An open letter to the members of Madjack's


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Originally Posted by The Sponge
yeah one racist saying the other isnt a racist

dumber than a bucket of hair...

They don't bother me Weasie--I've associated/met with many here and live in same town with a few--so most have pretty good idea where I come from-

Most the race baiters here are those that are statistically challeged :00x7

---and never made it out from behind their computer. :)


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
WTF is YOUR problem? I've never "whined" to YOU one time. I've never asked you to defend me or to remove someone's posts for any reason whatsoever. My point is people need to stop whining, in general. I take all kinds of sh*t all the time, and I've never complained about it. It's kind of obvious that Kosar is an asshole pretty much 100 percent of the time, but oh, that's "cute", that's just Kosar being Kosar.

My point is, there is *unequal* treatment depending on who you are. HOWEVER, it's impossible to make everyone happy. I say unless it's a blatant racial slur, just let it go. Who cares if someone says "Do you like watermelon?". I mean, really.

WTF is your problem bitch?


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Aug 23, 2002
My thoughts Garry---I have never met Raymond but have seen his posts for bout ten years.

--and I may be wrong but somehow I can not see Raymond or anyone I know (and I know some I would call border line racist by my standards) think it was :mj07: that such a peril would inflict any country. My opinion was his mind was going in direction when he was typing reply to another.

Do I think Ray uses term nigger in everyday language--probably and would say 99% here have used term one time or another.

I also think Ray would be the 1st to help out a person in need - whether he was black/white or whatever. I think all races have prejudices and many justified --but is far cry from any being racist.

so imo -I believe Ray may be prejudice but not a racist--flip side when blacks vote 98% along ethnic lines-I'd say that might be logically viewed as a hint of prejudice --but certainly wouldn't signify any were racists. :)

Why on Earth are you trying to inject a little common sense into the proceedings? You're only going to end up confusing people.


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
Funny how so many people have a "conscience" about the things Raymond says, but have no problem with anti-women posts. I've taken a lot of sh*t from people for no other reason than being a female.

If you don't like Ray's posts, ignore them. Yeah, he acts childish sometimes, but so do many other people on here. Not to mention, I've read plenty of threads from posters like Shawn 555 that have a racial bent against whites and toward blacks.

It's just like real life; there are plenty of people who seem decent and enjoy good conversation/banter. Trying to police every little thing people say is impossible. I mean, if a post like "Do you like watermelon?" is going to set you off, that's ridiculous. There sure seems to be a lot of double standards around here regarding what is acceptable. Outrage for some, and selectively choosing to ignore others.

If you are going to be throwing wild accusations, that are wrong, you better be able to prove it.

Lets see my racist posts.


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
Come on Kelly, since you are so quick to call me a racist I would think you have some examples ready to go to back up such an extreme claim.

I admit I use salty language but I blame Scott for that.

If I ever said anything that was construed as racist I apologize and that is not how I am.

I do think this is a case where someone has no idea of what they are talking is quick to call me a racist with no actual facts to back up their absurd claim.


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Nov 4, 2000
Location has something to do with shaping someone thinking/view of racist remarks. What you were taught as you grew up can play a part. Over time a prersons thinking can change. Some that were racist are no longer. Some that weren't are. The point to remember is it works both ways. I remember my Army day's. Being a skinny litte white boy from Wis who grew up with two kids of color in the whole town of 50000. WE all had fun and respect for each other. I played on the baseball team with both. My Dad was friends with there Dad.
Boy what a wake up call the Army was in 1960 for me. THere was plenty racist to go around both ways. I was taught fast why these folks had there opinions of each other. And I can see how that is hard for some to shape a differant view. But I believe the country as a whole will change slowy for the better. And I believe it has. Will there be slip ups and experiances that will keep this on a slow path. I believe so. Im not trying to defend anyone here. But im smart enough to know. It.s differant how someone may see things in New Jersey or Mississippi. Then a white boy from a small Wis town. No offence ment to anyone.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Location has something to do with shaping someone thinking/view of racist remarks. What you were taught as you grew up can play a part. Over time a prersons thinking can change. Some that were racist are no longer. Some that weren't are. The point to remember is it works both ways. I remember my Army day's. Being a skinny litte white boy from Wis who grew up with two kids of color in the whole town of 50000. WE all had fun and respect for each other. I played on the baseball team with both. My Dad was friends with there Dad.
Boy what a wake up call the Army was in 1960 for me. THere was plenty racist to go around both ways. I was taught fast why these folks had there opinions of each other. And I can see how that is hard for some to shape a differant view. But I believe the country as a whole will change slowy for the better. And I believe it has. Will there be slip ups and experiances that will keep this on a slow path. I believe so. Im not trying to defend anyone here. But im smart enough to know. It.s differant how someone may see things in New Jersey or Mississippi. Then a white boy from a small Wis town. No offence ment to anyone.

Stop trying to agitate, Dave.


Forum Member
Oct 26, 2009
Although i agree with ur first post 100 percent u don't think that watermelon comment is a blatant racial slur? The destruction in Haiti and all those people suffering and he finds time to post something as dispicable as that.:shrug: That is about as much nonsense as DTB saying he doesn't think Raymond is a racist :mj07: :mj07:

How about the endless "white trash," "inbred hillbilly," etc. That's about 100x as common here as the odd 'watermelon.' I don't hold any brief for Raymond or the other neocon dupes, but they endure far more abuse than they dish out - because the proprietor agrees with the politics of their abusers. I don't blame them for fighting back.

Just saying, as an outsider, there's an obvious double standard here.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2001
Good God, Jack must get real fuckin tired of having to play mediator all the time. Not a job anybody would like (babysitting grown men on a regular basis).

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