I dont see a question...I see a statement.
Using facts to support, what do you like about Trump?
He's asking to use facts to support because "he loves this country" and "best president of my lifetime" are opinions.
I'll use three examples:
I hate Trump because he is a liar. When he was in trouble for his connections to Russia, he said he had no connections. Michael Cohen testified that Trump was trying to cover up a deal he was working for a Trump hotel in Russia. He also says we can't see his tax returns because they are being audited and he's not allowed. The IRS has debunked that claim He said he didn't know anything about cover up payments to porn stars. He said he'd make Mexico pay for the wall. He said he'd have the best health care plan. (I'll stop here)
I hate Trump because he's a hypocrite. He talked a lot of shit about Obama wasting tax payer money with his golfing, but when he got into office he started making regular golf trips to his Florida golf resort so he could charge the government to upgrade the facility and house the Secret Service.
I hate Trump because he's fiscally irresponsible. He said his tax cut for the wealthy would pay for itself but it has increased the deficit.