
Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Let it go man. That letter was about as ignorant and meaningless as his action of kneeling during the anthem. Who cares. The flag and the anthem are nothing more than a symbolic representation of sovereignty. Patriotism isn't defined by either nor is it disrespectful to deny either. I personally wouldn't stand by and let someone burn the flag, but the fact that the flag they're trying to burn being manufactured in Indonesia isn't lost on me either. You've made several disparaging remarks about the president and he's the actual living representative of our country abroad so don't act like you're in any position to say shit about what others do. Did you snap to attention when you watched football Sunday and heard the anthem? Funny thing was, I was at a bar that has the Bears games on and several hundred of us fans go there to watch the game and at noon on September 11th you could hear a pin drop during the anthem. Yep, a couple of people screamed "fuck kaepernick" at the end of it. The best part was the same two guys were at the bar arguing about a bad call during the anthem for the three o'clock game but you couldn't hear them over everyone else talking drinking and laughing. The sweet smell of fake patriotism.
So do me a favor, stop with the patriotism bullshit okay?

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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
LET IT GO and what patriotism was in that letter From Police officer who had many of His own fellow officers shot and killed ......

GET the facts straight FDC will ya ....

Patriotism LMAO :mj07:


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
Here?s what Amos wrote:

An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick,

Dear Colin guess you have been pretty busy these last few days. For the record I don?t think any more or less of you for not standing for the National Anthem. Honestly, I never thought that much about you, or any professional athlete for that matter, to begin with. I?ve read your statement a few times and want you to know I am one of the reasons you are protesting.

You see I am a retired police officer that had the misfortune of having to shoot and kill a 19-year-old African American male. And just like you said, I was the recipient of about $3,000 a month while on leave which was a good thing because I had to support a wife and three children under 7-years-old for about 2 months with that money. Things were pretty tight because I couldn?t work part time. Every police officer I?ve ever known has worked part-time to help make ends meet.

You know Colin the more I think about it the more we seem to have in common. I really pushed myself in rehab to get back on the street, kind of like you do to get back on the field. You probably have had a broken bone or two and some muscle strains and deep bruising that needed a lot of work. I just had to bounce back from a gunshot wound to the chest and thigh. Good thing we both get paid when we are too banged up to ?play?, huh? We both also know what it?s like to get blindsided.

You by a 280- pound defensive end, ouch! Me, by a couple of rounds fired from a gun about 2 feet away, into my chest and thigh. We also both make our living wearing uniforms, right? You have probably ruined a jersey or two on the field of play. I still have my blood stained shirt that my partner and paramedics literally ripped off my back that cold night in January. Fortunately, like you I was given a new one.

Speaking of paramedics aren?t you glad the second we get hurt trainers and doctors are standing by waiting to rush onto the field to scoop us up. I?m thankful they get to you in seconds. It only took them about 10 minutes to get to me. By the grace of God, the artery in my thigh didn?t rupture or else 10 minutes would have been about 9 minutes too late.

We also have both experienced the hate and disgust others have just because of those uniforms we wear. I sure am glad for your sake that the folks who wear my uniform are on hand to escort you and those folks that wear your uniform into stadiums in places like Seattle!

I guess that?s where the similarities end Colin. You entertain for a living, I and almost 800,000 others across this country serve and protect. Are there some bad apples within my profession? Absolutely and they need to be identified and fired or arrested! But you know what, the vast majority do the right thing, the right way, for the right reason.

Did I mention that seconds before I was shot, an elderly African American gentleman walking down the sidewalk, turned to my partner and I as we rode past and said, ?Get them.? Get who you ask? The thugs terrorizing an otherwise good and decent neighborhood, home to dozens of good, decent African American families trying to raise those families in communities not protected by gates and security guards. No these folks and families depend on America?s Law Enforcement Officers.

Colin I have buried 7 friends, killed in the line of duty and three others who have committed suicide. I have attended more funerals than I care to remember of neighboring departments who have lost officers in the line of duty, during my career. Law Enforcement Officers with different backgrounds, upbringings, and experiences united by their willingness to answer the call to protect and serve their fellow citizens.

Colin I am sorry for the endorsement deals you may lose and the dip in jersey sales, but please know you will NEVER lose what these men and women and their families have lost. And so whether you stand or sit during the National Anthem means very little to me.

As for me and the men and women on whose team I was privileged to serve, we will put on our ballistic vests, badge, and gun, kiss our loved one?s goodbye, for some tragically for the last time, and out into a shift of uncertainty we will go. We will continue to protectand continue to serve and we will be standing at attention Colin, not just for the playing of our National Anthem, but far more importantly for the playing of Taps.


Chris Amos



Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006
scrap could you make a video addressing Kaepernick and put it on youtube? I think you could be the next youtube sensation if you did a video like this. It would go viral. do it.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
scrap could you make a video addressing Kaepernick and put it on youtube? I think you could be the next youtube sensation if you did a video like this. It would go viral. do it.

Would be my view against all who sit.

Asking valid questions like Walter cronkite would do or Larry King or Ba ba walters :142smilie


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Here?s what Amos wrote:

An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick,

Dear Colin guess you have been pretty busy these last few days. For the record I don?t think any more or less of you for not standing for the National Anthem. Honestly, I never thought that much about you, or any professional athlete for that matter, to begin with. I?ve read your statement a few times and want you to know I am one of the reasons you are protesting.

You see I am a retired police officer that had the misfortune of having to shoot and kill a 19-year-old African American male. And just like you said, I was the recipient of about $3,000 a month while on leave which was a good thing because I had to support a wife and three children under 7-years-old for about 2 months with that money. Things were pretty tight because I couldn?t work part time. Every police officer I?ve ever known has worked part-time to help make ends meet.

You know Colin the more I think about it the more we seem to have in common. I really pushed myself in rehab to get back on the street, kind of like you do to get back on the field. You probably have had a broken bone or two and some muscle strains and deep bruising that needed a lot of work. I just had to bounce back from a gunshot wound to the chest and thigh. Good thing we both get paid when we are too banged up to ?play?, huh? We both also know what it?s like to get blindsided.

You by a 280- pound defensive end, ouch! Me, by a couple of rounds fired from a gun about 2 feet away, into my chest and thigh. We also both make our living wearing uniforms, right? You have probably ruined a jersey or two on the field of play. I still have my blood stained shirt that my partner and paramedics literally ripped off my back that cold night in January. Fortunately, like you I was given a new one.

Speaking of paramedics aren?t you glad the second we get hurt trainers and doctors are standing by waiting to rush onto the field to scoop us up. I?m thankful they get to you in seconds. It only took them about 10 minutes to get to me. By the grace of God, the artery in my thigh didn?t rupture or else 10 minutes would have been about 9 minutes too late.

We also have both experienced the hate and disgust others have just because of those uniforms we wear. I sure am glad for your sake that the folks who wear my uniform are on hand to escort you and those folks that wear your uniform into stadiums in places like Seattle!

I guess that?s where the similarities end Colin. You entertain for a living, I and almost 800,000 others across this country serve and protect. Are there some bad apples within my profession? Absolutely and they need to be identified and fired or arrested! But you know what, the vast majority do the right thing, the right way, for the right reason.

Did I mention that seconds before I was shot, an elderly African American gentleman walking down the sidewalk, turned to my partner and I as we rode past and said, ?Get them.? Get who you ask? The thugs terrorizing an otherwise good and decent neighborhood, home to dozens of good, decent African American families trying to raise those families in communities not protected by gates and security guards. No these folks and families depend on America?s Law Enforcement Officers.

Colin I have buried 7 friends, killed in the line of duty and three others who have committed suicide. I have attended more funerals than I care to remember of neighboring departments who have lost officers in the line of duty, during my career. Law Enforcement Officers with different backgrounds, upbringings, and experiences united by their willingness to answer the call to protect and serve their fellow citizens.

Colin I am sorry for the endorsement deals you may lose and the dip in jersey sales, but please know you will NEVER lose what these men and women and their families have lost. And so whether you stand or sit during the National Anthem means very little to me.

As for me and the men and women on whose team I was privileged to serve, we will put on our ballistic vests, badge, and gun, kiss our loved one?s goodbye, for some tragically for the last time, and out into a shift of uncertainty we will go. We will continue to protectand continue to serve and we will be standing at attention Colin, not just for the playing of our National Anthem, but far more importantly for the playing of Taps.


Chris Amos

Yeah and I still have the scars all over my legs, arms and chest from some unfriendly shrapnel. So fucking what. It doesn't give me authority to diminish another citizen just because he kneeled down during the fucking anthem. I have never been a fan of his in the first place but at least he trying to affect change for something that obviously means something to him.

Let me ask you this, do you stop and call the police when you see the giant ass holiday flags being flown at car dealerships? They're not supposed to be according the standards, are you equally affronted?

What about the rebel or confederate flag? Did you bitch when they took it down, did you defend it as being part of our country's history? Do you or have you ever had one? Are you disgusted when you see a gal in a flag bikini?

Who gives a fuck that some cop got shot in the line of duty, it happens a lot, that's the job they chose. If a court reporter gets carpal tunnel syndrome should we have them carry the Olympic torch?


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Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006
Yeah and I still have the scars all over my legs, arms and chest from some unfriendly shrapnel. So fucking what. It doesn't give me authority to diminish another citizen just because he kneeled down during the fucking anthem. I have never been a fan of his in the first place but at least he trying to affect change for something that obviously means something to him.

Let me ask you this, do you stop and call the police when you see the giant ass holiday flags being flown at car dealerships? They're not supposed to be according the standards, are you equally affronted?

What about the rebel or confederate flag? Did you bitch when they took it down, did you defend it as being part of our country's history? Do you or have you ever had one? Are you disgusted when you see a gal in a flag bikini?

Who gives a fuck that some cop got shot in the line of duty, it happens a lot, that's the job they chose. If a court reporter gets carpal tunnel syndrome should we have them carry the Olympic torch?


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you are a sad man. you have zero respect for anything other than your own agendas. who gives a fuck if some cop got shot in the line of duty? really? wow. what an asshole you are.

how is that and a court reporter even in the same category? what fucking difference does it make that they "chose" to do it?

a cop just outside where I am from was shot in the head pulling up to a armed robbery in progress the other week. his partner shot dead one of the scumbags and the other 2 runners were later apprehended alive. the cop had brain surgery and left the hospital this week only to now go through months of rehabilitation.

who gives a fuck if they are shot in the line of duty? any decent human being, that is who. you are a piece of work, it is no wonder so many on here can not stand your spewing of bullshit and fucked up sense of reality.

hope that helps,

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa

you are a sad man. you have zero respect for anything other than your own agendas. who gives a fuck if some cop got shot in the line of duty? really? wow. what an asshole you are.

how is that and a court reporter even in the same category? what fucking difference does it make that they "chose" to do it?

a cop just outside where I am from was shot in the head pulling up to a armed robbery in progress the other week. his partner shot dead one of the scumbags and the other 2 runners were later apprehended alive. the cop had brain surgery and left the hospital this week only to now go through months of rehabilitation.

who gives a fuck if they are shot in the line of duty? any decent human being, that is who. you are a piece of work, it is no wonder so many on here can not stand your spewing of bullshit and fucked up sense of reality.

hope that helps,


Wow you just called me sad, a cunt, an indecent human being and I was shot in the line of duty in the marine corps. I guess your sympathies or acknowledgement of heroism only extends to those that provide fodder for your agenda, yet I'm the one with zero respect. Police officer is a job, nothing more nothing less. I appreciate their services just as I do a bus driver and a nurse. The profession doesn't provide license to scold or berate a grown man exercising his right to silent protest. This ain't Animal Farm chief, pigs don't get to stay in the house just because they're pigs. Maybe you think that a police officer dying is more important than a teacher or a janitor but I'm not a separatist so. By the way,weren't you one of the All Lives Matter guys just a couple pages ago? I guess you meant to say all lives matter according to your class system.
Yes airportis, you are the shining example of a good human being.

Hope that drives you into a blind rage, freak.


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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
And one more thing airportis, it's nor my sense of reality that's fucked up.
The fact is you don't give a flying fuck about cops being shot either. Are you going to the memorial? Did you being a casserole over top the family, pick up the tab for the kids schooling? Fuck no, you used his fucking death to your benefit to run you always open mouth about how much better off a person you are Tham everyone else because you watched the fucking news. The extent of your real sympathy undoubtedly ended with a mumbled "that's sucks" or something of that nature, but it didn't stop you from eating or sleeping did it. You would have never brought that cop up again if it didn't serve you a selfish purpose. That's the reality of it. I may be everything you said, but at least I don't try to bullshit everyone about who I am.

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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Personally I'd like to see some verification of these gunshots and shrapnel (should be 2 purple hearts) you rant about constantly....especially considering the only assault you have been involved in that can be verified was on women and children in swimming pool at golf outing...and that didn't take a whole lot of courage.

Hope this helps!


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Jul 13, 1999
Personally I'd like to see some verification of these gunshots and shrapnel (should be 2 purple hearts) you rant about constantly....especially considering the only assault you have been involved in that can be verified was on women and children in swimming pool at golf outing...and that didn't take a whole lot of courage.

Hope this helps!
Great seeing you post, Wayne. I miss seeing you around and hope you decide to hang around more. It made my day seeing your name posting.

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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Yeah and I still have the scars all over my legs, arms and chest from some unfriendly shrapnel. So fucking what. It doesn't give me authority to diminish another citizen just because he kneeled down during the fucking anthem. I have never been a fan of his in the first place but at least he trying to affect change for something that obviously means something to him.

Let me ask you this, do you stop and call the police when you see the giant ass holiday flags being flown at car dealerships? They're not supposed to be according the standards, are you equally affronted?

What about the rebel or confederate flag? Did you bitch when they took it down, did you defend it as being part of our country's history? Do you or have you ever had one? Are you disgusted when you see a gal in a flag bikini?

Who gives a fuck that some cop got shot in the line of duty, it happens a lot, that's the job they chose. If a court reporter gets carpal tunnel syndrome should we have them carry the Olympic torch?


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Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Yeah and I still have the scars all over my legs, arms and chest from some unfriendly shrapnel. So fucking what. It doesn't give me authority to diminish another citizen just because he kneeled down during the fucking anthem. I have never been a fan of his in the first place but at least he trying to affect change for something that obviously means something to him.

Let me ask you this, do you stop and call the police when you see the giant ass holiday flags being flown at car dealerships? They're not supposed to be according the standards, are you equally affronted?

What about the rebel or confederate flag? Did you bitch when they took it down, did you defend it as being part of our country's history? Do you or have you ever had one? Are you disgusted when you see a gal in a flag bikini?

Who gives a fuck that some cop got shot in the line of duty, it happens a lot, that's the job they chose. If a court reporter gets carpal tunnel syndrome should we have them carry the Olympic torch?


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This is one of the more ridiculous posts I think I have seen on here. You are a better man than this.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
This is one of the more ridiculous posts I think I have seen on here. You are a better man than this.
No I'm not. I'm just a man, nothing more, nothing less. I don't pretend to go in for all the false patriotism and feigned disgust when it comes to these type situations. Just like I didn't jump on the bandwagon and tell the world Roseanne Barr was a horrible person for her rendition of the anthem, when at the very same time Leslie O'Neal had the number one movie in the country, Naked Gun, in which his comedic rendition of the anthem brought laughter and praise from the same people.

Every death is equally tragic to someone.
When I hear about four high school kids killed in an auto accident, I think to myself, "that sucks" and quickly go on with my inconsequential daily activities. When a cop that I've never met dies in a shootout, I think to myself, "that sucks" and quickly move on to my inconsequential daily activities. That is the absolute truth and reality of my reaction. When Princess Diana was killed, I was a bit more shaken because I personally thought she was a little bit better human being than most because of her charitable and kind nature.
The death of innocents bothers me more than all others. I was simply being honest about it. Police officers aren't innocent, nor are they special. I have more respect for firemen, medical professionals, educators, scientists, etc... As a society we have cured diseases, learned new technology, saved countless lives with heroic firemen, yet crime had gotten worse and worse. All Calpone had policemen on his payroll and they killed people. A police officer went into a private citizens backyard and killed two family pet dogs for no reason the other day. I watched video after video of police killing unarmed men and women, beating women, abusing authority, forcing women into sexual favors, falsifying evidence, lying on the stand, and getting away with murder, so excuse the fuck out of me for not ignoring all of that and crowning them a hero because they got shot by someone that maybe, just maybe, wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger had the millions of officers that have gone before them would have done their job as effectively as the kid that cleaned the spill up in aisle 5 so you didn't slip on it. I'm truly sorry that I don't find it necessary or commendable to express how much sadder I am than everyone else that an officer died while working or I don't jump on the bandwagon and express outrage at something as meaningless as kneeling during the anthem which is only tbe subject of outrage due to a media event. It's all false bravado and fake ass bullshit. You want to stop kaepernick from kneeling? Maybe actually ask why the fuck he finds it necessary or even something really crazy like acknowledge that unarmed blacks are being shot at 5 times the rate of all others combined. Maybe don't diminish the throng of voices trying to tell you there is a real problem of racial inequality in the U.S., but that is just crazy talk, because all of us white folks know what best. We have all lived in black ghettos and abject poverty which is why we all know that "they" have the same opportunities we do to get a job and get out of it, why else would we say so all the time. Nope, the problem is obviously that "they're" all just punk ass lazy ni......oh wait, I forgot, we call "then" thugs now because we're pretty sure "they" haven't caught on yet that we really mean nigger when we say it. Then again us good white folks can always just quit putting it on the fucking news, or maybe shoot another gorilla that us beautiful kind, and effusively compassionate "good people" have ripped from its poached mother and caged it's entire life. Hell it sure made the whole school shooting problem go away didn't it?

If you or anyone want to be outraged at whatever the news tells you to be, so be it.
It. You want to think you all are great Americans when you defend the confederate flag, berate the president, yet clap for the veterans at the baseball game than get smooth fucking after it. I try to be more honest with myself, so no, I'm not a better man, I was just created equal, not special.

Here is the good news though, i am exactly who I am. I enjoy my life and I'm a happy, generous, kind, compassionate person or so my friends and associates tell me. I have several shortcomings and faults, but I think that may be because I'm only human.

I have truly appreciated all the acerbic vitriol thrown my way for expressing an opinion tangent to the one assigned by our new social conscience. It warms my heart to know what a piece of shit I am because I have a different viewpoint. Yep, I can see this whole black lives matter issue getting solved in no time with all the well conditioned denial surrounding it. Unfortunately though, I think I'm done with it. I'm sure there are far more pressing issues that I can attend to. I heard Tim Brady may be having extra starch put into opposing teams laundry. Now that's sad!

Hope this helps,
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Jul 6, 2003
I think you qualify as the Number 1 Deplorable that spews on the site.
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