I think that Kris has a chance tonight - he performed really well on his first two songs, and the Idol song was the usual schlocky pop crap style that nobody can bring anything original to. I don't think you can underestimate the strength of the small town southern Idol devotees, which make up a large part of the audience. Kris is perfect for that contingent, and he'll get a majority of Danny's votes as they are very similar in style and values. If the voting was really close all along, then I'd guess Kris would win tonight, actually.
Look back at past winners - they are not Adam-like, they are more Kris-like - simple, pleasing, non-crazy types from southern or central areas. I had never really thought about this factor too much until I heard an interview with the USA Today Idol reporter, and that makes a lot of sense to me.
This is why I thought Danny would win, ultimately, and I still think he might have if not for the off-note-screaming incident. But Kris has really done well coming down the stretch. Seems a lot more people are not focused on Adam's screaming than before - which was my original complaint with him - that, and the fact that there has only been one song that he seemed to seem "real" in performing. Everything else he did was just a stage show, with no soul or personality, for me. Rooting for Kris tonight, more of an anti Adam vote, really.