An Apology

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Nov 29, 2003
"They just won't ever understand that everytime they say something bad about the war or focus on our losses the terrorist get exactly what they want. They want this division its the only possible thing that can save them."

The terrorists are a separate entity who DO NOT care about how many cheerleaders are on our side, they DO NOT care if a democracy is in place or not, put 100% of the people against them, they will NOT change thier agenda because popular opinion is against them. They are willing to die for religiously steeped causes no matter how many people hate what they do or what type of government is in place.

Terrorists aren't going to give up because thier tame homies are voting...they have buses to blow up and politicians and police to assassinate.

If we were serious about Gulf War I and if we had the right to defend Kuwait, then the terms for Saddam's surrender would have included his surrender and the surrender of the military leadership, and put on trial for war crimes.....Iraqi oil proceeds go towards restitution in Kuwait, restitution for Allied expenses during Gulf War I, and restitution for putting out all those goddamn oilwell fires.

If Saddam wasn't ready to surrender, just keep dropping bombs on Iraq and further decimating thier military and thier infrastructure.

The alternative to that is to let him run the then 4th largest army across the whole middle east, then see how bad Saudi and all these other pr1cks we coddle, how bad they want thier wives and daughters taken out of the gangbang by Iraqi soldiers who probably haven't bathed in a month.

Freedom isn't free and maybe it's time the middle east learns that lesson too.

Part of the problem is we never made an example out of Japan at the end of WWII....if we'd have levelled that $hithole island maybe some other countries would have thought twice about starting $hit when it looks like the USA is getting involved.

"How are the Iraqis leeches? explain"

I'm talking about our longstanding policy of foreign aid to other countries while this once great nation struggles to pay for projects of its own. Not only do we give foreign aid to Egypt and Israel and every beggar on the planet, we fail to recoup our losses as I stated above with the situation during Gulf War I.

We lost two WTC buildings on 9/11, and I don't see any of these arab c0ck$uckers scrambling to rebuild them anytime soon, yet we spend our dollars bringing electricity and schools to Iraq when there is still a big gaping hole in the ground at ground zero. Great fvcking plan there. Call me isolationist but that was a huge dereliction of duty by our government.

We have a national debt of almost 8 trillion dollars. We don't have the money to spend a half a trillion dollars on each country in the middle east for some grandiose dreams of democracy there.

If you want to eliminate the nuke threats in the middle east then do it swiftly and by brute force. Democracy doesn't work there and won't work out, pu$$iefooting through the middle east setting up voting booths doesn't fly. Skip the ground assaults.

If the UN is as spineless as everyone says they are and countries want nukes and to cross sovereign borders like Iraq did vs Kuwait, then send them pr1cks a wake-up call with some brutal violence just to keep them in line.

Democracy in the middle east won't work out no matter how many conservative pansies want to coddle this group....

spibble spab

Forum Member
Apr 16, 2004
Concord, Michigan
If we were serious about Gulf War I and if we had the right to defend Kuwait, then the terms for Saddam's surrender would have included his surrender and the surrender of the military leadership, and put on trial for war crimes.....Iraqi oil proceeds go towards restitution in Kuwait, restitution for Allied expenses during Gulf War I, and restitution for putting out all those goddamn oilwell fires.

Well, too bad Reagan wasn't president during that maybe clinton should have stayed in office longer Too bad.
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Our own troops ripped on Dumsfeld for sending them over without proper armoring on their vehicles. All rhetoric backed up by nothing.
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