decent opening show....nothing too funny except that dude who sang really frigging low.
agree with others that kickboxing chick was hot and can at least
i liked the girl with the kid with the cerebal palsey like disease the best
also liked some dude who's name started with a j....juno jones or something like that. only heard a few seconds of him and he sang right before the guy who sang the toni braxton song in spanish which by the way was excellent.
the girl who went last did nothing for me.
so hard to tell with only limited thirty second clips and more than half the people that went through from philly the didn't even show.
careful from a wagering standpoint because whoever they hype up real early rarely stands a chance if the six prior seasons are any indication. just like at sunshine, or moonshine, or whatever the hell the fat dude from last year was.
whoever asked what book to have, i'd have at least three, but if you could only choose one, you have to have wsex for their market.