Buddy, You use religion as both a cloak and a battering ram for your bigotry and religious hatred. You consistently post shit about muslims, blacks, and other minorities. You're a religious zealot, which at some point was considered to be a perversion of mainstream beliefs. Priests have been using their vestments to hide their pedophilia and molesting children for decades. There is absolutely zero evidence to support your assertion or show any correlation between transgender and molestation. You have absolutely no way of knowing if any law will "make it easier" for pedophiles to dress up and diddle more kids in public bathrooms. How many children a year are taken from public restrooms, do you know? Of course you don't, because that doesn't fit your crusade ideology. How many children are molested by transgender people every year? You don't know that either. All you care about is continuing to pile on the hatred and stirring up the bigotry against anyone and anything that isn't your religion or color. Any argument asserting any increase in sexual deviance because the penalty for a man that's been dressing as a woman for years using the bathroom in a public facility without fear of assault or arrest is absolute speculation. Some speculation is built on fear, some is invented to support fear and reinforce hatred. You don't want a man dressed as a woman using the men's room either. Unless of course they're willing to listen to your bullshit testimony and take one of your self-serving fliers. The fact is there are far more instances of molestation at home, school, the gym, church, and just about everywhere else where it's much easier to get away with undetected than a public restroom. In your lifetime, exactly how many transgender people have you ever saw entering a restroom? Are there any? If there were you'd certainly remember throwing the holier than thou hate hex stink eye on them. I'll tell you what, you go ahead and don't let your kids use public restrooms and you won't have to worry about it. You won't do that though, because that doesn't stir up the hate towards anyone that doesn't go to your church of bullshit. Hope this helps, FDC Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk