An Open Letter to Bruce Springsteen and His Band ~


Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001


Some great points made there....

Us humans have really put us all in an interesting spot eh?....


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Oct 30, 2003

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Jul 30, 2003

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I was expecting a better response from you.

I'd be truly interested in hearing the other side of debate. It is a tough topic for sure. But Is the whole topic overblown? How many people suffer from gender confusion anyway?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
People have too much time on their hands, and their lives are too easy. BS ailments like gender dysphoria are coined, and once again the general public is called to accept and embrace the differences.

My thought is this. I don't care what anybody does with their body (as long as they pay for it) nor do I care who has a relationship with who (as long as their is consent and one party isn't a minor). I just don't feel it is newsworthy or that I have to accept anything for fear of being labelled a bigot or a troglodyte.

Men can be women, women can be men; who cares, and why is it newsworthy?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
You may feel differently if you were a grandparent or raising young children of your own.

I have children. How does that matter? My daughter is a woman, and she dresses like one and happily lives as one. My son is a young man, and he identifies as such and is happy in that way.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
gardenweasel said it better than I could -

"...the problem is that these "laws"provide legal cover for perverts(or worse).......this not only gives easier access to pedophiles but peepers and sexual degenerates of all stripes...and it doesn`t just apply to "bathrooms" in many areas...

in Washington:

"The rules, adopted by the state Human Rights Commission, make it illegal for business owners to limit sex-specific facilities such as bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms to persons with the anatomical parts of one sex."

imo,this is incredibly unfair,uncomfortable for and potentially dangerous for women and young girls..but hey,who hurts transgenders` feelings...

it`s always interesting that for advocates of these types of measures "consideration" is always a one way street..."


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
People have too much time on their hands, and their lives are too easy. BS ailments like gender dysphoria are coined, and once again the general public is called to accept and embrace the differences.

My thought is this. I don't care what anybody does with their body (as long as they pay for it) nor do I care who has a relationship with who (as long as their is consent and one party isn't a minor). I just don't feel it is newsworthy or that I have to accept anything for fear of being labelled a bigot or a troglodyte.

Men can be women, women can be men; who cares, and why is it newsworthy?

Sure glad I don't have social media or even a TV for that matter.

Incredible for someone who works in the tech field with events/sports but I manage.

Some people say you need to stay up to date with current events, I say I have enough going on in my own little bubble/world that I don't give 2 shits about what other people who don't effect me are doing. I know this is a rather closed minded-esq approach, but I enjoy every day I wake up because of it.

You guys are my social media/tv LOL


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Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
I say I have enough going on in my own little bubble/world that I don't give 2 shits about what other people who don't effect me are doing.

I suppose it's good not to care about what other people who don't affect you are doing. No harm, no foul.

But all is not good in the land of the free and, chances are, one day soon you may have to care when you find your life turned upside down by those same people who are not affecting you now.


Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001
I would like to know

I would like to know

I suppose it's good not to care about what other people who don't affect you are doing. No harm, no foul.

But all is not good in the land of the free and, chances are, one day soon you may have to care when you find your life turned upside down by those same people who are not affecting you now.

The person that wrote this, Perhaps they have me on ignore and if that is the case, forget it....Or is this from a post from b4?


The Quote I was Inquiring about was not included....Though I think You know which one....
Last edited:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
gardenweasel said it better than I could -

"...the problem is that these "laws"provide legal cover for perverts(or worse).......this not only gives easier access to pedophiles but peepers and sexual degenerates of all stripes...and it doesn`t just apply to "bathrooms" in many areas...

in Washington:

"The rules, adopted by the state Human Rights Commission, make it illegal for business owners to limit sex-specific facilities such as bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms to persons with the anatomical parts of one sex."

imo,this is incredibly unfair,uncomfortable for and potentially dangerous for women and young girls..but hey,who hurts transgenders` feelings...

it`s always interesting that for advocates of these types of measures "consideration" is always a one way street..."
You use religion as both a cloak and a battering ram for your bigotry and religious hatred. You consistently post shit about muslims, blacks, and other minorities. You're a religious zealot, which at some point was considered to be a perversion of mainstream beliefs. Priests have been using their vestments to hide their pedophilia and molesting children for decades.
There is absolutely zero evidence to support your assertion or show any correlation between transgender and molestation.

You have absolutely no way of knowing if any law will "make it easier" for pedophiles to dress up and diddle more kids in public bathrooms.

How many children a year are taken from public restrooms, do you know? Of course you don't, because that doesn't fit your crusade ideology. How many children are molested by transgender people every year? You don't know that either.

All you care about is continuing to pile on the hatred and stirring up the bigotry against anyone and anything that isn't your religion or color.

Any argument asserting any increase in sexual deviance because the penalty for a man that's been dressing as a woman for years using the bathroom in a public facility without fear of assault or arrest is absolute speculation. Some speculation is built on fear, some is invented to support fear and reinforce hatred. You don't want a man dressed as a woman using the men's room either. Unless of course they're willing to listen to your bullshit testimony and take one of your self-serving fliers.

The fact is there are far more instances of molestation at home, school, the gym, church, and just about everywhere else where it's much easier to get away with undetected than a public restroom.

In your lifetime, exactly how many transgender people have you ever saw entering a restroom? Are there any? If there were you'd certainly remember throwing the holier than thou hate hex stink eye on them.

I'll tell you what, you go ahead and don't let your kids use public restrooms and you won't have to worry about it. You won't do that though, because that doesn't stir up the hate towards anyone that doesn't go to your church of bullshit.

Hope this helps,

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hope this helps,

Hope some more because your latest salvo missed the mark... again.

Let me put it to you this way - I've seen your act before and I am not impressed. You bored me then and you bore me now.
At best, you're amusing. Kinda' like my pet gerbil.

This personality type exhibits pervasive grandiosity -- sometimes through behavior, sometimes in fantasy.

This type of personality needs to be admired and shows little or no empathy or concern for the problems, difficulties, or even the interests, of other people.

They hold (perhaps "embrace" would be a better term) an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

They overrate the significance of their achievements and talents.

And they expect to receive accolades for what they believe are outstanding personal attributes and accomplishments.

They tend to be totally absorbed in fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty, and other achievements and qualities.

They believe they are special; as a result, they believe they can only be understood and appreciated by people who are -- or organizations that are -- also special.

Consequently, they have unreasonable expectations of people and situations.

They feel they are entitled to favorable treatment and unquestioning compliance with their hopes and expectations.

Other people are supposed to acquiesce to their wishes.

Further, they exploit friends, acquaintances, and associates, taking advantage of others to secure their own desires.

They tend to be haughty and arrogant, convinced that others are, or should be, envious of them.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I think Jaxx said it best, penis - men's restroom, vagina - women's restroom

i don't care what you may identify as, you were born a male or female not other


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Hope some more because your latest salvo missed the mark... again.

Let me put it to you this way - I've seen your act before and I am not impressed. You bored me then and you bore me now.
At best, you're amusing. Kinda' like my pet gerbil.

This personality type exhibits pervasive grandiosity -- sometimes through behavior, sometimes in fantasy.

This type of personality needs to be admired and shows little or no empathy or concern for the problems, difficulties, or even the interests, of other people.

They hold (perhaps "embrace" would be a better term) an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

They overrate the significance of their achievements and talents.

And they expect to receive accolades for what they believe are outstanding personal attributes and accomplishments.

They tend to be totally absorbed in fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty, and other achievements and qualities.

They believe they are special; as a result, they believe they can only be understood and appreciated by people who are -- or organizations that are -- also special.

Consequently, they have unreasonable expectations of people and situations.

They feel they are entitled to favorable treatment and unquestioning compliance with their hopes and expectations.

Other people are supposed to acquiesce to their wishes.

Further, they exploit friends, acquaintances, and associates, taking advantage of others to secure their own desires.

They tend to be haughty and arrogant, convinced that others are, or should be, envious of them.

Exactly what I expected you to do. Skirt the questions and change the subject.

Are you now asserting that you somehow "know" me? That you're just so incredibly insightful, you can profile a person by their posts?

You see buddy, is always the same shit with you. You have to keep the bigotry flowing.

I'll ask again, how many times have you witnesses a transgender using a public restroom? How many cases are you aware of that a child was molested in a public bathroom?

You won't answer, you never do. It's always the same with you.

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