatic union.[citation needed]

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke suggest the virgin birth of Jesus. Barth speaks of the virgin birth as the divine sign ?which accompanies and indicates the mystery of the incarnation of the Son.?[97] Donald MacLeod[98] gives several Christological implications of a virgin birth: it highlights salvation as a supernatural act of God rather than an act of human initiative, avoids adoptionism (which is virtually required if a normal birth), and reinforces the sinlessness of Christ, especially as it relates to Christ being outside the sin of Adam (original sin).

Jesus Christ, the Mediator of humankind, fulfills the three offices of Prophet, Priest, and King. Eusebius of the early church worked out this threefold classification, which John Calvin developed[99] and John Wesley discussed.[100]

Alternative views
See also: Nontrinitarianism
Current religious groups that do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity include the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah's Witnesses and the Christadelphians.

Latter-day Saints (Mormons)

A statue of Jesus at a Latter Day Saints temple visitor centerLatter-day Saints theology maintains that the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct beings, though all eternal and equally divine, who together constitute the Godhead. Though described as "one God"[101] each play different roles: the Holy Ghost is a spirit without a physical body, the Father and Son possess distinct and perfected bodies of flesh and bone as recorded in Luke 24:39.[102]

The Book of Mormon records that the resurrected Jesus visited and taught some of the inhabitants of the early Americas after he appeared to his apostles in Jerusalem.[103] Mormons also believe that an apostasy occurred after the death of Christ and his apostles. They believe that Christ and the Heavenly Father appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820 as part of a series of heavenly visits to restore the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They believe Jesus (not the Father) is the same as Jehovah or Yahweh of the Old Testament. See Jesus in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Based on a claimed divine revelation of Smith, they state that Jesus was born on April 06.[104]

Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus to be God's (or Jehovah's) son, rather


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
A: Yes, I believe that a plane hit the Pentagon. A few others have already provided some links to testimonies so I'll just add something else that might be useful. A few years back the U.S. government did a test to see what would happen if an airplane crashed into a nuclear facility. They had a plane run on a track at app.500 mph in order to crash it into a steel-reinforced wall. Interestingly, the plane virtually dissappeared upon contact--totally pulverized. You can watch the video of it on the film screw loose change--not again edition (looks at 2nd edition). They cover some other good stuff but I found this excerpt to be particularly revealing.

B: Yes, sorta. I say "sorta" as it was not just jet fuel that was responsible for the towers destruction. You also have to consider the structural damage from the 200-ton missiles that slammed into the towers, the first at roughly 350 mph and the second at roughly 450 mph. Not to mention whatever items that there were in the towers that also caught fire. Further, lots of structures--including buildings--have collapsed due to fire alone. e.g. a building in Chicago, in 1967, collapsed totally in under an hour from what started as a small electrical fire; there are more recent examples but this collapse was quite similar to WTC7...in some ways.

Funny how the so-called truthers avoid all of these examples. I've totally lost respect for Griffin, Thompson, Henshall, Avery, Zwicker, etc. as they constantly spew lies. Kind of makes me wonder if our freedom of speech laws need to be ammended. I used to buy into a lot of this alternative B.S. Drove me a little crazier than I would like to admit. I can now, I believe, properly contradict pretty much every piece of trash that these assholes spew. Just can't make sense of the Norman Mineta testimony but perfection is overrated.

I'd better stop before I have an anuerism.

You certainly encouraged some interesting tactics as responses to your simple question. Can't say I subjected myself to much of it.

Every dogma has its day.

--better yet--

Hendrix bless us everyone

Mr. Mel

Forum Member
Aug 14, 2007
On my $20 bed
A: Yes, I believe that a plane hit the Pentagon. A few others have already provided some links to testimonies so I'll just add something else that might be useful. A few years back the U.S. government did a test to see what would happen if an airplane crashed into a nuclear facility. They had a plane run on a track at app.500 mph in order to crash it into a steel-reinforced wall. Interestingly, the plane virtually dissappeared upon contact--totally pulverized. You can watch the video of it on the film screw loose change--not again edition (looks at 2nd edition). They cover some other good stuff but I found this excerpt to be particularly revealing.

B: Yes, sorta. I say "sorta" as it was not just jet fuel that was responsible for the towers destruction. You also have to consider the structural damage from the 200-ton missiles that slammed into the towers, the first at roughly 350 mph and the second at roughly 450 mph. Not to mention whatever items that there were in the towers that also caught fire. Further, lots of structures--including buildings--have collapsed due to fire alone. e.g. a building in Chicago, in 1967, collapsed totally in under an hour from what started as a small electrical fire; there are more recent examples but this collapse was quite similar to WTC7...in some ways.

Funny how the so-called truthers avoid all of these examples. I've totally lost respect for Griffin, Thompson, Henshall, Avery, Zwicker, etc. as they constantly spew lies. Kind of makes me wonder if our freedom of speech laws need to be ammended. I used to buy into a lot of this alternative B.S. Drove me a little crazier than I would like to admit. I can now, I believe, properly contradict pretty much every piece of trash that these assholes spew. Just can't make sense of the Norman Mineta testimony but perfection is overrated.

I'd better stop before I have an anuerism.

You certainly encouraged some interesting tactics as responses to your simple question. Can't say I subjected myself to much of it.

Every dogma has its day.

--better yet--

Hendrix bless us everyone

So, were you standing there clocking those planes by radar that day? Do you have any idea what the max speed of one of those aircrafts is at that altitude and simulating the atmospheric conditions of that day is? When these "planes" *pulverized*, did the passports of terrorists then float safely to earth? And that raging fire that burned steel and was the first to bring down a steel framed building EVER, in history, out of that fire, how exactly did they get 7 or so hijackers DNA? And what about WTC 7, do I even NEED to go there? What about the FBI admitting cell phone calls were made up and couldn't happen at 30,000 feet? Why didn't NORAD scramble any fighters that day when they have never before failed? Who had the foresight on all the insider trading before that tragic day?

:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

I have more, plenty more! Let me know when you get the answers to the softballs.....

Thought so....
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