American Idol Season 8

Sun Tzu

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Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
Also I am assuming these 8 already knew they were coming back for tonight- no way they picked, arranged and practiced tonight's songs in 1day - and the videos where they say how thrilled they are to be back -which if on the up and up would have been filmed today - they dont even match up w how they looked when they sang...

Seems pretty clear that the judges prefer the wildcards....especially when everyone gets sick of dead wife guy.

I like tattoo chic's singing - but as a matter of principle I am always anti-tattoo chics, especially the whole sleeve thing and the insisitence they have on wearing sleeveless shirts every week
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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 23, 2006
personally, i don't think any of the girls from tonights wild card show whould have been put through to the final 12.
i think they got anoop and matt right, but ricky should have been put through also.
just my opinion:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 24, 2002
I saw the market is up at WSEX. I bought some of Allison at $9. I have noticed a trend about past winners and the same sex/race has never won back to back. So I am writing off all White Guys based on that history. Plus, there are no Black Guys left so we are down to girls.
From there I said, who have been the most successful artists for AI? White Girls ...Clarkson and Underwood.

I do like Lil Rounds but she is $18, will have to think about her.

Would like to diversify by adding others but don't know who. Any help would be appreciated!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2003
I think that Allison call is a good one. I'm by far no "expert" when it comes to AI.....but I did call Fantasia as the winner from the very first audition. (I have witnesses)

Anyway, I think that Allison chick is just plain old better than the rest of them. And she has a clarksonesk feel to her, but there's also something original there as well. just my 2cents, prolly not even worth that though.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
I saw the market is up at WSEX. I bought some of Allison at $9. I have noticed a trend about past winners and the same sex/race has never won back to back. So I am writing off all White Guys based on that history. Plus, there are no Black Guys left so we are down to girls.
From there I said, who have been the most successful artists for AI? White Girls ...Clarkson and Underwood.

I do like Lil Rounds but she is $18, will have to think about her.

Would like to diversify by adding others but don't know who. Any help would be appreciated!!

I think Allison wins. I have 80 shares at 8, and max at betjam at +1100 on her. I agree with your reasoning. white guy won't win again this year. Especially with how poorly the males have done on here. The most successful male from AI was the 4th place finisher on season 5. Reuben, Taylor, and Cook are nothing special. Maybe too early on Cook, but he won't come near Daughtry in sales. The thing about allison is they've never had a latin winner. She's not too latin to the point where there is backlash, but she's latin and sounds american. Miley Cyrus endorsed her already and wants her to open for her regardless of what happens on idol.

To diversify, look for something for a quick pop from a good performance. I don't see Jasmine, Sarver, Megan, Alexis, Kris, or Anoop doing any of that. Maybe take a flyer with Matt G and he might surprise.

As for shorting someone, Scott might be the best short ever. Under no circumstances can he win. He just isn't vocally talented enough.


3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
my top male & female

Adam Lambert

Probably the best male singer, but way to :s8: to win this thing. Is that your new style Vinnie?

Wait till these photos go mainstream:






Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
allison +100 last long over alexis (betjam) x 2.5

anoop +149 last long over blind guy (pinny) x 2.5

tonight is michael jackson theme night......wake me up when it's over

866-idols 13 is a porn line. anoop sings last and gets a different telephone number.

scott mcintryre is doing thriller dressed as a zombie....(not really)



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Here's the breakdown:

1. Danny Gokey

No one's got more momentum coming out of the semifinal rounds than this 28-year-old music teacher from Milwaukee, Wis. If it wasn't the story of his wife's passing just before the audition rounds that touched judges and viewers, then it was certainly his soulful, sensitive way behind the mic. While the buzz may have died down a bit since his berth in the finals was announced weeks ago, this eyeglasses-lovin' contestant still is the most convincing performer in the final 13.

2. Adam Lambert

This Californian's wailing ways on stage certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but in terms of sheer pyrotechnics, he's got no peer. Judges have warned Adam to tone down the "theatrical" aspect of his performances. What that exactly means, no one knows. But what's clear is that he's going to have to develop some vocal subtlety. We already know he can muscle through any song. Now can he show us some variety?

3. Lil Rounds

Lil surely enjoyed strong support from the judges after the last semifinal round. It's hard not to like this young mother, former tornado victim from Memphis, Tenn., especially when she projects such a positive, confident appearance on the stage. In a field full of strong pop singers, the fact that Lil's got a more R&B sound is surely going to help set herself apart from the competition. Now can she continue to deliver Mary J. Blige-like vocals from here on out?

4. Alexis Grace

No one was more genuinely surprised to make the finals than this tiny blonde from Memphis, Tenn. After all, she hadn't made much of an impression during the initial auditions and flew under the radar during Hollywood Week. However, during the first semifinal round Alexis produced some of the most memorable vocals of the competition, serving up a big, gospel-like rendition of an Aretha Franklin tune. She'll need to stick to that type of repertoire to continue to stand out.

5. Anoop Desai

Was there ever any doubt that this college a cappella veteran would make the finals? Fans love this YouTube sensation, and the judges like that fans love him. That very fact is going to keep him a factor for at least a couple of weeks. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Anoop knows how to deliver a musical phrase and feels comfortable singing a variety of genres; he can thank his college a cappella singing background for that. Now, all he needs is to do is learn how to look the part of a pop star.

6. Allison Iraheta

There seem to be a few unwritten rules for "Idol" contestants, and this one might be among the most prominent: Don't ever choose to sing a version of a song made famous by ridiculously good pop singers.For example, it's never a good idea to sing something by, say, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston or Heart. Well, not only did Allison do just that, singing "Alone" two weeks ago, but she did so at the winsome, fairly fearless age of 16-years old. That's a lot of chutzpah from a teenager. But more importantly, that's a lot pipes. Can you imagine what she'll be like when she really learns how to harness all that natural vocal talent?

7. Jorge Nunez

Jorge is like David Archuleta in many ways; he's always smiling, seems genuinely touched by any compliment that gets thrown his way, and seems to care very much about being liked by the audience and the judges. But unlike Archuleta, he has yet to prove that he can move large cross sections of "Idol" nation. However, the potential is certainly there. It'll be interesting to see how Jorge's "Idol" persona matures and transforms as he gets a better sense of the type of image he wants to convey to viewers.

8. Kris Allen

This Arkansas native flew under everyone's radar during the first semifinal round, but he didn't escape the notice of Simon Cowell, who realizes this 23-year-old has the looks and personality to sell records. Kris is a solid singer; what you see is what you get with him. And apparently, he's an even better performer when he has guitar in tow. If he avoids making mistakes from week to week, he could be a dark horse.

9. Megan Corkrey

I'm a huge fan of this Utah native. She's a jazz singer surrounded by top 40 singers. And because of that, she's a breath of fresh air. However, because her musical sense is always going to run just a little bit counter to the rest of the contestants, she also runs the risk of residing too far outside of viewers' comfort levels. Nevertheless, the fact that Simon has called her "current" and "relevant" means that this sometimes quirky performer deserves a closer look. I just hope enough of "Idol" nation gives her that chance.

10. Scott MacIntyre

The fact that this blind contestant has made it this far in the competition is a victory in itself. However, Scott's going to have a tough time staying apace with his more vocally talented fellow competitors. When the competition starts to heat up and the finalists are asked to perform more challenging material, I'm just not sure if this Arizonan has enough in his musical tank to keep going, despite how inspiring and likable he is on stage.

11. Michael Sarver

This Texas roughneck doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his body. Despite his hulking physique, he seems content to spit out lilting pop tunes. While it's nice to have someone so wholesome and musically accessible on stage, I worry that Michael might not have enough charisma to hold his own against the more natural entertainers in the final 12.

12. Jasmine Murray

This teenager received some serious hype from the judges during the audition rounds, so much so that it was rather disappointing that she seemed to stumble so badly during her semifinal round performance. She did come back strong during the wild card round. But even so, did she deserve a spot over more polished competitors who definitely outperformed her on two separate nights? Maybe not. But perhaps the judges know something we don't. In my mind, she's just not ready for prime time.

13. Matt Giraud

We're still waiting to learn more about this dueling piano player from Michigan. He got very little camera time during the preliminary rounds. And when we did see him during his semifinal performance, he wasn't among the contestants we remembered very clearly. And, folks, that's his big problem: He hasn't made his mark yet. This relatively unknown contestant has got his work cut out for him this first week.


from msn


low roller
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2008
Anyone else experiencing intermitent no volume and picture freezing? Fox was doing this during the race on Sunday as well. Missed half of what the judges had to say about the first singer.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Anyone else experiencing intermitent no volume and picture freezing? Fox was doing this during the race on Sunday as well. Missed half of what the judges had to say about the first singer.

they loved her...i thought it was pedestrian at best....nothing special about it...mediocre...

i think the judges have this scoped out in advance...
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