A Vote for Kerry is a vote for Bin Laden! =)


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Master Capper said:
a vote for Kerry is a vote for Bin laden???????????????? Wasn't it George Bush Senior whom was dining with the Bin Laden family when 9/11 occurred? Bush has had three years to reign this guy in and has not produced, time for a change of someone who is not owned by the Saudis. Was not 85% of the terrorist from 9/11 and the Cole bombings from Saudi Arabia? What the hell are we doing in Iraq then as 0% of the terrorist in these crimes are from Iraq shouldnt we be in Saudi Arabia?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
danmurphy jr said:
the most hated person on the planet: leader of the free world?? 3 years and 2 months, a 6'5" 130 lb business associate of the Bush family is walking around the desert pulling a dialysis machine. 100,000 Iraqis dead, 10,000 American casualties-so you can drive around in SUVs with americans flags. the question to YOU is why are you so excited?
This really deserves a bump. If we REALLY ARE AT WAR, then lets act like it. Lets ration gas, ban SUV's, and take care of f'n business with the MIddle East. We can't have it both ways. This obvious contradiction willo not last.


Forum Member
smurphy said:
This really deserves a bump. If we REALLY ARE AT WAR, then lets act like it. Lets ration gas, ban SUV's, and take care of f'n business with the MIddle East. We can't have it both ways. This obvious contradiction willo not last.

Agree Smurph. And lets not forget Waco, TX.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno to take the Branch Davidian compound.
That was a 51 day operation.

We've been looking for evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard than it took Teddy Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the votes in Florida!!!!

How come we choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America?


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Lets take a look where Bin Laden stood under the last liberal administration vs now--and bear in mind they attacked us on our soil then too as well as our embasseys,ships ect and if not for not enough explosives they would have droped the trade tower then.

Bin laden was free to run free train and and develop more warriors at will under the Taliban--not only did he not have to hide but but had to laugh when he was offered to us and we wouldn't even take him. Terrorist funds flowed freely and unabated.

In 4 years under this adminstration he is constantly on run waiting only for the inevitable--Million of funds frozen--his once haven is now a democracy--other Arab countries have joined in the fight,Pakistan-Saudi,s Yemen once terrorist strongholds now seek out terrorist also. Lybia saw the light and surrendered without a shot.
His network has been decimated with many of his top echelon captured or killed.Note on list below the dates and see how many were pre 2001.

So in light of the above it is no wonder Bin Laden would like to see Bush out--as well as N Korea who publicically stated they will wait for further negotiations till after election. Yep they are hoping for return of last party that and another Madiline Notsobright to negotiate with--where they can spend all their money on military as we feed em and give them oil.

Have seen those say that Bin Laden thinks Bush helped him in recruiting--I sayif you think its easy to recruit in a democracy you are kin to Madiline and you think its easier in Pakistan or Saudi with them hunting terrorist and the terrorist forced to wage war on other muslims makes things easier--I don't think so.

WHY do you think Alegezeera is putting up not one but 2 videos just prior to elections and if you don't think they will step up actions on the ground to their utmost in next few days your mistaken. They learn from the past--They saw us cut and run in Somolia and stated we did not have stomach for it. They saw in Spain with conservatives just verily holding power that they could intimidate the Socialist--which they did and swung election--and they are going all out for instant replay here. Not a day goes by you don't reprints from New York Times on Algezeera. We discussed the #'s of 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians in another thread and facts show it totally erroneous but which do you think they put up in headlines--they and terrorist feed of the libera media--



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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Whenever Clinton went after Bin Laden you Republicans were too busy posting up your "Wag the Dog theories to be interested in going after him. Bush even cut funding to fight terrorism before 9/11. So tell me what makes him so tough. He looks like a wimp to me.

danmurphy jr

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Forum Member
Sep 14, 2004
Chanman has eaten his wheaties this morning, he nailed it. that's why an indy has no chance in modern politics. we can elect a professional wrassler, a pervert who can barely speak english and others for governors but are stuck with 2 nitwits who can't remember their names without cuecards, go figure.


Forum Member
Don't be so quick to criticize Murph. You might be surprised to find you have more in common w/a few of the above...

Ventura Speaks, With Criticism of Bush
Conrad Defiebre, Star Tribune
October 29, 2004 VENTURA1029

Speaking out for the first time in Minnesota since his endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, former Gov. Jesse Ventura lambasted President Bush on Thursday over the issues of war in Iraq, federal deficits, gay marriage and stem-cell research.

Addressing community college students in White Bear Lake and Anoka, Ventura also explained his new-look braided beard ("I did this for a simple reason: I stand for freedom") and his setting-aside of third-party politics for this presidential campaign.

"I still stand for the independent, third-party movement," he said at Century College in White Bear Lake. "I feel that we in America are being cheated today by the two-party system. I'm also a realist. I understand that one of these two gentlemen is going to be president of the United States."

In a free-wheeling hourlong session before an overflow crowd of several hundred in a large basement classroom, the 53-year-old former governor answered students' questions, signed autographs and drew frequent applause.

He bragged of having lost 40 pounds since leaving office in January 2003. "I'm back in shape," he said, flexing his biceps and thrusting his chest. "In the public sector you can get fat and lazy."

He said he no longer talks to news reporters partly because of media accounts of his son's parties in the governor's mansion and partly because of his exclusive contract with the cable-TV network MSNBC. Network spokesman Jeremy Gaines told the Associated Press that Ventura's contract only governs his television appearances.

"They won't put me on the air because I opposed the Iraq war from Day 1," he said of the network. "I honor my contract because they send me a check every two weeks."

Former Maine Gov. Angus King, who did all the talking when Ventura endorsed Kerry last week, said Ventura had decided to back Kerry after watching the presidential debates. On Thursday, Ventura did not discuss what triggered his move, but he made clear his displeasure with the Republican ticket's conduct in both the current war and the one three decades ago in Vietnam.

"A true leader should never ask you to do anything he or she would not do," he said. "Bush and [Vice President Dick] Cheney, neither of them were willing to do it when it was their turn."

Referring to reports that Bush failed to fulfill some of his National Guard duties, Ventura, a Navy frogman during the Vietnam War, said: "If I would have served the way President Bush did, I would never have received an honorable discharge ... I would have ended up in Portsmouth naval prison."

'Chicken hawks'

On Iraq, Ventura accused Bush of arrogance equal to that which toppled the Roman empire and imperialism befitting the former Soviet Union.

"You are not going to force democracy at the point of a gun," he said. "But we don't mind dictators if we pull their strings. If they break loose, then we have to send our troops to bring democracy to the world."

And he blamed the current disorder in Iraq on "chicken hawks running the war instead of the military. What they didn't think about is what happens afterward. But it's ours now and we've got to deal with it. It's not going to be pretty."

Ventura also repeated his previous criticism of the heavy use of National Guard troops in Iraq and of the Bush strategy for fighting terrorism.

"I don't think it's made us safer in the war on terrorism," he said. "It's united them against us." If he were in charge, he added, "I would have hunted down Osama bin Laden until he was dead before I would have entertained anything about Iraq."

Ventura said little about Kerry except that "he has more of an ability to bring our allies back on board. ... Right now we're losing them." But he laid into Bush on several other topics:

? Deficit spending: "George Bush does not understand the basic concept of government. You should not cut taxes unless you cut spending. If you don't owe anybody anything, you have freedom. But we are now the biggest debtor nation in the world."

? Bush's restrictions on stem-cell research: "If we had that type of attitude, we'd probably still have polio today. The scary thing for me was when President Bush said that's God's work. If we're going to wait for God to do it, we're going to be waiting a long, long time."

? A proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage: "How is my marriage affected if two people I don't know decide to commit to each other?"



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Chanman daddy bush was a lot of things but he wasn't a wimp. Unlike the son he actually served his country. I don't like the daddy but he was no wimp. He also understood that there was no way out of Iraq if we took out Saddam.
It didn't take a hero to dump billions of dollars of bombs on a country that could not defend itself against them. As daddy knew but Georgiedidn't was that the real war began after the bombs stopped dropping.


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
a hs cheerleader vs a long tall binny ...

hmm, even odds in Queensbury...

i dont know why anyone really bothers to argue over D or R views, anyone on one side or another obviously is so polar UR never going to win the other over ... that said, I pray Kerry wipes the insipid grin off the moron's face ... Um, Bush, ever hear of the Hyrda effect? thats what's goin on now--gl, genii outta the jar


Forum Member
StevieD- sorry maybe you don't remember, but the media portrayed Bush Sr as a wimp. I remember even Newsweek had a cover story about 'The Wimp Factor' of GH Bush. The reason i haven't forgot that was at one time Bush Sr was the youngest Naval Pilot shot down in the Pacific during WW2. I don't remember the media ever putting that in Headlines.

StevieD said:
Whenever Clinton went after Bin Laden you Republicans were too busy posting up your "Wag the Dog theories to be interested in going after him. Bush even cut funding to fight terrorism before 9/11. So tell me what makes him so tough. He looks like a wimp to me.

Audio of Clinton admitting he turned down an offer to 'get' Osama Bin Laden:

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