Guess it just depends on what era you grew up in......I am 62 and I love the Bee Gees.....Diana Ross......etc........I feel sorry for anyone who loves Metallica....Black Sabbath......Guns n Roses musical taste as far as I am concerned........why don't you just go watch a Rap contest.........:shrug:
music is subjective. it doesn't have anything to do with when you grew up with the exception of those songs remind you of a time...
you don't have to feel sorry for me. i like music from the 50's and 60's as well as today.
to each his own. i assure you i have musical taste and nowhere did i mention watching a rap contest.
you can like what you like and not like what you don't like. that's what makes music great. but i'm still not giving you a pass on the bee gees. i just don't get it.