Agree or Disagree?

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ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Didn't mean for you to take it that way, Skinar. You just happened to use two examples of left-wing bigotry, and I mearly wished to point out that there is plenty of right-wing bigotry as well.


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Dec 17, 2000

How did you mean me to take it then?

Yes, my two examples were about left-wing bigotry because examples of right-wing bigotry fill the network airwaves and the major print media. There simply is no shortage of discussion about right-wing bigotry, while at the same time there is de facto censorship on news that is unfavorable to any of the many 'victim classes'.

I have posted facts here and have been impuned twice. I have attempted to remain civil while being accused of promoting ignorance and hate. How else should a person take that?

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Remember that there should be a large difference between acceptance and endorsement. I want people to accept that I love to gamble on sports just as I accept people who have vices that I don't (homosexuality, alcoholism, pronography), but that doesn't mean that I will endorse them or that they should endorse what I do and say it is morally right.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country

WAH, WAH, WAH--hear that Sound? Its the worlds smallest violin playing just for poor little you....

You wanna call me out, punk, call me out. I tell you that I didn't mean it the way it sounded, yet you refuse to believe me. Thats cool. I can handle it.
You're irrational interest in homosexuals makes me believe you aren't all that sure about your own sexuality. Its OK, you can come out of the closet. There are plenty of us who don't mind one bit who you sleep with.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Originally posted by Skinar:
I am opposed to government institutions, namely schools at all levels, teaching liberal mantras about diversity and sexual orientation.

Why would you be opposed to schools teaching about 'diversity'?

What would you consider a 'liberal mantra' to be in regard to the same?


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Dec 17, 2000

In your first post you were bragging about being able to think for yourself. Apparently you have run out of ideas. I was not 'calling you out', merely challenging your thoughts and asking for clarifications. You have become increasing belligerent to the point of threatening me physically and implying I am a closet homosexual. I find that amusing since you started out supporting gay rights, and now you taunt me like some high-school kid.

In a war of wits, I think you are only half-armed. I will no longer respond to any of your posts as you appear to be unstable and possibly dangerous.


I think schools should teach, not indoctrinate. Teaching 'diversity' as a moral good is, in my opinion, indoctrination, therefore I am opposed. A 'liberal mantra' in that regard is the notion that those who support diversity have the moral high ground while those who oppose the 'doctrine of diversity' are neanderthals, who are then open to all sorts of abuse (I enter in the record, Redsfanns last attack on me as an example).

Diversity, again only in my opinion, is merely a code word for affirmative action and quotas. And I am opposed to both of them.


[This message has been edited by Skinar (edited 06-09-2001).]


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Nov 29, 2000
I will second Skinar's statements concerning Redsfann's inability to debate rationally...he is a bitter old liberal who thinks its creative to call others names.

Very weak indeed....


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Dec 17, 2000
thanks ironlock



ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country

Just love your lame attempt at playing the smart, intellectual "above the fray" here-

Calling you out? hardly--- pussies like you are deathly afraid of being called out... You did get one thing are not even close to being man enough to be a homosexual.
You are also right about the "war of wits"... You win on the "war of wits" ... whatever a "wit" is.... Intellectually, you stand about as much chance against me as you do challenging me physically..... Absolutely none...ZERO...ZIP...NADA.. you ever seen a hot knife go through warm butter?? Me going through you would be even faster....
High school games? Only someone as dense and as reactionary as you would come up with something that lame..
Unstable and dangerous?? Again, half right. Not unstable, but I am more than dangerous when it comes to you and your kind.
nice to see you chime in with your 8th grade grasp of anything requiring more thought than the lame right-wing garbage from your boy Prager here.
Calling me a liberal-- oooh, that one hurt. I have as much use for a liberal as I do for you and the rest of the Nazis that polute my planet.
Go crawl back under the rock you came from and keep trying to convince yourself that you have a clue-- some day, you will figure it out and find out you don't..


Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand
Skinar - in the Dirkhising case; I think the distinction between that and the Matthew Sheppard case is that Sheppard was killed purely and simply because he was gay. Dirkhising was killed by inhumane, sadistic men who happened to be homosexual.
I agree, "being gay is not an excuse for criminal, lewd, unhealthy or obnoxious behaviour."
But being gay isn't an excuse for being killed either.

Gave this a skip initially because I have enough to work thru with my family and my work without adding peripheral interfence.
But after doing so, I can't believe Prager has got away in this discussion with so much bull*&^t.

So he'd like to be known as a God-fearing man? That's a pretty rational approach to life Dennis

What he's saying is that he will base his life on the "preachings" of a mythical character - that's right, mythical.
I have my own moral codes; I know right from wrong, I am decent, hard-working, family-orientated man, but I'm not religious and I don't need some bull*&^t artist like Prager telling me "there are almost no wise secular people"
What an absolute f$%*ing crock of chit!
It has about as much sense as his notion that higher educated people are stupid. I've met a number of people with college degrees who don't have a clue. I've met many with a limited education who are equally as moronic.

There is no doubt that Prager is homophobic; that's what comes from being "God-fearing" I guess. His take on same-sex adoption is pretty funny in that he tries desperately to hide his prejudice.
Dennis would rather have a husband and wife than two husbands and two wives. How about a husband and wife who beat their children, raise them as racists, teach them hatred, homophobia, fail to teach their children, neglect them? Would they be better Dennis than a homosexual couple who love their kids, devote as much time as possible to nurturing, guiding, teaching their adopted kids?

Ah, not really sure why I'm bothering with this; it's preaching to the converted crap and nothing I write will make an ounce of difference.
Of course, Dennis already knows that - "you can't change the world for the better."
Ah f**k, guess I just should stop educating my kids then, loving my wife ... maybe I shoulf go out and shoot a few people Dennis, because "it's much easier to do evil"



Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand
Originally posted by Anders:
Skinar - in the Dirkhising case; I think the distinction between that and the Matthew Sheppard case is that Sheppard was killed purely and simply because he was gay. Dirkhising was killed by inhumane, sadistic men who happened to be homosexual.
I agree, "being gay is not an excuse for criminal, lewd, unhealthy or obnoxious behaviour."
But being gay isn't an excuse for being killed either.

Gave this a skip initially because I have enough to work thru with my family and my work without adding peripheral interference.
But after doing so, I can't believe Prager has got away in this discussion with so much bull*&^t.

So he'd like to be known as a God-fearing man? That's a pretty rational approach to life Dennis

What he's saying is that he will base his life on the "preachings" of a mythical character - that's right, mythical.
I have my own moral codes; I know right from wrong, I am decent, hard-working, family-orientated man, but I'm not religious and I don't need some bull*&^t artist like Prager telling me "there are almost no wise secular people"
What an absolute f$%*ing crock of chit!
It has about as much sense as his notion that higher educated people are stupid. I've met a number of people with college degrees who don't have a clue. I've met many with a limited education who are equally as moronic.

There is no doubt that Prager is homophobic; that's what comes from being "God-fearing" I guess. His take on same-sex adoption is pretty funny in that he tries desperately to hide his prejudice.
Dennis would rather have a husband and wife than two husbands and two wives. How about a husband and wife who beat their children, raise them as racists, teach them hatred, homophobia, fail to teach their children, neglect them? Would they be better Dennis than a homosexual couple who love their kids, devote as much time as possible to nurturing, guiding, teaching their adopted kids?

Ah, not really sure why I'm bothering with this; it's preaching to the converted crap and nothing I write will make an ounce of difference.
Of course, Dennis already knows that - "you can't change the world for the better."
Ah f**k, guess I just should stop educating my kids then, loving my wife ... maybe I should go out and shoot a few people Dennis, because "it's much easier to do evil"



Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand
Sorry, went to correct a couple of spelling errors and clicked on reply instead of edit.

Guess I must be a secular moron or something


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Dec 17, 2000
*** note to MadJack ***

Is it really necessary for me to be threatened like this? Please close this thread before he starts calling my wife and kids names also.


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