I agree about dannys wife but quit blaming him. it's sad that it happened to him but it's idol that's exploiting it.
personally I like anoop more than alexis and i think the only reason mike beat him was because simon and the rest of them pushed for him to get in...
anoop will get in wild card...
I'm not blaming him. The show dictates the coverage of the contestants and easily sways viewers how it wants them to vote. Like everything else in life, it's not pure competition. It should be, but how they edit it and who they give airtime to, obvously contributes to how it plays out. They know little 14 year girls are going to say, "OMG! How sad! We MUST vote for Danny!", etc...
Of course they know they results - that's exactly why they paired up Tatiana with Danny - for the inevitable reaction. Did anyone else notice how he almost totally ignored her from the second the two of them walked up there? Not even a fake hug or arm around each other. Nothing wrong with that, just interesting.
Part of the reason Tatiana has gotten that far is because of the drama. I actually think she has a good voice, but they push her because she is a weirdo - or at least pretending or exaggerating her naturally weird tendencies.
Michael, although I like him, is not that good. I don't see him going very far.